68 research outputs found

    The Motivational Profile of Organic Food Consumers: a Survey of Specialized Stores Customers in Italy

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    Organic food demand is becoming increasingly important throughout the world. Despite this relevance, however, not many attempts have been carried out to profile this food market segment. This paper aims to investigate on motivations that drive consumers towards purchasing organic foods in Italy. Through a survey carried out in some organic specialized stores sited in Sardinia, we explored organic consumer behaviour with specific emphasis on understanding consumer reasons to buy organic products. A Multiple Correspondence Analysis has obtained four consumers’ motivational profiles and several findings. Furthermore, a Logit regression allowed us to evaluate the relationships between individual motivations and some socio-demographic characteristics of organic consumers. Some marketing and policy implications arise from the obtained results

    Technical Efficiency in the Sheep Dairy Industry: an Application on the Sardinian (Italy) Sector

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    Sardinia (Italy) is one of the most important European regions for sheep dairy and sheep milk cheese production. However the Sardinian sheep dairy industry is currently going through a dramatic crisis, and verifying whether it can recover part of its profitability is now a priority. Attention is now focused on estimating whether the sheep dairy firms can improve their productivity by more efficient use of their available technical resources. This paper aims to estimate technical efficiency in the Sardinian sheep dairy industry. A stochastic frontier analysis approach was used on panel data from 36 sheep dairy firms over the period 2004-2009 in order to assess whether there are some margins for technical improvements in productivity, given the existing level of technology. A comparative analysis of private firms and cooperatives was also carried out, in order to establish if there were differences in the technology they used and/or their efficiency in using technical inputs. Our findings suggest that there is technological homogeneity among the firms and between private firms and cooperatives. Technical efficiency is equal to 0.905 and it is significantly different between private firms (0.933) and cooperatives (0.877). Our findings have certain implications for what policies should be implemented in order to improve efficiency in the sector and on the orientation of decision makers strategies.Sheep dairy industry, technical efficiency, stochastic frontier analysis (SFA), private firms and cooperatives, Sardinia, Livestock Production/Industries,

    The Motivational Profile of Organic Food Consumers: a Survey of Specialized Stores Customers in Italy

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    Organic food demand is becoming increasingly important throughout the world. Despite this relevance, however, not many attempts have been carried out to profile this food market segment. This paper aims to investigate on motivations that drive consumers towards purchasing organic foods in Italy. Through a survey carried out in some organic specialized stores sited in Sardinia, we explored organic consumer behaviour with specific emphasis on understanding reasons consumers have to buy organic products. A Multiple Correspondence Analysis has obtained four consumers’ motivational profiles and several findings. Furthermore, a Logit regression allowed us to evaluate the relationships between individual motivations and some socio-demographic characteristics of organic consumers. Some marketing and policy implications arisen from the obtained results.Organic food purchase, Consumer’s motivational profilers, Logit regression., Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    La CompetitivitĂ  dell'agriturismo sardo: alcune linee guida per lo sviluppo del comparto

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    Con questo contributo si vuole evidenziare in modo dettagliato e puntuale gli elementi che si ritengono essenziali per la realizzazione di un sistema agrituristico sardo organizzato secondo quanto dettato dall'attuale scenario competitivo nazionale. Si è posto un forte accento su quelle che sono le componenti socio-psicologiche e culturali di maggiore momento che animano le scelte della particolare categoria di consumatore agriturista: si tratta perlopiĂą di persone residenti in cittĂ , sensibili ai valori, ai sentimenti ed alle mille suggestioni provenienti dal mondo rurale, dalla sua vita e dai suoi prodotti, soprattutto laddove tali realtĂ  si sono mantenute integre nella loro genuinitĂ  ed in quelle peculiaritĂ  secolari che ancora le distinguono dalle varie omologazioni tipiche del cosidetto «villaggio globale»

    Effects of lactation stage, parity, beta-lactoglobulin genotype and milk SCC on whey protein composition in Sarda dairy ewes

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    In 90 Sarda dairy ewes the effects of lactation stage, parity, beta-lactoglobulin genotypes, and somatic cell count (SCC) on the milk content of total protein (TP), casein (CN), whey protein (WP) and its fractions alpha-lactalbumin (ALA), beta-lactoglobulin (BLG), serum albumin (SA), immunoglobulin (IG) and lactoferrin (LF) were analysed using a linear mixed model. Mean values of variables (g/l) were: TP (54.0), CN (43.0), WP (11.0), BLG (4.78), ALA (1.37), SA (0.61), IG (3.83) and LF (0.28). The lactation stage significantly affected all the variables analysed. TP, CN and WP concentrations tended to increase throughout lactation, with the increase of WP being more pronounced than the corresponding variation in CN. There was no definite trend in BLG content, whereas ALA concentration decreased as lactation progressed. The parity affected almost all variables studied. WP concentration differed significantly only between the second and fourth parity (10.45 vs 11.44 g/l). BLG and SA concentrations were significantly lower in the youngest ewes. The BLG genotype affected milk yield, but no effects were observed on the components of the milk. The SCC influenced almost all variables studied. The TP concentration was significantly higher in milk with SCC >1,000,000 (55.0 g/l) than in milk with lower SCC (53.4 g/l). This was mainly due to the increase of WP (12.52 and 10.24 g/l in milk with SCC above and below 1,000,000/ml respectively), especially in those WP fractions originating from blood

