36 research outputs found

    Zur Flora in der Umgebung von Tilleda (MTB 4532/4)

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    Im Rahmen der floristischen Bestandsaufnahme für die „Flora des Kyffhäusergebirges und der näheren Umgebung“ (BARTHEL & PUSCH, erscheint voraussichtlich 1999) und für die „Flora von Sachsen-Anhalt“ untersuchten die Verfasser in den letzten Jahren auch die Gefäßpflanzen im Umfeld von Tilleda (Landkreis Sangerhausen). Dabei wurde das Untersuchungsgebiet so ausgewählt, daß sich alle nachfolgend genannten Fundortsangaben auf den Meßtischblatt-Quadranten 4532/4 (MTB Kelbra) beziehen

    Zur floristischen Situation des salzbeeinflußten Gebietes zwischen Riethnordhausen und Hackpfüffel

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    Im Landkreis Sangerhausen, MTB 4533/34, zwischen Hackpfüffel und Riethnordhausen, nur wenige Kilometer nordöstlich des Kyffhäusergebirges, befindet sich innerhalb eines Feuchtwiesenkomplexes eine kleinere Salzwiese mit zahlreichen bemerkenswerten Salzpflanzen (Halophyten). Dieser Wiesenkomplex wird im Süden von einem Schilfmantel, im Norden von der Straße Hackpfüffel - Riethnordhausen und im Osten von einem Pappelhain begrenzt (siehe Karte, Teilgebiet 1). Er liegt im nördlichen Teil des einstweilig gesicherten NSG ”Hackpfüffler See”. Hier kam es infolge Subrosion unterlagernder Zechsteinschichten zur Bildung zahlreicher Erdfälle, die heute mit Wasser gefüllt sind. Weitere, mehr oder weniger salzbeeinflußte Wiesenflächen und Gräben finden wir nördlich der Straße Hackpfüffel - Riethnordhausen (Teilgebiet 5 und Graben 6) aber auch östlich des Pappelhaines bis zu den Riethnordhäuser Kleingärten (Teilgebiete 2, 3 und 7) und damit außerhalb des Naturschutzgebietes. Einige halophile Pflanzenarten kommen auch außerhalb unseres eigentlichen Bearbeitungsgebietes, im Umfeld des nahen Hackloches am Südwestrand von Riethnordhausen, vor

    Schutz der Ackerwildkräuter in Thüringen - Eine Erfolgsgeschichte des Naturschutzes

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    Der Anbau von Feldfrüchten wird durch Pflanzen beeinträchtigt, die ohne bewusstes Zutun des Menschen auftreten und zu einer Minderung der Erträge führen können. Derartige Kräuter und Gräser werden allgemein als Unkräuter bezeichnet. Die Definition der Unkräuter als unerwünschte und Schaden verursachende Pflanzen erweist sich als einseitig wirtschaftsorientiert. Unter ökologischen Aspekten handelt es sich um Pflanzen, die zusammen mit den Nutzpflanzen auftreten und in ihrer Lebensweise und ihren Standortansprüchen den Kulturpflanzen angepasst sind


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    FESTSCHRIFT Festschrift / Pritzel, Manfred (Rights reserved) (-

    Remarcable occurrences of Orobanche artemisiae-campestris Vaucher ex Gaudin and Orobanche bohemica Čelak. have been detected in Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt (Germany)

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    Es werden zwei bemerkenswerte Orobanche-Funde in Mitteldeutschland vorgestellt. Zum einen wird über einen Fund der in Sachsen-Anhalt seit Jahrzehnten verschollen geglaubten Panzer-Sommerwurz (Orobanche artemisiae-campestris) bei Wendelstein und zum anderen über einen weiteren Thüringer Nachweis der Böhmischen Sommerwurz (Orobanche bohemica) bei Hemleben berichtet.It is reported on two remarkable findings of Orobanche species in central Germany. Orobanche artemisiaecampestris considered as missing in Saxony-Anhalt since decades was found close to Wendelstein. Furthermore there was found a new stand of Orobanche bohemica close to Hemleben in Thuringia

