218 research outputs found

    Population diversity with special reference to rangeland plants

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    Population diversity is the second level in the diversity hierarch immediately above genetic diversity and below species diversity. It is revealed through variation in characteristics among individuals that form the population. The modular structure of plants contrasts with the unitary structure of animals and leads to a need for a clear definition of the plant individuals. Developmental stages and age classes are common components of structural diversity that should vary in healthy plant populations. Data regarding these components are gathered with techniques that ensure that the fate and reproduction of each individual plant is maintained. Techniques such as population viability analysis use measures of the probability of individuals progressing from one stage or age to another stage or age. When these measures are obtained under differing management objectives they can be used to project the vulnerability of the population to management options. Examples are presented that demonstrate the risk of a population explosion of a cheatgrass population and the risk of extinction for bluebunch wheatgrass under two grazing systems

    A study of the reactions of fluorine containing olefins

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    Establishing Native Grasses in a Big Sagebrush–Dominated Site: An Intermediate Restoration Step

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    Many semiarid rangelands in the Great Basin, U.S.A., are shifting dominance to woody species as a consequence of land degradation including intense livestock grazing and fire suppression. Whereas past rehabilitation efforts in Big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) steppes removed the shrub and added introduced forage grasses to successfully shift communities from shrublands to grasslands, current consensus is that native species should be included in restoration projects and that retention of some woody plants is desirable. We examined the potential for interseeding grasses into dense shrub communities as a precursor to thinning shrubs and releasing grasses from shrub interference. We compared seedling establishment of the native grass, Bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata), with that of the Eurasia grass, Crested wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorum), in dense Ar. tridentata stands. Shrubs may play an important role as nurse plants for seedling establishment (reduced solar radiation, ‘‘island of fertility’’ effect) but result in highly contrasting light environments and root interference for seedlings. In experimental plots, we examined effects of Ar. tridentata shade levels (0, 40, 70, and 90% reduction of solar radiation) and initial root exclusion (present/absent) on the establishment and growth of P. spicata and Ag. desertorum seedlings. With this design we evaluated the interference effects of Ar. tridentata on the two grasses and identified the most beneficial microsites for grass restoration in Ar. tridentata– dominated communities. We predicted seedling survival and growth to be greater under moderate shade (40% reduction) and limited root competition than under no or strong shade conditions (0 and 90%) and unrestricted root interactions. Fifty to 85% of the P. spicata and Ag. desertorum seedlings survived the dry summer months of 1995 and 1996 and the intervening winter. Neither shading nor root exclusion from Ar. tridentata affected final seedling survival of either species. Seedling biomass of both grass species was negatively affected by initial root interactions with Ar. tridentata. However, the analysis of seedling biomass variability (coefficient of variation) indicated that in all shade and root-exclusion treatments, some seedlings of both species developed to large individuals to survive in Ar. tridentata–dominated rangelands. Thus, the use of interseeding techniques shows promise for restoring herbaceous species in dense Ar. tridentata stands and should be given further consideration when shrub retention is an important consideration

    Problem Analysis for the Vegetation Diversity Project

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    Management of the majority of public rangeland in the Great Basin and Columbia-Snake River Plateau falls under the authority of the Bureau of Land Management. The flora of this land ranges from highly diverse native plant communities to deteriorated lands dominated by exotic annuals. Approximately nine percent of the BLM’s 78 million acres of public land in this region is degraded to such a degree that changes in land management alone will not result in significant improvement. The BLM intends to restore native plant communities on these deteriorated lands, but current revegetation techniques used to establish introduced perennial grasses are often unsuccessful in establishing native plants. On lands where native communities exist, the BLM desires to maintain and to enhance native plant diversity. Encroachment of highly competitive exotic forbs and annual grasses in native plant communities raises concern among managers over the appropriate management to maintain native communities. Coupled with these concerns are impacts on vegetation of the documented increase in CO, and of predicted global climate change. The BLM therefore recognizes the need for research to understand and solve these problems and for the results of this research to be transferred to land managers. The Great Basin and Columbia Plateau region consists of two major ecosystems: the sagebrush ecosystem, generally located in the northern half of the region; and the salt-desert shrub ecosystem, located in the southern half. These ecosystems differ greatly in their composition of plant species and in their climatic and soil conditions. Therefore, techniques developed in one ecosystem may not be directly transferred to the other ecosystem. We propose to initially concentrate studies in the Wyoming big sagebrush communities of the sagebrush ecosystem, because: (1) these communities represent a large amount of the BLM lands in Oregon, Idaho, northeastern California, Nevada and Utah; and (2) the low precipitation within these communities limits the success of standard revegetation methods. Shadscale communities of the salt-desert shrub ecosystem were given the next priority for study. These communities are a major component in four of the five participating states. Since the shadscale communities differ greatly from sagebrush communities, studies of shadscale communities will be initiated when the project reaches full funding. Similar studies to those proposed here for sagebrush communities would be conducted on this new suite of species and environmental conditions. Low sagebrush communities would be given the lowest priority and are unlikely to be initiated. Plant associations in low sagebrush and Wyoming sagebrush communities are similar and thus promising techniques for the Wyoming sagebrush communities may work well in low sagebrush communities and may be attempted later in the project

