20 research outputs found


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    Reduksi asam karboksilat termasuk asam palmitat cenderung sulit dan membutuhkan reduktor yang sangat kuat, salah satunya boran yang dapat diperoleh dengan sistem NaBH4/ BF3.Et2O sehingga dapat mereduksi asam palmitat menjadi setil alkohol, suatu fatty alcohol. Fatty alcohol dengan rantai karbon lebih dari 17 telah dilaporkan memiliki aktivitas antibakteri. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mereduksi asam palmitat menjadi setil alkohol dengan menggunakan sistem NaBH4/BF3.Et2O serta mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri yang mungkin dimiliki setil alkohol dari produk reduksi terhadap Staphylococcus aureus dan Eschericia coli dengan metode difusi kertas cakram. Hasil penelitian diperoleh padatan berwarna putih dengan rendemen sebesar 77,51 % dan titik leleh ± 50 ºC. Data spektrum FT-IR terlihat bahwa asam palmitat telah tereduksi menjadi setil alkohol, meskipun belum sempurna. Berdasarkan hasil uji antibakteri senyawa produk reduksi dapat berperan sebagai antibakteri. Berdasarkan analisa sidik ragam (ANOVA) dan uji lanjut Duncan, aktifitas antibakteri paling efektif pada bakteri S. aureus dibanding dengan E. Coli, sedangkan perlakuan konsentrasi tidak menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata

    Manufacturing and Morphological Analysis of Composite Material of Polystyrene Nanospheres/Cadmium Metal Nanoparticles

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    A very simple nanocomposite material has been in-situ manufactured from an aqueous polystyrene nanospheres dispersion and cadmium (Cd) metal nanoparticles. The manufacturing was performed by using a high frequency of 40 kHz ultrasonic (US) agitation for 45 minute at atmospheric pressure and at room temperature 20 oC. No chemical reducing agent and surfactant added in this manufacturing technique due to the US could reduce Cd2+ ions of cadmium nitrate tetrahydrate to Cd atomic metals nanoparticles whereas water molecules could act as a pseudo stabilizer for the manufactured material. A thin film was manufactured from aqueous colloidal nanocomposite material of Polystyrene nanospheres/Cd metal nanoparticles (PSNs/CdMNp) fabricated on a hydrophilic silicon wafer. The thin film was then characterized by a JEOL-FESEM for its surface morphology characteristic and by ATR-FTIR spectrometry for its molecular change investigation. It could be clearly observed that surface morphology of the thin film material was not significantly changed under 633 nm wavelength continuous laser radiation exposure for 20 minute. In addition, its ATR-FTIR spectra of wave number peaks around 3400 cm-1 have been totally disappeared under the laser exposure whereas that at around 699 cm-1 and 668 cm-1 have not been significantly changed. The first phenomenon indicated that the hydrogen bond existed in PSNs/CdMNp material was collapsed by the laser exposure. The second phenomena indicated that the PSNs phenyl ring moiety was not totally destroyed under the laser exposure. It was suspected due to the existence of Cd nanoparticles covered throughout the spherical surface of PSNs/CdMNp material particles. Therefore a nice model of material structure of the mentioned PSNs/CdMNp nanocomposite material could be suggested in this research. It could be concluded that this research have been performed since the material structure model of the manufactured PSNs/CdMNp nanocomposite could be drawn and proposed © 2013 BCREC UNDIP. All rights reserved. (Selected Paper from International Conference on Chemical and Material Engineering (ICCME) 2012)Received: 26th September 2012; Revised: 17th December 2012; Accepted: 18th December 2012[How to Cite: P. J. Wibawa, H. Saim, M. A. Agam, H. Nur, (2013). Manufacturing and Morphological Analysis of Composite Material of Polystyrene Nanospheres/ Cadmium metal nanoparticles. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering &amp; Catalysis, 7 (3): 224-232. (doi:10.9767/bcrec.7.3.4043.224-232)][Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.9767/bcrec.7.3.4043.224-232 ] View in  | </p

    Green Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles Immobilized on Activated Carbon Nanoparticles: Antibacterial Activity Enhancement Study and Its Application on Textiles Fabrics