    Technical efficiency in the sheep dairy industry: an application on the Sardinian (Italy) sector

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    Sardinia (Italy) is one of the most important European regions for sheep dairy and sheep milk cheese production. However the Sardinian sheep dairy industry is currently going through a dramatic crisis, and verifying whether it can recover part of its profitability is now a priority. Attention is now focused on estimating whether the sheep dairy firms can improve their productivity by more efficient use of their available technical resources. This paper aims to estimate technical efficiency in the Sardinian sheep dairy industry. A stochastic frontier analysis approach was used on panel data from 36 sheep dairy firms over the period 2004–2009 in order to assess whether there are some margins for technical improvements in productivity, given the existing level of technology. A comparative analysis of private firms and cooperatives was also carried out, in order to establish if there were differences in the technology they used and/or their efficiency in using technical inputs. Our findings suggest that there is technological homogeneity among the firms and between private firms and cooperatives. Technical efficiency is equal to 0.905 and it is significantly different between private firms (0.933) and cooperatives (0.877). Our findings have certain implications for what policies should be implemented in order to improve efficiency in the sector and on the orientation of decision makers strategies

    Technical efficiency and total factor productivity changes in European dairy farm sectors

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    This paper aims to evaluate the technical efficiency and the total factor productivity change of dairy farms in EU countries. Analyses were carried out in order to determine which countries showed the best performance adaptations when the quota regime was relaxed and to evaluate the technical conditions of European farmers at the starting point of the new regime (milk quota abolition). A data envelopment analysis (DEA) was applied on aggregate data related to 22 European countries for the period from 2004 to 2012. The findings suggest that milk farms show small scope for improving efficiency using their own technical input. The estimation of total factor productivity and its components suggest that the European milk sector has suffered a decline in productivity. This means that external factors, independent of the farmers’ capacity to use technical inputs, can play a greater role than efficiency in conditioning productivity and profitability in the near future

    The Structure of Rural Landscape in Monetary Evaluation Studies: Main Analytical Approaches in Literature

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    Over recent years considerable research has been devoted to the assessment of the rural landscape value. These studies have concerned both use and non-use value estimation. An important issue in monetary evaluations is about taking (or not) into account the structural complexity of landscape. Three analytical approaches may be recognized on the basis of whether landscape structural attributes are involved (global, mono-attribute and multi-attribute approach). The present work is part of a research aimed to seek out rational instruments for guidance policies on rural landscape. It consists in a survey of the main studies appeared in literature. The specific purpose is to classify these empirical analyses in accordance both to the approaches mentioned above and to the landscape typologies (agricultural or forestry) involved.rural landscape, structural attributes, landscape demand, contingent valuation models, choice experiment, Land Economics/Use, Q26,

    Efficacy of European Policies on Rural Landscape: the Case Study of Sardinia (ITALY)

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    Over the last decades, a large number of developed countries have explicitly recognized the importance of benefits generated from agricultural and rural landscape into their legislation. Since the early '90, preservation and enhancing of rural landscape has played an increasing role also into the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) promoted by the European Union (EU). More generally, the whole European rural development policy seems to recognize an important role to the keeping of agricultural and rural landscape. The present work is a part of a wider research aimed to identify rational instruments for guidance policies on rural landscape. The specific purpose of this paper is to evaluate efficacy of Sardinian (Italy) regional policies on rural landscape. In particular, the analysis aims to assess "functionality" of policies on rural landscape in programming policy. Results arisen from analysis of Rural Development of this first evaluation are controversial.rural landscape, rural and environmental policies, structural policies, efficacy policies evaluation, Sardinia, Agricultural and Food Policy, Q18, Q28, R59,

    The Mathematical description of lactation curves in dairy cattle

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    This review gives an overview of the mathematical modelling of lactation curves in dairy cattle. Over the last ninety years, the development of this field of study has followed the main requirements of the dairy cattle industry. Non-linear parametric functions have represented the preferred tools for modelling average curves of homogeneous groups of animals, with the main aim of predicting yields for management purposes. The increased availability of records per individual lactations and the genetic evaluation based on test day records has shifted the interest of modellers towards more flexible and general linear functions, as polynomials or splines. Thus the main interest of modelling is no longer the reconstruction of the general pattern of the phenomenon but the fitting of individual deviations from an average curve. Other specific approaches based on the modelling of the correlation structure of test day records within lactation, such as mixed linear models or principal component analysis, have been used to test the statistical significance of fixed effects in dairy experiments or to create new variables expressing main lactation curve traits. The adequacy of a model is not an absolute requisite, because it has to be assessed according to the specific purpose it is used for. Occurrence of extended lactations and of new productive and functional traits to be described and the increase of records coming from automatic milking systems likely will represent some of the future challenges for the mathematical modelling of the lactation curve in dairy cattle
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