    Vorarbeiten „Zu den Botanikern des Kyffhäusergebietes“ am Beispiel von Gustav Oertel (1834–1908)

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    Barthel, K.-J. & Pusch, J. 2002: Vorarbeiten „Zu den Botanikern des Kyffhäusergebietes“ am Beispiel von Gustav Oertel (1834–1908). Schlechtendalia 8: 23–31.Die vorliegende Arbeit beinhaltet eine Biographie von Gustav Oertel, einschließlich seines wissenschaftlichen Werdegangs. Oertel ist einer der wichtigen Sammler des Herbariums des Instituts für Geobotanik und Botanischer Garten der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle (Saale). Diese Arbeit ist ein erster Beitrag zu einer umfassenden Veröffentlichung über die Botaniker der Kyffhäuserregion (Nordostthüringen und Raum Sangerhausen), die von den Autoren bis 2005 geplant ist.Barthel, K.-J. & Pusch, J. 2002: Preliminary studies to „The botanists of the Kyffhäuser area“ with Gustav Oertel (1834–1908) as example. Schlechtendalia 8: 23–31. The present paper comprises a biography of Gustav Oertel, including his scientific career. Oertel is one of the important collectors of the Herbarium of the Institute of Geobotany and Botanical garden of the Martin-Luther-University, Halle (Saale). It is the first contribution towards a comprehensive treatment of botanists of the Kyffhäuser region (north-eastern Thuringia and area around Sangerhausen) planned by the authors up to 2005.Die Schlechtendalia publiziert Originalbeiträge mit Schwerpunkt Spezielle Botanik und Biodiversität, Floristik, Mykologie/Lichenologie, Wissenschaftsgeschichte und andere Themen mit Bezug zu Botanischen Gärten und Herbarien