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    This research aimed to enhance the antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) synthesized from silver nitrate (AgNO3) using aloe vera extract. It was performed by means of incor-porating AgNPs on an activated carbon nanoparticle (ACNPs) under ultrasonic agitation (40 kHz, 2 × 50 watt) for 30 min in an aqueous colloidal medium. The successful AgNPs synthesis was clari-fied with both Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrophotometers. The successful AgNPs–ACNPs incorporation and its particle size analysis was performed using Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). The brown color suspension generation and UV-Vis’s spectra maximum wavelength at around 480 nm confirmed the existence of AgNPs. The particle sizes of the produced AgNPs were about 5 to 10 nm in the majority number, which collectively surrounded the aloe vera extract secondary metabolites formed core-shell like nanostructure of 8.20 ± 2.05 nm in average size, while ACNPs themselves were about 20.10 ± 1.52 nm in average size formed particles cluster, and 48.00 ± 8.37 nm in average size as stacking of other particles. The antibacterial activity of the synthesized AgNPs and AgNPs-immobilized ACNPs was 57.58% and 63.64%, respectively (for E. coli); 61.25%, and 93.49%, respectively (for S. aureus). In addition, when the AgNPs-immobilized ACNPs material was coated on the cotton and polyester fabrics, the antibacterial activity of the materials changed, becoming 19.23% (cotton; E. coli), 31.73% (polyester; E. coli), 13.36% (cotton; S. aureus), 21.15% (polyester; S. aureus)


