5 research outputs found


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    At the present stage of social development, there is a transformation of the persistent views on the place and human role in the economic system. Human capital assets as a set of productive abilities, personal traits, and employee motivation developed as a result of investment become a key factor in the production process, without which any prospects of economic growth are neutralized. The purpose of the article is to provide a theoretical substantiation and systematization of existing methods for assessing human capital, to identify the advantages and disadvantages of their practical application in the enterprise activity, and to develop recommendations aimed at improving the human capital assessment methodology in order to further reflect information on the cost of human capital assets in accounting and reporting of enterprises Methodology. The methodological basis of the study is the historical and logical method used in the study of the economic essence of human capital assets and the evolution of human capital assessment methodology. Dialectical method and comparative analysis have been used to determine the differences between existing human capital assessment methods and to identify positive and negative aspects of their practical application. The methods of scientific abstraction, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis have been used in developing the methodology for assessing human capital assets and justifying the opportunities for its integration into the accounting and reporting system of the enterprise. Results. It has been established that in international practice, there is a cost-based, profitable, and expert methodology for assessing human capital assets. Based on the analysis of positive and negative aspects of the application of these methods, it is substantiated that from the standpoint of accounting the most cost-based model of human capital assets is the most optimal since it is based on the principle of actual cost peculiar to accounting practice. Taking this into consideration, a cost-based methodology for assessing human capital assets of the enterprise has been suggested, according to which the cost of human capital assets is calculated by capitalizing the costs borne by the employee and the enterprise at all stages of the formation and development of human capital assets, namely, the costs of developing the employee’s physical abilities (the cost of developing his/her physical abilities), the cost of training (tuition fee in educational institutions), the cost of obtaining professional experience (the cost of professional experience), and the costs of its professional training (the cost of vocational training in the process of his/her employment). Practical meaning. The introduction of the suggested methodology for assessing human capital assets creates the prerequisites for the subsequent display of information in business accounting and reporting, which in its turn increases the level of informativity of accounting data, promoting to meet the growing needs of external and internal users of information, provides an opportunity to consider the value of human capital in determining the market value of the company. Besides, the suggested assessment methodology enables to produce information about the cost of human capital assets of the enterprise, which is the basis for determining the effectiveness of its use. Value/originality. The suggested methodology for assessing human capital assets creates prerequisites for its implementation in the accounting system of the enterprise, which will create the basis for displaying information about the cost of human capital assets in the enterprise’s reporting, which corresponds to the objectives of value-oriented enterprise management

    Tax systems of Ukraine and EU countries during the COVID-19 pandemic: current status and prospects

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    At the start of 2020, the world faced major challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. International institutions, governments and various organizations are forced to apply unprecedented restrictive measures in many areas of activity. The answer to these challenges by the governments of almost all countries of the world is actively manifested in tax measures aimed at supporting citizens and businesses. The article was devoted to the study of the level of taxation for certain taxes in Ukraine and EU countries in a crisis. The study proves the relevance of determining the optimal level of taxes to fill the budget. This study uses the method of comparative analysis, which compares the levels of tax rates in Ukraine and some EU countries. The optimal level of tax revenues to the state budget has been determined. The level of tax revenues to the Consolidated Budget of Ukraine has been analyzed and the main directions for improving the tax system of Ukraine have been identified. The necessity of focusing on the experience of highly developed EU countries in the field of taxation with the obligatory consideration of national characteristics is proved


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    Іn this monograph, the authors summarized and supplemented the results of many scientific studies and developments. Considerable attention is paid to the study of accounting and taxation in the context of current trends in society and the economy; application of new methods of information processing and analysis, its understanding and interpretation; opportunities for convergence of national accounting and control models in the context of globalization of economic processes

    Forms of Non-Standard Employment in the Context of the Transformation of Business Processes in Modern Conditions

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    Modern business is dynamic and requires flexibility and quick response to societal changes. The conditions for forming market relations in Ukraine, characterised by the influence of a dynamic external environment and the growth of competition, require the search for innovative means of survival of enterprises and maintaining their efficiency. The purpose of the article is to study and summarise the theoretical aspects of the outstaffing process to identify the opportunities and threats associated with the participation in it of all subjects of this process, organisational and legal aspects of outstaffing, taking into account which will ensure the possible benefits of its implementation. Based on the analysis of literary sources and the study of practical experience in providing outstaffing services in Ukraine, the content of this process is determined. It is determined that outsourcing is one of the methods of cost optimisation at the present stage of enterprise development. The main scientific approaches to the definition of this concept, the classification of types are considered, and the main advantages and disadvantages of its use with an increase in the efficiency of the enterprise. The theoretical foundations of outsourcing in the enterprise are analysed to reduce production costs, improve quality and increase product competitiveness. Arguments have been formulated about recognising this toolkit as an effective means of minimising the costs of the enterprise, and some additional advantages of its use in a crisis economy are given. The main problems of regulating legislative and regulatory requirements for providing outstaffing services in Ukraine in current economic conditions are investigated. Explored outsourcing helps new and established businesses attract more professional employees by transferring their business processes to service providers with safer and more advanced technologies. The use of atypical forms of employment undoubtedly has its advantages, but the implementation process is hampered since it is not fully regulated by law. In general, it is necessary to study the specifics of outsourcing and outstaffing since these are promising ways to solve enterprise personnel problems

    Forms of Non-Standard Employment in the Context of the Transformation of Business Processes in Modern Conditions

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    Modern business is dynamic and requires flexibility and quick response to societal changes. The conditions for forming market relations in Ukraine, characterised by the influence of a dynamic external environment and the growth of competition, require the search for innovative means of survival of enterprises and maintaining their efficiency. The purpose of the article is to study and summarise the theoretical aspects of the outstaffing process to identify the opportunities and threats associated with the participation in it of all subjects of this process, organisational and legal aspects of outstaffing, taking into account which will ensure the possible benefits of its implementation. Based on the analysis of literary sources and the study of practical experience in providing outstaffing services in Ukraine, the content of this process is determined. It is determined that outsourcing is one of the methods of cost optimisation at the present stage of enterprise development. The main scientific approaches to the definition of this concept, the classification of types are considered, and the main advantages and disadvantages of its use with an increase in the efficiency of the enterprise. The theoretical foundations of outsourcing in the enterprise are analysed to reduce production costs, improve quality and increase product competitiveness. Arguments have been formulated about recognising this toolkit as an effective means of minimising the costs of the enterprise, and some additional advantages of its use in a crisis economy are given. The main problems of regulating legislative and regulatory requirements for providing outstaffing services in Ukraine in current economic conditions are investigated. Explored outsourcing helps new and established businesses attract more professional employees by transferring their business processes to service providers with safer and more advanced technologies. The use of atypical forms of employment undoubtedly has its advantages, but the implementation process is hampered since it is not fully regulated by law. In general, it is necessary to study the specifics of outsourcing and outstaffing since these are promising ways to solve enterprise personnel problems