    Resilience and Resistance of Sagebrush Ecosystems: Implications for State and Transition Models and Management Treatments

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    In sagebrush ecosystems invasion of annual exotics and expansion of piñon (Pinus monophylla Torr. and Frem.) and juniper (Juniperus occidentalis Hook., J. osteosperma [Torr.] Little) are altering fire regimes and resulting in large-scale ecosystem transformations. Management treatments aim to increase resilience to disturbance and enhance resistance to invasive species by reducing woody fuels and increasing native perennial herbaceous species. We used Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaluation Project data to test predictions on effects of fire vs. mechanical treatments on resilience and resistance for three site types exhibiting cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) invasion and/or piñon and juniper expansion: 1) warm and dry Wyoming big sagebrush (WY shrub); 2) warm and moist Wyoming big sagebrush (WY PJ); and 3) cool and moist mountain big sagebrush (Mtn PJ). Warm and dry (mesic/aridic) WY shrub sites had lower resilience to fire (less shrub recruitment and native perennial herbaceous response) than cooler and moister (frigid/xeric) WY PJ and Mtn PJ sites. Warm (mesic) WY Shrub and WY PJ sites had lower resistance to annual exotics than cool (frigid to cool frigid) Mtn PJ sites. In WY shrub, fire and sagebrush mowing had similar effects on shrub cover and, thus, on perennial native herbaceous and exotic cover. In WY PJ and Mtn PJ, effects were greater for fire than cut-and-leave treatments and with high tree cover in general because most woody vegetation was removed increasing resources for other functional groups. In WY shrub, about 20% pretreatment perennial native herb cover was necessary to prevent increases in exotics after treatment. Cooler and moister WY PJ and especially Mtn PJ were more resistant to annual exotics, but perennial native herb cover was still required for site recovery. We use our results to develop state and transition models that illustrate how resilience and resistance influence vegetation dynamics and management options

    Linear Estimation of Location and Scale Parameters Using Partial Maxima

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    Consider an i.i.d. sample X^*_1,X^*_2,...,X^*_n from a location-scale family, and assume that the only available observations consist of the partial maxima (or minima)sequence, X^*_{1:1},X^*_{2:2},...,X^*_{n:n}, where X^*_{j:j}=max{X^*_1,...,X^*_j}. This kind of truncation appears in several circumstances, including best performances in athletics events. In the case of partial maxima, the form of the BLUEs (best linear unbiased estimators) is quite similar to the form of the well-known Lloyd's (1952, Least-squares estimation of location and scale parameters using order statistics, Biometrika, vol. 39, pp. 88-95) BLUEs, based on (the sufficient sample of) order statistics, but, in contrast to the classical case, their consistency is no longer obvious. The present paper is mainly concerned with the scale parameter, showing that the variance of the partial maxima BLUE is at most of order O(1/log n), for a wide class of distributions.Comment: This article is devoted to the memory of my six-years-old, little daughter, Dionyssia, who leaved us on August 25, 2010, at Cephalonia isl. (26 pages, to appear in Metrika

    Soil Resources Influence Vegetation and Response to Fire and Fire-Surrogate Treatments in Sagebrush-Steppe Ecosystems

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    Current paradigm suggests that spatial and temporal competition for resources limit an exotic invader, cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.), which once established, alters fire regimes and can result in annual grass dominance in sagebrush steppe. Prescribed fire and fire surrogate treatments (mowing, tebuthiuron, and imazapic) are used to reduce woody fuels and increase resistance to exotic annuals, but may alter resource availability and inadvertently favor invasive species. We used four study sites within the Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaluation Project (SageSTEP) to evaluate 1) how vegetation and soil resources were affected by treatment, and 2) how soil resources influenced native herbaceous perennial and exotic annual grass cover before and following treatment. Treatments increased resin exchangeable NH4+, NO3-, H2PO4-, and K+, with the largest increases caused by prescribed fire and prolonged by application of imazapic. Burning with imazapic application also increased the number of wet growing degree days. Tebuthiuron and imazapic reduced exotic annual grass cover, but imazapic also reduced herbaceous perennial cover when used with prescribed fire. Native perennial herbaceous species cover was higher where mean annual precipitation and soil water resources were relatively high. Exotic annual grass cover was higher where resin exchangeable H2PO4- was high and gaps between perennial plants were large. Prescribed fire, mowing, and tebuthiuron were successful at increasing perennial herbaceous cover, but the results were often ephemeral and inconsistent among sites. Locations with sandy soil, low mean annual precipitation, or low soil water holding capacity were more likely to experience increased exotic annual grass cover after treatment, and treatments that result in slow release of resources are needed on these sites. This is one of few studies that correlate abiotic variables to native and exotic species cover across a broad geographic setting, and that demonstrates how soil resources potentially influence the outcome of management treatments
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