10 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Relations between the Road Category and the Fatality of Road Transport Accidents

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    Improving of road infrastructure results in raised transport efficiency and reduced number and fatality of road accidents; it also has a favourable impact on the course of logistic operations. The current relations between the road category in the general meaning and the fatality of road聽 transport accidents, which significantly affect the so-called external costs of transport, have been analysed in this paper. These costs predominantly depend on the risk of an accident with casualties and on the unit cost of a road accident.Indicators have been defined that may facilitate quantitative describing of the fatality of accidents and the share of accidents in the external costs of transport. Numerical values have been determined that describe the聽 current accident hazards on Polish roads of specific categories. The trend lines of the changes in safety indicators facilitate the forecasting inference, which is indispensable for planning the development of road transport and for moulding the external costs of transport. Particular attention has been given to results of the application of the theory of risk to the defining of the relation between the road category and the fatality of accidents. The calculated risk indicator values show quite stable trend lines, which may facilitate the use of such values for the evaluation of the fatality of accidents on roads of various categories

    Determining the position and state of post-impact motion of a motor vehicle struck on its side at a road intersection, based on experimental tests

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    The modelling, simulation, and reconstruction of road accidents are difficult processes, where experimental test results must be used at different stages of the work. Such data are needed e.g. to create or improve models of vehicle collision dynamics and to validate the results of computer simulations of vehicle motion during and after the collision. Within the work, experimental tests were carried out and the test results were utilized for determining specific values of the parameters that characterize the state of motion of the impacted vehicle during the collision and after the vehicle separation from each other. The test results make it possible to determine the initial values to be used in calculations of further free motion of the vehicle after a side impact. In particular, they enable defining the influence of the location of the point of impact against the vehicle side on the position and angle of rotation of the vehicle in relation to the global reference frame and on the value, direction, and sense of the vector of linear velocity of the centre of vehicle mass and the vector of angular velocity of the vehicle body around the vertical axis. These data constitute information sufficient to determine the energy of translation and rotation of the vehicle struck on its side at a road intersection and to carry out a simulation of the vehicle motion immediately following the collision

    Analysis of the Relations between the Road Category and the Fatality of Road Transport Accidents

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    Improving of road infrastructure results in raised transport efficiency and reduced number and fatality of road accidents; it also has a favourable impact on the course of logistic operations. The current relations between the road category in the general meaning and the fatality of road transport accidents, which significantly affect the so-called external costs of transport, have been analysed in this paper. These costs predominantly depend on the risk of an accident with casualties and on the unit cost of a road accident. Indicators have been defined that may facilitate quantitative describing of the fatality of accidents and the share of accidents in the external costs of transport. Numerical values have been determined that describe the current accident hazards on Polish roads of specific categories. The trend lines of the changes in safety indicators facilitate the forecasting inference, which is indispensable for planning the development of road transport and for moulding the external costs of transport. Particular attention has been given to results of the application of the theory of risk to the defining of the relation between the road category and the fatality of accidents. The calculated risk indicator values show quite stable trend lines, which may facilitate the use of such values for the evaluation of the fatality of accidents on roads of various categories

    Analysis of Displacement of Concrete Barrier on Impact of a Vehicle. Theoretical Model and Experimental Validation

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    Abstract A vehicle hitting a traffic barrier creates a major threat to traffic safety as a result of displacement of component

    Intensity of use of hybrid vehicles during the initial period of their operation

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    Extensive environmental protection activities include the promotion of alternative drive systems for motor vehicles. An important role in this field is played by hybrid vehicles, with their low operation costs being a strong marketing argument. Can such economies be conducive to the intensity of use of hybrid vehicles compared with vehicles with conventional drive systems? To answer this question, the intensity of use of hybrid vehicles was observed in a few different countries. The attention was focused on the occurrence of extreme (very low and very high) mileage values within comparable vehicle groups. The survey carried out has revealed distinct differences in the intensity of use of hybrid vehicles compared with motor vehicles with conventional drive systems (IC). The average mileage values for hybrid vehicles are higher than those recorded for conventional ones during the same period, but this difference can only be seen in the initial period of vehicle use, rapidly decreasing with vehicle operation years. The share of vehicles with extreme mileage values recorded during the period under observation, presented in the paper in several ways, declines with the years of vehicle use. In spite of that, however, the percentage of vehicles with extreme mileage values is high in HVs group against IC


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    Abstract The possibility of improving the truck braking process for a truck wit

    Research Scenarios of Autonomous Vehicles, the Sensors and Measurement Systems Used in Experiments

