3 research outputs found

    Influence of Media on People (Society), Free Will of People

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    katedra: KFL; rozsah: 48 s. (82 623 znaků)This work gives a brief summary of the Media effect on people. How important they are in the life of the people and how they influence the reception of them. At first we define, what the media are, how was the influence of them in the past and how it is nowadays. The present position showed us their current problems. That problem that we focus on is the violence produced by the media and this effect on teenagers. We tried to describe this burning problem to present symptoms together with a regulation possibility. We based on ten prime sources. These sources were added by a series of elaborative literature.Práce podává přehled o tom, jak média dokáží působit na člověka. Jak jsou podstatné v životě člověka a jak dokáží změnit vnímání jedince. Nejprve jsme vymezili, co média jsou, jaký měla vliv v minulosti a jaký v současnosti. Současné postavení médií nám poodhalilo jejich nové problémy. Tím, na který jsme se zaměřili, je násilí produkované médii a jeho vliv na mládež. Tento palčivý problém jsme se pokusili popsat, uvést jeho projevy a zároveň i ukázat možnosti jeho regulace. Vycházelo se z deseti primárních pramenů. Ty byly ještě doplněny o řadu další rozvíjející literatury

    Verbal and Visual Contents at the Title Pages of Newspaper Aha! and their Semiotic Productin

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    The title page is clearly the main representative of the print media, which often determines their success or failure. An even greater justification for the tabloid newspapers whose everyday existence depends on nonabonent readers. A typical representative of tabloid domestic news is Aha!, which creates his main communicator with no real functioning of the theoretical model. This does not mean that it does not work with repetitive characters or signs in this work to clearly identify key elements for creating and thus the theoretical framework that can be used in practice. To this will serve as an analysis relating to the actual Aha!, so comparisons with by the Lidove noviny and Hospodarske noviny. Researched topic will also be given one of the topical issues related images and text