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    Sampai sejauh ini penelitian-penelitian pencemaran lingkungan masih terfokus pada pestisida dan logam berat. Perhatian terhadap adanya pencemar lain, seperti fenol dan deterjen serta bahan organik non pestisida dan non logam berat masih sangat terbatas. Padahal seperti yang dilaporkan oleh Wibawa, et al (1996), bahwa sejumlah tambak udang dan bandeng di wilayah pantai utara (Pantura) Jawa Tengah tercemar oleh sedikitnya 37 jenis bahan kimia, yang 20 diantaranya bukan pestisida, namun diperkirakan tingkat toksisitasnya cukup tinggi. Dilaporkan pula 3 dari 20 jenis bahan kimia ini ditengarai sangat berbahaya bagi manusia karena secara akumulatif dapat menginisiasi terjadinya kanker pada manusia. Ke tiga bahan kirnia ini adalah Toluen (5 wilayah Kabupaten/Kodya, 120-600 ppm), Etill benzena (3 wilayah Kabupaten/Kodya, 3- 16 ppm) dan Dimetil ftalat (2 wilayah Kabupaten/Kodya, 332 ppm). Mengingat dampaknya kepada masyarakat yang sangat luas, maka dipandang perlu untuk melakukan batasan tingkat aman masyarakat dalam mengkonsumsi ikan bandeng dan udang. Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah mencari ambang resistensi ikan bandeng dan udang terhadap Toluen, Etil benzena dan Dimetil ftalat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan model bioakumulasi kompartemen tunggal yang dikemukakan cleh Moriaty (1975) dalam Connel (1995) dan analisisnya dilakukan dengan spektrofotomer GC-MS. Prinsip metoda penelitian yang dilakukan di sini adalah sejumlah bibit bandeng (nener, 11-13 mm., 0,01 gram/akar) dan bibit udang (benur, 10-15 mm, 0,02 gram/ekor), secara terpisah dipelihara selama 14 hari di dalam larutan Tolunen, Etil benzen dan Dimetil ftalat yang dibuat dengan air payau buatan dengan konsentrasi yang bervariasi. Segabai kontrol digunakan nener dan benur yang dipelihara di dalam air payau tanpa bahan pencemar. Setiap 24 jam atau 1 hari sekai dilakukan pengamatan jumlah kematian nener dan benur. Larutan yang konsentrasinya menyebabkan kematian nener atau benur 50 % dilaku¬kan analisa konsentrasi bahan pencemar sisa menggunakan spektrofoto-meter GC-MS. Dad sini, dengan menggunakan pendekatan model bioakumulasi kompartemen tunggal yang disederhanakan dapat dihitung Ks,, yakni suatu besaran yang merupakan ambang resistensi nener dan udang terhadap bahan pencemar. Terungkap di sini bahwa Kris% benur terhadap Tohien adalah 0,265 dan terhadap Dimetil ftalat adalah 0,558 sedangkan benur terhadap Etil benzen dan Krist nener terhadap Toluen, Etil benzen dan Dimetil ftalat belum dapat ditentukan. Dad penelitian ini secara kasar dapat disimpulkan bahwa ambang resistensi ikan bandeng dan udang terhadap Toluen, Etil benzena dan Dimetil ftalat dapat didekati dengan menggunakan nener (untuk bandeng) dan benur (untuk udang), dan dapat diungkapkan dalam terminologi Kist. Selanjutnya di¬sarankan agar metoda penentuan ambang resistensi ini disempurnakan untuk mendapat data yang lebih akurat, sehingga tanpa ragu-ragu dapat diterapkan untuk menentukan icist bandeng dan udang terhadap berbagai bahan pencemar lain yang umum ditemukan. Demikian pula beberapa produk perairan lainnya terhadap berbagai bahan pencemar tersebut, sangat perlu ditentukan di massa¬massa yang akan datang guna penegakan UU No.8/1999 tentang perlindungan konsumen. The widely researchs of chemicals pollutants existing in the environments is still limited on pesticides and heavy metals until now. The consideration of others such as phenols, detergents and non pesticide-as well as non heavy metal-organic pollutants else are very still limited. It was suddenly Wibawa, et al (1996) reported that many numbers of the northern Central Java coastal fisheries has been contaminated by at least 37 kinds of chemicals pollutants where 20 of those are not pesticides. It was also reported that 3 of 20 could initiate accumulatively human cancer being_ The three chemicals were Toluene (exist in 5 area of regencies, 120-600 ppm), Ethyl benzene (exist in 3 area of regencies, 3-16 ppm) and Dimethyl phtalic (exist in 2 area of regencies, 332 ppm). Considering their widely influence on especia/ly Central Java people, therefore it was very important to be conducted research in order to consumers of both bandeng and udang get the safeguaranty upon existing of the three pollutants. The focus of research here was to find out the resistance threshold value of bandeng and udang to existing Toluene, Ethyl benzene and Dimethyl phtalic. Those could be performed by mean of the approach of single compartment bioaccumulation model stated by Moriaty (1975) in Connel (1995), and the chemicals were analyzed by GC-MS spectrophotometer. The principal methode of the research was separetely looked after the numbers of nener, i.e. infant of bandeng 11-13 mm length and 001 gram weight per infant, and benur, i.e. infant of udang 10-15 mm length and 0,02 gram weight per infant for 14 days in the artificial saline solution of Toluene, Ethyl benzene and Dimethyl phtalic with various concentration previously determined. The control used in this research was the two kind infants looked after in non-existing the three chemicals solution made from the same artificial saline water. The evaluation of the infants behaviour particularly their mortality level was carried out every 1 day or 24 hours. Of these, the solutions of which more than 50 % infants collapsed were analyzed by GC-MS spectrophotometer to determine their remain of the chemicals. Futhermore, using approachment of simplified single compartment bioaccumulation model it could be calculated the resistance threshould value of both bandeng ang udang to existing the three chemicals each, namely Krim. It was found that Krist of benur to existing Toluene was 0.265, and that to existing Dimethyl phtalic was 0.558 but unfortunately Kris, of benur to existing Ethyl benzene as well as that of nener to existing Toluene, Ethyl benzene and Dimethyl pthalic have not determined yet. Of these could be roughly concluded that the resistance threshould value of both bandeng and udang to existing the three chemicals each could be stated with Kris, and quantitatively it could be determined using nener (for bandeng) and benur (for udang). It could be further suggested that the determination methode of the resistance threshould value should be perfected in order to get more accurate and establish data of Kost. It was also suggested that K,,,, of both bandeng and benur to existing other chemicals commondly meet in the environment should be determined, thus so Kist of other fisheries product to existing that chemicals. It was very important to encourage U(1 No.8/1999 of Indonesian consumer protection in the future