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    Automated and autonomous vehicles are in an intensive development phase. It is a phase that requires a lot of modelling and experimental research. Experimental research into these vehicles is in its initial state. There is a lack of findings and standardized recommendations for the organization and creation of research scenarios. There are also many difficulties in creating research scenarios. The main difficulties are the large number of systems for simultaneous checking. Additionally, the vehicles have a very complicated structure. A review of current publications allowed for systematization of the research scenarios of vehicles and their components as well as the measurement systems used. These include perception systems, automated response to threats, and critical situations in the area of road safety. The scenarios analyzed ensure that the planned research tasks can be carried out, including the investigation of systems that enable autonomous driving. This study uses passenger cars equipped with highly sophisticated sensor systems and localization devices. Perception systems are the necessary equipment during the conducted study. They provide recognition of the environment, mainly through vision sensors (cameras) and lidars. The research tasks include autonomous driving along a detected road lane on a curvilinear track. The effective maintenance of the vehicle in this lane is assessed. The location used in the study is a set of specialized research tracks on which stationary or moving obstacles are often placed

    Badanie wp艂ywu czasu wykorzystania samochod贸w kategorii n1 na efektywno艣膰 ekonomiczn膮 ich eksploatacji

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    The efficiency of operation of motor vehicles with a DMC (Permissible Laden Mass) <3.5 tonnes is considered. These are vehicles belonging motor vehicles of category N1, usually referred to as delivery vehicles. The results of observations on the implementation of transport orders in 7 transport companies from the M艢P (Small and Middle-size Companies) sector were used to conduct the effectiveness analysis. The research group covered 24 vehicles that implementation transport orders in the urban zone and in the immediate vicinity of the city. Information was collected on a monthly basis.During the analysis of economic efficiency the income measures (absolute and relative) were used. The calculations were carried out using the model of the vehicle operation process in the form of a neural network, in which a set of 12 input variables and 3 output variables were taken into account. Using the Statistica 13.3 computer program and defining the group and factors describing the process of implementation of individual transport tasks, the developed neural network model enabled searching for the impact of selected operational factors on the economic efficiency of N1 category cars.The calculations showed a significant impact of the number of vehicle days in a month, the weight of the load, as well as the time of year. The obtained calculation results showed the specific features of the impact of the number of working days on revenue in a transport company. The increase in the number of working days favors the increase in income in a limited way, and this restriction depends, among others since the time of year.Rozwa偶a si臋 efektywno艣膰 eksploatacji samochod贸w ci臋偶arowych o DMC < 3,5 tony. S膮 to pojazdy nale偶膮ce do kategorii N1 (wed艂ug Dyrektywy 2007/46/WE) zwykle nazywane samochodami dostawczymi. Do prowadzonej analizy efektywno艣ci wykorzystano wyniki obserwacji z realizacji zlece艅 przewozowych w 7 firmach transportowych z sektora M艢P. Grupa badawcza obj臋艂a 24 pojazdy, kt贸re wykonywa艂y zadania transportowe w strefie miejskiej i w najbli偶szym otoczeniu miasta. Informacje gromadzono w cyklach miesi臋cznych. Podczas analizy efektywno艣ci ekonomicznej zastosowano kilka miar przychodu (bezwzgl臋dny i wzgl臋dny). Obliczenia prowadzono przy wykorzystaniu modelu procesu eksploatacji pojazd贸w w postaci sieci neuronowej, w kt贸rej brano pod uwag臋 zbi贸r 12 zmiennych wej艣ciowych i 3 zmienne wyj艣ciowe. Stosuj膮c program komputerowy Statistica 13.3 oraz zdefiniowanie grupy i czynniki opisuj膮ce proces realizacji poszczeg贸lnych zada艅 transportowych, opracowany model sieci neuronowej umo偶liwi艂 poszukiwanie wp艂ywu wybranych czynnik贸w eksploatacyjnych na efektywno艣膰 ekonomiczn膮 samochod贸w kategorii N1. Przeprowadzone obliczenia pokaza艂y istotny wp艂yw liczby dni pracy pojazd贸w w miesi膮cu, mas臋 艂adunku, a tak偶e por臋 roku. Uzyskane wyniki oblicze艅 pokaza艂y specyficzne cechy wp艂ywu liczby dni pracy na przych贸d w firmie transportowej. Wzrost liczby dni pracy sprzyja wzrostowi przychodu w spos贸b ograniczony, a to ograniczenie zale偶y m.in. od pory roku