    Temnothorax alienus

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    <i>Temnothorax alienus</i> nov. spec. <p>(Figs. 2, 3, 22, 26, 28, 29)</p> <p> <b>Holotype worker.</b> ITALY, Campania, near Tortora, N. Sapri, Parco Nazionale del Cilento, 39°57.879'N 15°48.809'E, 633 m. a.s.l., 28.iv.2004 (Leg. K. Pusch, C. Wanke, J. Beibl, P. D'Ettorre) [SMNK].</p> <p> <b>Paratypes.</b> 12 workers and 4 gynes, same data as holotype [MHNG, MCSN, PCAS, SMNG]; 10 workers, ITALY, Campania, near Carpaccio, N. of Agropoli & Paestum, Mte. Vesole, Parco Nazionale del Cilento, 730 m. a.s.l., 27.iv.2004 (Leg. K. Pusch, C. Wanke, J. Beibl, P. D'Ettorre) [MHNG, MCSN, PCAS, SMNG].</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> From the Latin word “ alienus ”, meaning “foreigner” or “alien”, referring to the unique combination of characters, which is found only in a small number of other western Palaearctic <i>Temnothorax</i> species.</p> <p> <b>Description of worker.</b> Measurements and indices (n=16): HL [0.684] 0.67±0.03 (0.58–0.71), HW [0.580] 0.58±0.03 (0.50–0.63), SL [0.475] 0.48±0.03 (0.43–0.53), FCD [0.220] 0.22±0.02 (0.18–0.24), ML [0.791] 0.77±0.05 (0.67–0.85), MW [0.390] 0.39±0.03 (0.32–0.46), PSL [0.095] 0.09±0.01 (0.07–0.11), PEL [0.238] 0.24±0.02 (0.21–0.27), PEW [0.171] 0.18±0.02 (0.15–0.21), PEH [0.238] 0.23±0.02 (0.21–0.27), PHD [0.090] 0.09±0.01 (0.07–0.11), PPL [0.162] 0.16±0.02 (0.13–0.18), PPW [0.238] 0.23±0.02 (0.20–0.26), HS 0.63±0.03 (0.54–0.67), HW/HL 0.86±0.03 (0.83–0.97), SL/HS 0.77±0.03 (0.70–0.82), FCD/HS 0.34±0.02 (0.31–0.36), MW/ML 0.50±0.03 (0.48–0.63), PSL/ML 0.11±0.01 (0.09–0.13), PEH/PEL 0.98±0.05 (0.91–1.08), PEW/PEL 0.74±0.07 (0.68–0.90), PHD/PEW 0.48±0.07 (0.35–0.56), PPL/PPW 0.72±0.06 (0.64–0.79), PEW/PPW 0.76±0.08 (0.71–0.97).</p> <p>Head narrower anterior to eyes than posteriorly. Margins of head posterior to eyes weakly convex, vertexal corners evenly rounded, posterior margin of vertex linear. Frontal triangle somewhat impressed but not clearly demarcated. Frontal carinae narrow and short, strongly divergent posteriorly. Mesosoma with dorsal profile evenly and weakly convex, without metanotal groove. Propodeal spines broadly attached, nearly triangular, acute, slightly pointed upward and slightly divergent. Petiole subsessile, its anterior face straight or only slightly concave, node triangular with rounded apex. Posterior face weakly convex or straight, sloping downwards nearly at the same angle as the anterior face. Anterior subpetiolar process large, slightly longer than broad at the base. In dorsal view, petiole with weakly convex to straight sides at midlength, strongly converging anteriorly. In dorsocaudal view the node apex is relatively narrow with a straight dorsal margin. Postpetiole in lateral profile more or less evenly rounded. In dorsal view the postpetiole is subrectangular with weakly rounded corners, slightly broader anteriorly, sides are straight and nearly parallel.</p> <p>Mandibles very finely irregularly longitudinally striate, sublucid. Frontal triangle smooth with 1–2 shallow micro-rugulae. Clypeus medially lucid, without a coarse median carina, but with some paramedian striae running half way from anterior to posterior clypeal border. Scapes faintly striate to very finely granulate. Frons with a narrow medial unsculptured and lucid part, other surfaces irregularly and divergently rugose with anastomoses. Interspaces between rugae densely reticulate. Posterior frons reticulate with isolated superficial rugae. Genae, surface around the eyes and vertex irregularly rugose to striate, with densely reticulate interstices. Surface posterior to eyes with semicircular rugulae. Ventral surface of head laterally striate, medially smooth. Entire mesosoma irregularly and densely rugose to rugoreticulate, dorsal median surface of mesonotum alveolate. Space between the propodeal spines and entire petiole and postpetiole reticulate. Petiolar node with some fine rugae superimposed on the reticulum. Gaster lucid. Colour entirely yellowish-orange, appendages with same colour, without darker antennal club. Up to 2/3 of posterior portion of first gastral tergite dull orange-brown. Standing pilosity of head, mesosoma and gaster of medium size, transparent, with blunt tips.