15 research outputs found

    The Relationship of Ns1 Antigen Profi Le and Days of Illness in Children with Dengue Virus Infection

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    Introduction: Dengue NS1 Antigen (NS1 Ag) detection or quantification has become a specific diagnostic tool for dengue virus infection, but has variable sensitivity. Previous research reported NS1 Ag level can be detected up to the 7th–10th day of fever, others stated the sensitivity was decreased after four days of fever. We performed this research to analyze the NS1 Ag profile and its relationship with the day of illness. Methods: This study was a prospective cohort study on 39 children hospitalized at Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya since November 2009 to May 2010. Inclusion criteria were acute fever less than 72 hours, bleeding tendency denoted at least by positive tourniquet test, age between 1–14 years, and confirmed by positive dengue IgM/IgG on the 5th day of fever. We performed daily quantitative dengue NS1 Ag tests until defervescence day, and its relationship with the day of illness were analyzed. Results: NS1 Ag was positive in 19/39 samples. Secondary infection occurred in 14/19 of Dengue Fever and 17/20 of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever cases. Positivity of NS1Ag was higher in primary (6/8 cases) than secondary infection (12/31 cases). Mean level of NS1 Ag was highest on the 2nd day, decreased afterwards and undetected on the 5th day of fever. There was significant relationship between NS1 Ag positivity (P=0.037, rs=-0.9) and level (P<0.001, rs=-1) with the day of illness. Discussions: Dengue NS1 Ag positivity and level were highest during the acute phase of fever and decreased afterwards

    Determinants Of Parent's Decisions In Immunizing Measles Rubella (Mr) Vaccine

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    Background: The government's effort to reduce measles and rubella transmission are by increasing MR immunization coverage. The immunization coverage was influenced by parent's decisions. There were factors that related with parent's decisions such as knowledge, perceived susceptibility, seriousness, benefit, barrier, self-efficacy, and cues to action. This study aimed to analyze factors related with parent's decisions in giving MR immunization. Methods: This was a cross sectional study using questionnaire among parents of children aged 10-30 months at working area of Kenjeran public health center, Surabaya. Data of knowledge, perceived susceptibility, seriousness, benefit, barrier, self-efficacy, and cues to action regarding MR immunization then analyzed using chi-square and logistic regression. Result: From 206 parents, 56.3% were giving MR immunization to their children. Parent's knowledge (p=0.023; OR=18.08), perceived barrier (p=0.002; OR=46.79), and self-efficacy (p=0.033; OR=7.66) were related with parent's decisions. Conclusion: Parent's decisions in giving MR immunization was related with knowledge, perceived barrier, and self-efficacy

    The Relationship Between Menstrual Cycle Characteristics with Dysmenorrhea and Adolescents Social Life

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    Background: Dysmenorrhea is a common gynecological problem related to the menstrual cycle. Risk factors for dysmenorrhea are age of menarche, length of menstrual cycle, duration and menstrual volume. Teenagers who experienced dysmenorrhea report the negative impact of dysmenorrhea on a social life. This study aimed to determine the relationship between menstrual cycle characteristics with dysmenorrhea and adolescent social life. Method: The study design used in this research was Cross Sectional with statistical analysis of Rank Spearman test and Chi Square and a significance limit of 5%. The population in this study were 449 students with the inclusion criteria of female students aged 14-16 who had menstruated in the last 3 months. Data was collected using primary data. Sample of 151 students were obtained using total sampling techniques. Results: The percentage of respondents who experienced dysmenorrhea in this study were 90.7% and 78.8% of them stated that dysmenorrhea disrupted their social life. There was a relationship between duration (p=0.006) and menstrual volume (p=0.004) with dysmenorrhea. The relationship also found between menstrual volume (p=0.033) and dysmenorrhea (p=&lt;0.001) with adolescent social life. Conclusion: The characteristics of the menstrual cycle that were associated with dysmenorrhea were duration and menstrual volume and the social life of adolescents were significantly correlated with dysmenorrhea

    Implementation of Ten Steps Towards Successful Breastfeeding at Tanah Kalikedinding Health CENTER Surabaya City, 2020

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    Background One of the government's efforts to increase the achievement of exclusive breastfeeding is the 10 LMKM program. Since 1991 in Indonesia, it has been introduced, but in its implementation it is not yet known by all health facilities even though several existing steps have been implemented, but the 10 LMKM policy has not been known by providers.Objectives Describe implementation and barriers to providers in program implementation, identify compliance and barriers to mothers as program recipients. Methods The research used descriptive qualitative research. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling to explore the implementation of 10 LMKM in Tanah Kalikedinding Health Center. Informants in accordance with the inclusion criteria 7 providers and 8 mothers as program recipients. Researchers interacted offline and online via video calls while adhering to health protocols. Results The implementation of 10 LMKM has been running with the internal policies of the Puskesmas referring to the Permenkes, carrying out tasks according to the SOP. Several providers have attended training and disseminated it to staff. Monitoring and evaluation is carried out through the credential team at the Puskesmas. Officers in implementing 10 LMKM to support the achievement of exclusive breastfeeding are committed to complying with the SOP. Provider barriers from external factors are the lack of health workers, especially midwives on duty, so that KIE regarding breastfeeding and others is not optimal. Mothers as program recipients when ANC is already in IEC, obediently follow the services provided and have not been fostered or referred to breastfeeding support groups. Barriers to exclusive breastfeeding in program implementation are influenced by external factors of working mothers. Conclusion The implementation of the 10 LMKM program at the Tanah Kalikedinding heath center has not been maximized

    Relationship Between Picky Eating And Nutritional Status In Preschool Children

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    Background : Picky eating is a condition when children refuse to eat certain foods. Picky eating usually stops within 2 years as part of the growth process, those who stop picky eating after more than 2 years tend to be more difficult to accept new types of food. This may be unfavorable for a child's growth and nutritional status. The study was conducted to analyze the relationship between picky eating with nutritional status in preschool children. Method : This research method was observational analytic quantitative with cross sectional research design. Sampling used a total sampling technique. Data was collected in 3 preschool in October 2019 using primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected using a questionnaire given to parents to measure picky eating used Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire (CEBQ). Nutritional status was measured bytaking anthropometric measurements of children. Data analysis used fisher exact correlation tests. Results : The results obtained a sample of 78 respondents from 3 preschool. The average age of children was 48,37 months with a median was 49,00. The result showed 62,8% of children were female, 55,1% were second or more children, 88,5% had routine growth monitoring, 53,8% were in extended families, and 73,1% of children were taken care by their parents. The prevalence of children with picky eating was 70,5%. Nutritional status measurements found 1.3% of children included in underweight category and 83,3% normal. Results of the analysis of the relationship between picky eating and nutritional status showed p value = 0,819. Conclusion : There was no relationship between picky eating with nutritional status in preschool children