3 research outputs found

    Geomorphological evolution of the Rimac River鈥檚 alluvial fan, Lima, Peru

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    The alluvial fan of Lima is a complex landform, resulting from the sediment contributions of the Rimac River and the coalescence of the alluvial fans of the tributaries of the Rimac River. Depositional zones in the fan and changing main channel and distributary channels are influenced by the palaeo-relief inherited from a semi-arid climate and by the climatic changes. The upper sedimentary sequence of the fan, dominant on the Costa Verde, is of Upper Pleistocene鈥揌olocene age. The sediments forming it are non-cohesive and are highly mobile during floods and earthquakes. The dominant features in this sequence, intertwined channel facies and laminar flows, were influenced by the Pleistocene鈥揌olocene postglacial marine transgressions. A deeper understanding of the evolution of the Lima alluvial fan provides insight in to the fan鈥檚 future evolution in the framework of active tectonics and climate change. The Lima fan is an area with high human population density and is subjected to floods and debris flows resulting in subsequent loss of human life and properties. Therefore, the improved understanding of the fan鈥檚 evolution, resulting from this study, will contribute to a better definition of high risk areas of potential human disaster caused by these natural processes. Cyclic-fandevelopment, presently controlled by glacial sea level lows and palaeo-topography will continue regardless of human intervention in attempts to prevent natural disasters in Lima

    EL tratamiento digital de imagenes como una herramienta de evaluaci贸n y an谩lisis en la restauraci贸n y conservaci贸n del patrimonio arquitect贸nico = DIGITAL IMAGE MAPPING AS An Analisis and Evaluation Tool in Heritage Conservation and Restoration Process

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    AbstractTwo monuments representative of the pre-Romanesque style are analyzed by digital image mapping integrating the results in a GIS. These buildings share various characteristics and have in common the pathologies (dark patinas, sugaring) and mainly the present fragmentary state they show. Regarding thisanalysis the areas of affection are quantified and mapped, establishing a cause-effect link between the petrophysical parameters of the materials (lithological varieties) and the changes developed. In addition, on one of the monuments, the missing original volumes are recreated by inferring the measurements from the preserved parts of the building. This process is based on the algorithms of texture generation, bymathematical morphology, and by the geometrical proportions on which the aesthetic pattern of the monument is based

    Aplicaciones del analisis digital de imagenes

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    Centro de Informacion y Documentacion Cientifica (CINDOC). C/Joaquin Costa, 22. 28002 Madrid. SPAIN / CINDOC - Centro de Informaci貌n y Documentaci貌n Cient矛ficaSIGLEESSpai