</p> <p>Some specimens have stronger medial carinae on the clypeus, the head may be slightly darker than the mesosoma, the distal antennal club may be slightly darker than the rest of the funiculus, the femur may be darker, the gaster may be mainly brownish, with a more or less extended yellow orange spot on the anteriormost portion of the first gastral tergite. The sculpture may be coarser in general, the frons may be entirely reticulate.</p> <p> <b>Description of gyne.</b> Measurements and indices (n=4): HL 0.74±0.03 (0.73–0.79), HW 0.69±0.03 (0.66– 0.73), SL 0.52±0.02 (0.50–0.54), ED 0.21±0.01 (0.19–0.22), MW 0.77±0.02 (0.75–0.80), PSL 0.10±0.01 (0.09–0.11), PEL 0.30±0.01 (0.29–0.32), PEW 0.23±0.01 (0.22–0.25), PHD 0.11±0.01 (0.10–0.11), PPL 0.23±0.01 (0.22–0.24), PPW 0.31±0.01 (0.30–0.31), ML 1.19±0.04 (1.15–1.24), PEH 0.30±0.01 (0.28–0.31), HS 0.72±0.03 (0.69–0.76), SL/HS 0.72.0±0.01 (0.71–0.73), ED/HS 0.29±0.01 (0.26–0.30), HW/HL 0.93±0.01 (0.92–0.94), MW/ML 0.65±0.01 (0.63–0.66), PSL/ML 0.08±0.01 (0.07–0.09), PEH/PEL 0.97±0.06 (0.87–1.03), PEW/PEL 0.77±0.04 (0.72–0.82), PHD/PEW 0.34±0.02 (0.32–0.36), PPL/PPW 0.74±0.03 (0.70–0.76), PEW/PPW 0.76±0.02 (0.75–0.79), PEL/ML 0.28±0.04 (0.25–0.34).</p> <p>Head relatively large with weakly convex and convergent genae, rounded vertexal corners and slightly convex anterior clypeus margin. Compound eyes relatively small. Mesosoma short, relatively high and robust, with straight dorsal margin, and distinct pronotal corners. Scutellum broader than long, posterior margin of it semicircular. Propodeal spines short, broadly attached and triangular, with pointed tips, posteriorly oriented. In dorsal view the spines are linear and parallel-sided. Petiole subsessile, with general shape as described for workers. Postpetiole shaped as in workers.</p> <p>Mandibles faintly longitudinally striate, sublucid. Frontal triangle unsculptured and lucid. Clypeus medially lucid, without a coarse median carina, but with some paramedian carinae, with lucid interstices. Scapes faintly striate, or granulate. Frons striate to carinate, with unsculptured and lucid interstices. Other parts of head dorsum more strongly longitudinally carinate to irregularly rugose, with lucid interstices. Anterior surface of pronotum reticulate, other parts broad-meshed rugose with shining interstices. Mesonotal dorsum with a few longitudinal, nearly invisible carinae, mainly shining. Scutellum lucid, laterad with 2–3 very fine striae on each side. Dorsum of propodeum transversely and diffusely carinate, between and below the spines transversely reticulo-striate. Anepisternum and other lateral parts of mesosoma irregularly and shallowly rugo-striate, with shining interstices. Petiole and postpetiole dorsally rugoreticulate, ventrally reticulate, subopaque. Bicoloured, mainly orange with equally coloured or paler appendages, without darker antennal clubs. Genae, dorsum of head, two lateral small spots of mesonotum, 50% of scutellum, and 2/3 of first gastral tergite darker coloured, testaceus to brownish. Standing pilosity as described in workers.</p> <p>The male is unknown.</p> <p> <b>Differential diagnosis.</b> Workers of <i>Temnothorax alienus</i> show the typical <i>nylanderi / parvulus</i> -like petiolar shape (Fig. 6 & 7), but differ from the latter in lacking a metanotal impression or groove. The colour of <i>T. alienus</i> is uniformly light yellow-orange, with only a slightly darker broad band on the first gastral tergite. Other Italian <i>Temnothorax</i> are dark brown to black, or have distinctly darker antennal clubs, or if yellow, they have a shining surface.