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    The 6-amino penicillarticacid (6-APA) i• a key intermediate widely used for semisynthetic antibiotics derived from f3-lactame ( Kang. et al, 1991., Meevootisorn et cd, 1983). The compound could be directly synthesized from either L-valine and L-cysteine (alternative 1), or D-•erin dan 3-merchapto-D-valine (alternative 2). In this research, the first alternative have been choosed, and owing to those the two amino acids will be come main chemicals which would be treated. The basic principles of this alternative were reacting an amine group, -NH2 of L-valine to a carboxylic group, -GOON of t-cysteine in order to form an aliphatic annde bond which could be transformed to /3-lactame ring fin. 6-APA in the next research. The reactions between of the same body of amino acids used must be prohibited, so that L-valine-,carboxylic group as well as L-cysteine---amine group must be protectedfirstly. Because that it should be better to study of how to protect an amine group of the two amino acids. Those, the main research aim was study of how to protect or to bolck an amine group of both L-valine and L-cysteine. The protected chemicals yielded from this research, i.e. formamide-L-valine and fortnamida-L-cysteine could be used to synthe•ized 6-APA in next researches. In this research, the protection of an amine group of the two amino acids have been carried out based on modified Sheehan-Yang methode (1957). Technically this methode was done by reflwcing the •hemicals mixture of 0.01 mole L-valine or L-cysteine ctystals, 25 niL formic acid 90 % (Or) and 8 or 10 mL acetic anhydride for 30 or 90 minutes. After that, thi• mixture was stirred on room temperature for 60 minutes, then it was cooled down with 10 mL ice-water. This mixture was then evaporated by mean of Buchii rotary evaporator so that all of its liquid could be separated and the crystals yielded •ould be collected. These crystals was then purified by recrystalization methode employing ethanol as a solvent. The crystals yielded from those purification proccess was then determined their melting points by Fisher-John meltingpointer, was analyzed their purity by mean of 60F254 gel silica TLC plates with eluents of ethanol : etyl acetate : water (6:6:1) or (2:3:3) and the spot •olouring used was ninhydrin. Futhermore the crystals were analyzed by using PTIR Shimadzu 8201 PC spectropho-tometer made by Japan. The IR spectrum pattern of the crystal produced from protection reactions was compared with those pattern of either the original L-valine or L-cysteine. Of these, it wolud be known the success of the protection reaction. Of the experiments of an amine group of L-valine protection could be collected needle like-white crystals of about 1.34 gram with melting point of 153-154°C (melting point of the original L-valine was 153-235°C), while also the reactions of an amine group of L-cysteine protection produced about 1.17 gram needle like-white crystals with melting point of 129-131°C (melting point of the original L-cysteine was 258-261°C). That crystal each appearing clear violet-blue one mark on TLC plates with Rf was 0,77 (crytsal produced from L-valine protection) and Rf was 0,47 (crystal produced from L-cystein protection). Refering to these data it could he supposed that the crystals collected from this experiments have been successful purified. Beside those, by comparing between IR spectrum pattern of the two crystals produced from protection reactions to tho•e pattern of the each original amino acids, i.e. L-valine dan L-cystein, indicated that there was differences of pattern in a hydrogen bonding area (2800-4000 cm-1) and in a carbonyl group (1500-1700 cm-'). It means that the protection of an amine group of both L-valine and L-cy•teine reaction• have been su•cesfull carried out, fbrmed a fOrmamide valine and on the other handformamide c•steine. Senyawa asam 6-amino penisilinat (6-APA) merupakan senyawa antara kunci (key intermediate)•yang banyak digunakan untuk membuat antibiotik turunan P-laktarn secara semisintesis (Kang. et al, 1991., Meevootisom et al, 1983). Senyawa ini dimungkinkan dapat disintesis secara Iangsung dad dan L-sistein (alternatif 1), atau D-serin dan 3-mersapto-D-valin (alternatif 2). Dalam penditian ini dipilih alternatif 1 sebagai jalur untuk memperoleh 6-APA secara langsung. Prinsip dan jalur alternatif 1 ini adatah gugus amina, -b1142 dari L-valin terlebih dahu1u harus dapat bereaksi dengan gugus karboksilat, -0001-1 dad L-sistein membentuk ikatan amida alifatis yang merupakan embrio terbcntuknya cincin p-laktam. Untuk menghindari terjadinya reaksi antar asam amino yang sama jenis, maka gugus —00011 dari L-valin dan gugus —NH2 dari L-sistein harus diblokir terlebih dahulu. Oleh karena itu ingin dipelajari terlebih dahulu cara pemblokiran gugus —NT12 pada kedua asarn amino itu rnenggunakan asam format sebagai agen pemblokir. Dengan demikian, tujuan utama penelitian ini adalab mempelajari cara pemblokiran atau perlindungan gugus amina, -NH2 pada L-valin dan L-sistein menggunakan asam format. Manfaat yang dapat diambil dari penelitian ini adalah produk reaksi pemblokiran iM, yaitu fonnamida-L-valin dan formarnida-L-sistein dapat digunakan untuk bahan penelitian lebih lanjut dalam rangka mendapatkan 6-APA. Selanjutnya, pemblokiran gugus amina pada kedua asam amino itu dilakukan dilakukan dengann merefluks campuran 0,01 mol kristal L-valin atau L-sistein , 25 niL asarn format 90 % (v/v) dan 8 atau 10 iriL asetat anhidrid selama 30 atau 90 menit. Setelah itu, campuran diaduk pada suhu kamar selama 1 jam, kemudian didinginkan menggunakan 10 mL air es. Langkah berikutnya, campuran ini dievaporasi menggunakan penguap berputar Buchii hingga seluruh pelarutnya terpisah. Kristal yang diperoleh kemudian dilakukan rekristalisasi menggunakan etanol. Kristal hasil rekristalisasi ini selanjutnya ditentukan titik lelehnya menggunakan Fisher-John meltingpoinser, dianalisis kernurniannya menggunakan KLT silika gel 60F254 dengan larutan pengembang etanol : etil asetat : air (6:6:1) atau (2:3:3) dan reaksi warna ninhidrin. Setelah itu dilakukan analisis keberhasilan reaksi pemblokiran mcnggunakan spektrometer FT1R Shimadzu 8201 PC buatan Jepang. Pola spektra 112. dad produk dibandingkan dengann pola spektra IR dad L-vahn untuk mengetahui keberhasilan reaksi pemblokiran. Dad percobaan pemblokiran gugus arnina pada L-valin diperoleh produk yang berupa kristal putih menyerupai jarum sebanyak 1,34 gram dengann titik kith 153-154°C (titik leleh L-valin : 153-235°C), sedangkan dari pemblokiran gugus amina pada L-sistein diperoleh 1,17 gram kristM putih menycrupal jarum dengann titik leleh 129-131°C (titik leleh L-sistein : 258-261°C). Kedua kristal ini masing-masing memberikan satu noda yang berwarna ungu terang (ungu muda) pada plat KLT dengann Rf : 0,77 (produk pemblokiran L-valin) dan Rf : 0,47 (produk pemblokiran L-sistein). Berdasarkan data ini dapat dianggap bahwa kristal yang diperoleh berhasil dimurnikan. Kajian spektra IR dad kedua kristal ini dan rnembandingkannya dengan spektra IR senyawa asal, yakni L-\Patin dan L-sistein sebelum dilakukan pemblokiran, menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pola spektra yang berbeda pada daerah ikatan hidrogen (2800-4000 cm-I) dan gugus karbonil (1500-1700 cml) antara kristal sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan reaksi pemblokiran. Hal ini berarti mengisyaratkan bahwa reaksi pemblokiran gugus amina pada L-valin maupun pada L-sistein berhasil dilakukan, membentuk formamida valin, dan di pihak lain formamida sistein

