5 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Penggunaan Augmented Reality sebagai Media Ajar Pengenalan Benda Sekitar pada Kelompok Bermain

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    Penelitian ini telah melakukan analisis penggunaan Augmented Reality (AR) untuk pembelajaran pada kelompok bermain dengan topik pengenalan benda secara 3D. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah waterfall diawali dengan observasi, rancang bangun aplikasi dan pengujian aplikasi. Observasi dilakukan pada 2 tempat yaitu pada kelompok bermain Ayah Bunda dan Pos PAUD di Kecamatan Colomadu. Aplikasi dikembangkan menggunakan openspace. Pengujian aplikasi dilakukan secara black box, sedangkan analisis pengujian aplikasi terhadap daya tarik pengunjung dilakukan melalui angket kuisioner dengan skala butir pertanyaan menggunakan skala Likert dalam 6 skala nilai. Responden yang mengisi angket kuisioner sejumlah 33 terdiri dari pengasuh dan wali murid. Tanggapan terhadap aplikasi diwujudkan dalam 5 aspek bernilai setuju-sangat setuju yaitu aspek ketertarikan terhadap aplikasi 93%, aspek kemudahan mendapatkan informasi 97%, aspek kemudahan navigasi 100%, aspek interaktifitas aplikasi 94%, dan aspek inovasi aplikasi 97%

    Perancangan SITANI sebagai Media Informasi Bagi Petani

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    Agriculture is one source of livelihood of people in Surakarta. However, there are some problems that occur in agriculture, such as: the shortage of agricultural goods, the difficulty of obtaining workshop activities information, and difficulty to sell crops at harvest periode for the arragement price from middlemen.SITANI application is develop using waterfall method and built using Java programming language with tool Android Studio. The design includes table of functional requirements, use case diagram, ERD, activity diagrams, and interface design. Application testing is done using quistionnaire.The results of this research is the creation of android-based application with modules SITANI advertsement, workshop activities information, and ordering goods

    Sistem Rekomendasi Pencarian Keahlian Mahasiswa Berdasarkan Curriculum Vittae dengan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW)

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    The current technological developments, leading to the recruitment of skilled and ready-to-work Human Resources (HR) in the company to increase. Diploma III Program Informatics Engineering is one of the study program that produces skilled workers in the field of information technology (IT). There are several companies that request human resources graduate Diploma III Informatics Engineering, but the manager of the study program found it difficult to choose which graduates who have the skills required by the company. In this research has been made an application that can provide recommendations on the expertise inherent in the graduates using simple additive weighting method. The research method applied to design and make this system is by using Waterfall research method that is Software Requirements Gathering and Analysis, Design, Coding, and Testing. Decision Support System Curriculum Vitae is created using PHP-based programming framework YII 2 and MariaDB database. The application features consist of Curriculum Vitae data management function, Curriculum Vitae print, and Student recommendation search with user specified criteria weight. The results of manual and systematic simulation testing resulted in an appropriate ranking sequence in providing recommendations on the skills of the student

    Evaluasi Media Ajar AR Halo Kids pada Anak dengan Teknologi Augmented Reality Berbasis Android

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    This study aims as an easy and inexpensive learning media that can be used to increase education for early childhood such as knowledge about the introduction of various professions. Media learning in the form of physical at this time is considered quite expensive, in addition to learning media in the form of physical need more understanding to be able to understand something learned.This research was developed with SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) method. This research includes the kind of augmented reality technology development that contains insight into the various professions, plants, musical instruments, and my needs. Objects taken about the character of the profession, the form of musical instruments, the shape of the plant, and the form of home appliances. Data collection techniques were conducted by questionnaire. Questionnaire is used to assess the completeness and feasibility of the application. Software engine that we use is unity game engine.The results of the research has been successfully created HALO KIDS applications in the form of 3D visual images of several themes including professions, needs, instruments, and plants. The HALO KIDS app is a file with a .apk extension. The HALO KIDS app runs optimally with a minimal smartphone specifying a 2.3 GHz Quad-core device (2 GB of RAM). The use of applications by children is easy to do with Agree-Strongly Agree value of 59%, 3D objects of the profession can be recognized and remembered by children with the value of agree- strongly agree at 67%

    Digital Animasi 2 Dimensi dengan Metode Cell Shadding dan Rigging Bone Studi Kasus : Legenda Gunung Tugel

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    Mature Indonesian culture is now diminishing. Indonesian society, increasingly popular by the outside culture through the development of increasingly sophisticated technology. One is the story of a growing legend in their respective regions, so it becomes ironic as children today are uncertain of not caring about their own culture. One of the growing legend stories is "Gunung Tugel" which originated from Boyolali area, which tells about wisdom and culture.Media education currently popular by the public one of them is the animated film. The animated film "Legend of Mount Tugel" is built using the 2 Dimension method, which has a duration of 20 minutes, with the specification of .mp4 extension, 1280x720 video resolution, and frame rate of 24 fps. In making the film, use Moho Anime Studio software to create animations, then Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, and Photoshop, for modeling, and Adobe After Effect for video editing process.Based on a questionnaire assessment that has been conducted on 41 respondents, it can be seen that as much as 79% considered that the animated film "Legend of Gunung Tugel" is good value in the character design aspect of the character. As for other aspects, such as audio as much as 85% interesting. Aspects of visual effects, as much as 76% interesting, and environmental aspects of good value of 77