</p> <p> Other species that are similar to <i>Temnothorax alienus</i> and lack a metanotal groove are <i>T. tianshanicus</i> (Tarbinsky 1976), <i>T. satunini</i> (Ruzsky, 1902), an unidentified species from Morocco, <i>T. luteus</i> (Forel 1874), <i>T. rabaudi</i> (Bondroit, 1918), and <i>T. italicus</i> (Consani & Zangheri, 1952). The central Asian <i>T. tianshanicus</i> has longer scapes, broader head, and shorter propodeal spines than <i>T. alienus</i>. The head dorsum of <i>T. tianshanicus</i> is more shining. In addition, <i>T. tianshanicus</i> sometimes has a faint metanotal depression. Other characters are similar, thus <i>T. tianshanicus</i> is morphologically the closest to <i>T. alienus</i>.</p> <p> <i>Temnothorax satunini</i> (Fig. 4 & 5), a species from southern to eastern Turkey and Caucasus, is also morphologically similar, but differs in the following characters: narrower and shining, nearly unsculptured head; yellow colour without darker gaster, and often distinctly shorter propodeal spines (PSL/ML <0.07).</p> <p> An unidentified <i>Temnothorax</i> species from Morocco (PCAS sp. 27 “ Morocco ”) has distinctly longer scapes, a lower, narrower petiole, and a faint metanotal depression. Additionally, the petiole is truncated and pedunculate. Sculpture and colour are similar to <i>T. alienus</i>.</p> <p> Another lighter coloured species with slightly convex or straight mesosomal dorsum is <i>Temnothorax luteus s.l.,</i> which is distinguishable from <i>T. alienus</i> by longer propodeal spines, broader head, longer scapes, and the distinctly lower, pedunculate and narrower petiole. Sculpture characters are similar to <i>T. alienus</i>, but in <i>T. luteus</i> the whole gaster is yellowish coloured. The taxonomic situation of <i>T. luteus</i> is not clear yet; one can split the taxon into two or more species.</p> <p> The two arboreal species <i>Temnothorax rabaudi</i> and <i>T. italicus</i> (Fig. 10 & 11) are similar in the shape of petiole and mesosoma, and might be confused with <i>T. alienus</i>. However, <i>T. rabaudi</i> and <i>T. italicus</i> differ morphometrically in the length of propodeal spines, and the petioles of both species are distinctly lower and more triangular. The petiolar node apex is more rounded in lateral view, with a straight anterior face. The sculpture of head is more heavily reticulate in both species.</p> <p> Species that have a metanotal groove but otherwise resemble <i>Temnothorax alienus</i> are <i>T. lichtensteini</i> (Bondroit, 1918), <i>T. nylanderi</i> (Foerster, 1850), <i>T. crassispinus</i> (Karawajev, 1926), <i>T. parvulus</i>, (Schenck 1850) and <i>T. flavicornis (</i> Emery 1870).</p> <p> <i>Temnothorax lichtensteini</i> (Fig. 8 & 9) workers can easily be distinguished from <i>T. alienus</i> by their very long and curved propodeal spines, the pedunculate petiole with a more rounded or truncated node, the distinct metanotal groove, and the denser sculpture of the head and other parts of the body. Also <i>T. lichtensteini</i> is smaller. Sometimes the colour is identical to <i>T. alienus,</i> but it is usually darker.</p> <p> <i>Temnothorax nylanderi</i> can be distinguished from <i>T. alienus</i> by its longer propodeal spines and more widely separated frontal carinae. <i>T. nylanderi</i> (Fig. 6 & 7) and <i>T. crassispinus</i> workers are darker, with brownish head and mainly dark brown gaster. They can be distinguished from <i>T. alienus</i> by their distinct metanotal groove, more truncated petiolar node, and evident fine and dense parallel striae on the frons. Sometimes the metanotal groove is less visible or rarely absent in <i>T. lichtensteini, T. nylanderi,</i> and <i>T. crassispinus</i>.