    Fabrikasi Ramah Lingkungan Komposit Nano Karbon Aktif-Partikel Perak dan Uji Aktifitas Antibakterinya

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    Nanocomposite of activated carbon-silver nanoparticles (AC-AgNPs) have been successful greenly fabricated using ultrasonic (40 kHz; 2´50 watt) for various time of 10-, 20-, and 30-minutes agitation. The research was aiming to investigate the relationship of ultrasonic agitation times and antibacterial activity of the associated nanocomposite mentioned. For that, the first step performed was synthesize silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) from silver nitrate salt (AgNO3) (10 ml,3 mM) using aqueous-pineapple extract of various concentration of approximately 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 % w/v. The second step was fabricated activated carbon nanoparticles (ACNPs) from local commercially available carbon black fine powder through the advanced top-down method. Finally, properly mixed the produced ACNPs and AgNPs under ultrasonic agitation as mentioned above. Analysis and characterization of the desired produced materials were conducted by using Ultra violet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. It was well known that about 10-50 nm in size of AgNPs were successful produced with spherical particles in shape. The AgNPs could then be incorporated and spread out evenly on the surface of the ACNPs matrix. In this situation, FTIR spectra confirmed that the AgNPs mentioned particularly interact with each other with hydroxyl (-OH) and carbonyl (C=O) groups existing on the surface of the ACNPs matrix. The antibacterial activity of the produced AC-AgNPs nanocomposite was separately tested toward both E. coli and S. aureus bacterial using agarose-filter paper disc method. It was known that the clear zone generated around the disc was about 1.23 mm and 2.07 mm in averages for Eschericia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococus aureus (S. aureus) respectively.


