18 research outputs found

    コウヒンシツ オヨビ タイエンセイ ノ バングラディシュイネ ヒンシュ オ ニホン デ サイバイ シタ バアイ ノ セイチョウ ヨウシキ オヨビ シュウリョウ コウセイ ケイシツ ノ ヒョウカ

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    バングラデッシュのイネは異なる作期に対応する品種群が分化しているばかりでなく,在来品種の中には,深水イネ,香りのある高品質米,耐塩性イネなど特異な品種が存在する。それらの品種改良はバングラデッシュのイネ育種において重要であるばかりでなく,広く遺伝資源としての価値が再認識されている。バングラデッシュで栽培されている高品質米2品種および耐塩性2品種を用いて,我が国で栽培した場合の生育特性を評価した。その結果,成長様式および収量構成形質の品種間差異が見出された。耐塩性品種Pokkaliは生育後期まで高い成長率を持続しそのため高い収量性を示すことがわかった。この品種は温帯地域においても遺伝資源として有用である可能性があり,さらに調査する必要があることを指摘した。Bangladesh rice varieties are diversified into eco-physiological groups corresponding to different cropping seasons. Moreover, various unique landraces, such as deepwater rice, fine-grained aromatic rice and salt tolerant rice are known. Those varieties are important genetic resources for rice breeding not only in Bangladesh but also in other rice growing countries. Two varieties with good grain quality and two with salt tolerance were taken from Bangladesh landraces, and tested under natural conditions in Japan together with two check varieties. Analysis of growth curve and yield component traits showed distinct varietal differences. One of the salt tolerant varieties, Pokkali, showed high yielding potential endowed with sustained growth rate. Salt tolerance and yielding potential of this variety will be appreciated in temperate countries too

    Study of Shoot Multiplication of Strawberry (Fragaria ananassa)

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    Effects of different hormonal concentration on multiple shoot formation of RABI Strawberry-3 were studied. Where the explants were runner tips that cultured on MS basal medium supplemented with 6-Benzyl Adenine and Kinetin. The maximum percentage 80% of shoot was obtained from Benzyl Adenine concentrations of 0.5 mg/l and 1.0 mg/l whereas Kinetin concentrations were 1.5 mg/l and 2.0 mg/l separately. More promising result was found by combining two impressive concentrations of each hormone. When MS basal media was supplemented with Kinetin 2.0mg/l + Benzyl Adenin A 0.5 mg/l, Kinetin 1.5 mg/l + Benzyl Adenine 0.5 mg/l and Kinetin 1.5 mg/l + Benzyl Adenine 1.0 mg/l respectively then 100% shoots were obtained. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v1i1-2.13936 Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 1 (1&2): 69-72, December, 201

    An Efficient Irrigation System for Plasticulture of Strawberry in Bangladesh

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    Plasticulture technique is a commonly used technique for advanced strawberry production. Due to high cost and tough maintenance, this technique is not practiced commercially in Bangladesh. We have found that, if the irrigation system can be switched to a cheaper one with high efficiency, then the cost can be minimized. We applied Micro-drip mediated irrigation system to minimize the cost. Our proposed modification of plasticulture using micro-drip irrigation system was outstanding in all our concerned horticultural parameters like height of the plants, number of leaves, north-south spreading, and east-west spreading of the plants. Paired Samples analysis between conventional and plasticulture procedure, test of significance for the pairs of mean, analysis of variance and LSD test at 5% level of significance were done for statistical analysis to conclude the  result. The statistical analysis has also shown that the plasticulture method proposed by us was highly significant over the conventional technique and practical for the rural farmer of Bangladesh. It reduces the production costs, improves fruit quality and yield, and reduces the need for chemical pesticides. Keywords: Micro drip irrigation, Soil solarization, Mulching, and Fruit Qualit

    An efficient callus initiation and direct regeneration of Stevia rebaudiana

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    The experiment was carried out to establish an efficient callus induction system of Stevia rebaudiana from a variety of explants as well as direct regeneration from nodes. Callus initiation was done to extract secondary metabolites. However direct regeneration is essential for rapid large-scale clonal propagation. Among leaf, node and inter-nodal explants, the best callus initiation performance was observed by nodes. MS medium fortified with α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) 2.0 mg/L + 6-benzyladenine (BA) 2.0 mg/L showed the highest (93.33 ± 6.67%) callus induction by nodal explants. Though inter-nodal explants showed a moderate response (73.33 ± 6.67%) for callus induction in MS medium complemented with NAA 3.0 mg/L + BA 1.0 mg/L, nodal explants showed higher response (86.67 ± 13.33%) than inter-nodal explants in that nutritional environment. Leaf explants always showed very poor callus. However, the best direct regenerating medium was MS medium + BA 1.0 mg/L for multiple shoot proliferation and then transferring those shoots to ½ MS medium + NAA 1.0 mg/L for root formation.Key words: In vitro, Stevia rebaudiana, 2,4-D, α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), 6-benzyladenine (BA), plant growth regulators

    Development of Efficient Callus Initiation of Malta (Citrus sinensis) Through Tissue Culture

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    The effects of different hormonal concentration on shoot formation and callus induction were studied on BARI Malta-1 (Citrus sinensis). Seeds containing seed coat and without seed coat was treated by Murashige and Skoog (MS) media supplemented with 6-benzyl adenine (BA) and Kinetin (KIN). Removal of seed coat showed an early response for shoot formation. The highest (70%) shoot formation was obtained from seeds without seed coat treated with MS basal media + BA 1.0 mg/l while KIN showed no response for shoot formation in any supplemented concentration. However, in case of callus induction internodes and apical shoot tips were used as explants and 2, 4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2, 4-D) was used as callus inducing hormone. MS basal media supplemented with 2, 4-D, 2.0 mg/l showed highest (68%) callus induction. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v1i1-2.13935 Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 1 (1&2): 64-68, December, 201

    Efficient Regeneration System for the Improvement of Kinnow mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco)

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    Kinnow mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco.) is a highly adaptable variety among citrus cultivars. An efficient system for in vitro regeneration by organogenesis starting from seed of (C. reticulata Blanco) was developed. Seeds were treated by Murashige and Skoog (MS) media supplemented with 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D) to initiate callus induction. The best result (96%) were obtained when seeds were treated with MS basal media + 2,4-D (16.0) μM. The regeneration system tested allowed the attainment of highest shoots (90 %) with BA 13.0 μM. An average of 7.8 well-differentiated shoots per explant was obtained. Highest rooting (85%) was achieved in culture medium with 10.0 μM IBA. The well-developed plantlets were transferred to potting mixture. Of the rooted plant, 95% adapted well to soil conditions. Keywords: C. reticulata Blanco, In vitro, Callus induction, Shoot formation, Explant, Rooting. Abbreviations: μM = Micromolar, BA = Benzyl adenine, IBA = Indole-3-butyric acid, TSS = Total soluble solids, NAA

    Development of an Efficient in Vitro Regeneration System for Endangered Wild Orange Citrus Chrysocarpa L.

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    A method for in-vitro propagation of wild type Indian orange (Citrus chrysocarpa L.) was developed by shoot organogenesis from seed. Mature seed embryos were used as explants and treated with different hormones and plant growth regulators on MS medium for callus, shoots and roots induction. For callus inductio