</p> <p> <i>Temnothorax parvulus</i> has distinctly longer propodeal spines, a deep metanotal groove, a smaller head, and gradually narrower frontal carinae. In addition, <i>T. parvulus</i> has a less coarse, mainly reticulate sculpture, and a uniform pale yellow colour. <i>T. parvulus</i> is rarely found in south Italy.</p> <p> <i>Temnothorax flavicornis</i> is more common, but is easily differentiated by its 11-jointed antenna, coarser head sculpture, longer propodeal spines, and lower petiole.</p> <p> The gynes of <i>Temnothorax alienus</i> are morphologically similar to <i>T. parvulus</i> or a pale <i>T. nylanderi</i> (Fig. 30 & 31). To distinguish gynes of <i>T. alienus</i> from other <i>Temnothorax</i> species is more difficult than in workers.</p> <p> <i>T. anodontoides</i> 0.63±0.03 0.79±0.02 35</p> <p>(Dlussky & Zabe- (0.57–0.70) (0.76–0.82)</p> <p>lin, 1985)</p> <p> <i>T. nigriceps</i> (Mayr, 0.77±0.02 20</p> <p>1855) (0.72–0.81)</p> <p> Compared to <i>Temnothorax alienus</i>, gynes of <i>T. tianshanicus</i> are distinctly smaller, have longer scapes, a narrower head and petiole, a different petiole shape, and a darker colour. <i>T. satunini</i> differs in the shorter propodeal spines, in shorter and narrower head, and narrower mesosoma, but sculpture and colour are equal. In <i>T. luteus</i> the scapes and propodeal spines are longer, and the petiole is pedunculate and distinctly lower. Nearly the whole mesonotum and scutellum is strongly longitudinally rugose, whereas in <i>T. alienus</i> the surface is mainly unsculptured and shiny. In southern Italy, <i>T. luteus s.l</i>. is brownish and strongly sculptured. Gynes of <i>T. rabaudi</i> and <i>T. italicus</i> have tooth-like propodeal spines and a distinctly lower petiole. In both species the head is densely reticulate. Gynes of <i>T. lichtensteini</i> are dark ferrugineous to brown, distinctly smaller, with larger eyes, and longer propodeal spines. <i>T. nylanderi</i> has a narrower petiole in comparison with the postpetiole, darker head, and the same striation of frons as described in workers. <i>T. crassispinus</i> has distinctly longer propodeal spines. Sculpture and colour are similar to <i>T. nylanderi</i>, but <i>T. crassispinus</i> is generally darker than <i>T. alienus</i> and <i>T. nylanderi</i>. The gyne of <i>T. parvulus</i> has a smaller head, larger eyes, longer propodeal spines, and a narrower petiole in comparison with the postpetiole. The colour of <i>T. parvulus</i> is sometimes uniformly yellowish-testaceous including the gaster, in contrast to the more ferrugineous gynes of <i>T. alienus</i>, but usually <i>T. parvulus</i> has brownish coloured gynes. <i>T. parvulus</i> also has a more pedunculate petiole than <i>T. alienus</i>, yet they are very similar and most safely distinguished by morphometric characters.</p> <p> <i>T. affinis</i> (Mayr, 1855)</p> <p> <i>T. nigriceps</i> (Mayr, 1855)</p> <p> <i>T. anodontoides</i> (Dlussky & Zabelin, 1985)</p> <p> <i>T. tuberum</i> (Fabricius, 1775) 0.69±0.02</p> <p>(0.63–72)</p> <p>continued.</p> <p> <b>Comments.</b> Some of the <i>Temnothorax alienus</i> nests were collected in a forest with <i>Quercus</i> and <i>Laurus</i> trees, at the base of a hill. The ground was covered with rocks and ivy. Nests were located in dead sticks on the ground. A second locality where specimens were collected had sparse vegetation with scattered <i>Castanea</i> and <i>Corylus</i> trees.</p> <p> An unpublished cytochrome oxidase (CO 1) analysis (Pusch <i>et al</i>.) supports the hypothesis that <i>T. alienus</i> is not related to the <i>T. nylanderi / parvulus</i> complex, but is phylogenetically closer to <i>T. unifaciatus</i> or <i>T. luteus</i>.</p>Published as part of <i>Schulz, Andreas, Heinze, Jürgen & Pusch, Katja, 2007, Description of two new Te m n o t h o r a x species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Italy, pp. 1-14 in Zootaxa 1471</i> on pages 3-12, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/176690">10.5281/zenodo.176690</a&gt