3 research outputs found

    Speech Acts of Classroom Interaction

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    Speech acts of classroom interaction have been an interesting topic both in ESL and EFL context. Little research, however, has been held in analyzing speech acts of classroom interaction and its relation to strategies used in EFL context. This paper aims at investigating the types and frequency of speech acts performed in terms of teacher-student interactions. It also focuses on analyzing strategies used by teachers and students in performing the illocutionary act of imperatives. Qualitative method is used by means of mixed pragmatic-discourse approach. The data were collected through observation and recording. Three English teachers and 30 male students grade IX of MTs NW Putra Nurul Haramain are participants for gathering the data. The study reveals that four types of speech acts performed are imperatives, assertive, expressions, and commissives. Of those speech acts performed, the very dominant type of speech acts performed, about 120 acts or 43% is imperatives.  Assertions about 117 acts or 42% are dominant acts.  Expressions about 34 acts or 12% area less dominant category and Commissives about 7 or 2,5% are not dominant. In relation to strategies used in realization of imperatives, the study recognizes that requests as strategies used in realization of request are (a) formal completeness (propositional completeness and modification), (b) level of directness (mood derivable, performative, hedged performative, locution derivable, and conventionally indirect), (c) point of views, (d) context, and (e) mood. The study reveals that imperatives as the most type of illocutionary act performed in classroom interaction. Furthermore, it also indicates the lack of students' pragmatic competence in performing such an act. For that reason, teachers need to expose the learners with communication strategies in order to speak accurately and appropriately in different context. It needs a further study about pragmatic competence needed in EFL context and material designs for teaching such competences

    Peningkatan Kualitas Lingkungan Permukiman Kumuh Perkotaan Melalui Program Kampung Bersih Berbasis Masyarakat Sebagai Upaya Penanganan Sampah di Kelurahan Selat Hilir Kecamatan Selat Kota Kuala Kapuas

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    Kawasan kumuh di Kota Kuala Kapuas dominan terletak di kawasan bantaran sungai Kapuas yang berlokasi di Kelurahan Selat Hilir. Sebagai Daerah yang berlokasi dekat pasar dan bantaran sungai, kawasan permukiman kumuh di Kelurahan Selat Hilir tidak pernah lepas dari permasalahan sampah. Penyiapan sarana dan infrastruktur oleh pemerintah Kabupaten ternyata belum mampu mengimbangi produksi sampah domestik yang dihasilkan oleh rumah tangga. Oleh sebab itu tujuan umumnya adalah meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan kawasan permukiman kumuh dari yang semula kotor dan kurang tertata rapi menjadi lingkungan yang bersih dan indah di Kelurahan Selat Hilir. Kegiatan ini sebagai upaya penanganan sampah di Kelurahan Selat Hilir Kecamatan Selat Kota Kuala Kapuas dengan harapan dapat: meningkatnya kualitas lingkungan kawasan permukiman kumuh, memberikan pemahaman bagi masyarakat tentang cara pengelolaan sampah yang ramah lingkungan dan pengelolaan sampah terpadu 3R, mengajak kelompok-kelompok organisasi masyarakat peduli sampah untuk terlibat dan bersama-sama melaksanakan kegiatan peningkatan kualitas lingkungan kumuh perkotaan melalui program kampung bersih berbasis masyarakat dalam penanganan sampah. Metode kegiatan yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah metode yang digunakan dalam melakukan pemberdayaan kelompok sasaran yaitu: sosialisasi pengelolaan sampah, pendampingan kegiatan pembuatan bak sampah serta evaluas

    The Effect of the Performance of the TNI-AU SAR Team Personnel During the Kab. Cianjur

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    Earthquakes are natural phenomena that have the potential to cause physical damage and loss of life. In an emergency like this, the performance of the Indonesian Air Force's search and rescue team has a direct influence on the effectiveness and efficiency of rescue efforts, as happened during the emergency response to the earthquake in Cianjur Regency. The fast and precise response of the Indonesian Air Force SAR team in emergency situations such as earthquakes can have a direct impact on the safety of victims. This study aims to evaluate the ability of personnel to deal with earthquake emergency response situations in Cianjur, West Java. The research method used is a qualitative approach involving in-depth document analysis. In general, the TNI-AU succeeded in achieving effectiveness and efficiency in rescue efforts during the earthquake emergency response period in Cianjur Regency, including in terms of prompt and appropriate handling of victims, coordination with relevant agencies, monitoring of the latest information, and availability of tools and defense equipment. The results of the SAR training implemented by the TNI-AU have proven to be positive, as seen from the direct actions taken in a short time after the earthquake occurred