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    Hespename and its aglikone are rasemic which one is active coumpound, and another is not active coumpound. base on it, so M the reaseach have been resoiuted to this rasemic i.e (±)- hesperitine and (-)-hesperitine. the methode that used to resolution of this rasernic is formation of cyclical kethal hesperitine from r“semic with (2R,3R)-butanediol as reactant. Rasemic have a different of physically properties, so their could be separated easelly. The result of this research that using column chromatografi methode with heksana: etil asetat (1:4) as eluent is formation of cyclical kethal hesperitin with 21 % convertion. tiesperkim dan agiikonnya di pasaran merupakan campuran rasemat, yang mana saian satu dan pasangan rasemat tersebut mempunyai aktivitas yang tebili chbandingitan yang tairtnya, seciangkan yang satunya ciimungkinkan mempunyai aictivitas yang sebaiiicnya. Eterdasarican hai tersebut ciatam penentian ini ditakukan pemisahan terhadap pasangan rasemat hesperstin (+) dan hesperitin (-). Metode untuk memisahkan kedua rasemat tersebut dengan cara direaksikan dengan (2R,3R)-butanadiol menghasilkan sepasang diastereomer ketal siklik hesperitin. Sepasang diastereomer mempunyai shat lisika yang secara umum berbeda, sehingga kedua dapat dipisahkan. Dan basil penelinan menggunakan kromatograti kolom dengan eluen heksana: efil asetat (1:4) didapat bahwa hasil reaksi siklisasi untuk menghasilkan senyawa ketal midis mempurryai konversi 21 'Yit

    Cadmium Metals Particles-Covered Polystyrene Nanospheres Thin Film Material:Fabrication, Analysis and Model

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    It was well known that cadmium metals particles-covered 200 nm Polystyrene Nanospheres (PSNs) thin film material could be prepared from its according colloidal metals precursor of cadmium nitrate tetrahydrate, Cd(NO3)2.4H2O in water-polyvinil pyrrolidone (PVP) homogeneous mixture. After reducing it with sodium borohidride, NaBH4 then thin films of the colloidal were fabricated on a hydrophilic silicon wafer through gently dropping method and subsequently it was analyzed by both analytical isntruments of ATR-FTIR spectrometry and FESEM. It was clearly observed that wave number ranges of 1700-1600 cm-1 and 1500-1200 cm-1 generated signficant different ATR-FTIR spectra between pristine PSNs and cadmium-covered PSNs. In addition, surface morphology of pristine PSNs thin film explored with FESEM revealed sharply different from that of cadmium-covered PSNs one. It indicated that PSNs particles surface have succesfully been fully covered by cadmium metals particles. Therefore it could be concluded that cadmium metals particles-covered PSNs thin film could be fabricated from its according colloidal precursor and the model might be ilustrated as the following Fig. 2


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    Reaction on Fries rearrangement by used catalyst AICE anhidrous has been conducted to phenyl cinnamic. Reaction was carried out at 100 °C for two hours. Based on the resulting analysis by UV-Vis and infra red spectrophotometer, it was known thai reaction of Fries rearrangement has been gone. From the result of synthesis was obtained two compounds are para-hydroxy chalcone and flavanone, which result of isomerization from ono-hidroxy chal cone.Reaksi penataan Wang Fries dengan menggunakan katalis A1C13 anhidrat telah dilakukan terhadap senyawa fenil sinamat. Reaksi berlangsung pada temperatur 100 °C selama 2 jam. Analisis produk reaksi dengan rnenggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis dan infra merah, mengindikasikan bahwa reaksi penataan ulang Fries telah berlangsung. Dafi hasil sintesis didapatkan dua senyawa yaitu para-hidroksi kalkon dan Amnon yang merupakan hasil isomerisasi dad orto-hidroksi Lai Ico


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    Plasma with atmospheric gas source (are about 78,08% nitrogen, 20,95% oxygen, 0,93% argon and 0,03% carbon dioxide) have been used to study the effect of palmitic acid physical and chemical characteristic changes. Plasma that generated by air at atmosphere condition had been used to exposed palmitic acid at varieted times of 25, 50, 75, and 100 minutes. As a reference was the palmitic acid without plasma exposure. The effect performed by plasma exposure to palmitic acid was shown from its liquid characteristic that was known from the change of carboxlylic group reactivity to KOH and I2, melting point, and its bioactivity changes. The reactivity of palmitic acid liquid to KOH was determined by method of acid and saponification value. The reactivity to I2 was measured by method of iod number. From the research, it can be concludes that plasma exposure can give the effect to the palmitic acid bioactivity and the changes of carboxylic group reactivity of palmitic acid to KOH and iodide with fluktuative design. Plasma exposure can be decrease the palmitic acid melting point from 62OC to 58OC, but, it was not cause the hydrocarbon-chain fragmentation