18 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Alat Monitoring dan Pembatas Konsumsi Energi Listrik

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    Alat pemantau energi adalah alat yang digunakan untuk memantau arus, tegangan dan daya listrik. Sebagian besar orang belum mengenal teknologi ini dan saat ini tidak ada fitur untuk membatasi penggunaan energi listrik. Pembuatan alat pemantau energi bertujuan untuk mengatasi masalah penggunaan energi yang berlebihan dengan menciptakan perangkat pemantauan serta pengatur batas konsumsi energi listrik. Perangkat ini mampu memantau penggunaan arus, voltase, daya, dan  energi, dan pengguna  dapat mengatur konsumsi energinya melalui aplikasi seluler. Alat ini menggunakan modul bluetooth yang dapat dikontrol dengan mudah oleh pengguna. Beberapa komponen utama untuk membuat alat ini adalah Arduino Mega 2560, PZEM-004T. Pada hasil pengujian alat pemantau energi diperoleh pembacaan multimeter dan pengukuran PZEM dengan tegangan rata-rata  0,88 V, dengan selisih rata-rata 0,31 A pada pengukuran arus


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    Abstrak— Energi listrik sangat bermanfaat dan menjadi sumber kehidupan bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Kelistrikan juga menjadi hal yang sangat penting bagi perkembangan teknologi informasi. Indonesia baru-baru ini telah menetapkan aturan dalam pengendalian penggunaan listrik dan pemantauan dengan kWh meter. Untuk cara termudah memantau penggunaan listrik tampaknya perlu inovasi lebih dengan sistem pemantauan kWh meter yang diintegrasikan oleh WhatsApp untuk cara termudah bagi masyarakat untuk memantau pemborosan energi listriknya. Dari hasil pengujian, sistem monitor kWh meter siap digunakan dengan baik dan akurat. Pengguna telah berhasil mendapatkan informasi tegangan, arus, frekuensi, dan energi yang akurat dan efisien dari WhatsApp. Melalui pengujian pemantauan, pengguna juga berhasil memasukkan kode refferal yang merupakan inovasi pembelian energi listrik melalui WhatsApp. Selain itu dengan pengujian dan analisa dari hasil pengukuran sensor PZEM-004t telah berhasil mendapatkan semua angka yang mendekati hasil multimeter. Akhirnya dengan pengujian perintah WhatsApp juga berhasil mendapatkan data yang akurat untuk kWh meter melalui 99,85% dari besics yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya


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    Electroplating is one of the engineering improvements in the characteristics of metal materials. Copper coating is a pre-coating before further coating for steel. The surface area of the material is in line with the strong current requirements required for the normal coating process. However, too much current flowing into the cathode results in erosion at the anode. Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) is a component made of semiconductor silicon. It has a function as a controller or switch. Silicon Controlled Rectifiers can be used to reduce coating currents in copper electroplating. The setting of the coating current can be done on copper electroplating of low carbon steel cathodes with a cross-sectional area of 7500 mm2 of 4.5 A; 5 A; 6 A; 6.5 A and 6.7 A. The best copper coating results with a 10 minute coating time are shown in the current 6.5 A with a coating mass of 1.11 grams and 1.06 grams. This proves the need for a reduction in the maximum flow so that optimal coating is achieved

    Monitoring of Rice Dryer Machine Using Tray Dryer Method

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    Indonesia is an agricultural country with 40% of the population's livelihood provided by farmers. Harvested rice typically has a moisture content of 20-27% on a wet basis. The type of artificial dryer that is often used is the tub or rotary type. This research aims to develop a rice dryer using a combined tray and rotary-type method. Based on the result, the higher the speed dryer, the shorter the drying time. The net result of this test is that the relationship between time and engine speed is inversely proportional. The higher the speed, the shorter the drying time. The net result of this test is that the relationship between time and engine speed is inversely proportional. Rice drying results can be described as dry, but not including ready-to-eat rice standards. The higher the speed, the shorter the drying time

    Rancang Bangun Sepeda Statis sebagai Pembangkit Listrik Sederhana

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    — Indonesia masih menghadapi masalah dalam pembangunan bidang energi. Ketergantungan terhadap energi fosil bisa dibilang masih cukup tinggi. Pemanfaatan energi terbarukan dapat dikatakan belum berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan yaitu dengan energi alternatif. Pembangkit listrik dari kayuhan pedal sepeda statis dapat menjadi salah satu energi alternatif yang dapat membangkitkan energi listrik sederhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat sepeda statis sebagai pembangkit listrik sederhana untuk keperluan perangkat elektronik sederhana. Alat ini bekerja dari kayuhan sepeda untuk memutar generator DC yang kemudian disalurkan pada SCC. Hasil tegangan listrik disimpan ke akumulator dengan watt meter sebagai indicator tegangan dan arus keluaran generator. Penelitian ini didapatkan RPM minimal untuk menyalakan watt meter pada RPM 50 pada kayuhan sepeda yang menghasilkan tegangan 6,09V. RPM maksimal pada 85 RPM dengan tegangan 13,61V, dimana akumulator akan terisi pada saat tegangan sudah lebih dari 12V. &nbsp

    Studi Kelaikan Tower BTS Berdasarkan Sudut Kemiringan, Kekencangan Baut, Kekuatan Beton Serta Pengukuran Ground

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    Telecommunication Network Tower is a tower made of a series of iron profiles or rectangular or rectangular pipes, or rectangular long pipes intended to accommodate antennas and radio transmitters and receivers of telecommunications and information waves. In principle, BTS towers have the function of connecting network user communication devices to other networks. To support the smooth operation of the network, the building will remain solid and secure for a certain period. Investigation of the feasibility condition of the tower structure is very important to determine the overall condition of the tower structure. The methods used are hammer test, check bolt tightness (torque), measure slope (vertical), grounding, and visual observation. From the results of the test data obtained the average bolt tightness is 432.86 Nm. The tower slope test of 1.90 cm on leg A smaller than 3.6 cm is considered good because it is still within the tolerance limit of the bat slope, the average soil resistance measure smaller than1 ohm used is very good, and the visual physical conditions are very similar, so it can be done Tower in safe and working conditio

    Studi Perancangan Instalasi Penerangan dan Pengkondisi Suhu Ruangan Pada Gedung Bertingkat Las Mesin

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    Lighting is one of the most important requirements of a building. This is because inadequate lighting of a space can affect the health and comfort of activities in that space. In addition to less important lighting, room temperature adjustments, room temperature adjustments have a significant impact on comfort during activities in the room. This magazine describes the lighting and room temperature control design of the CilacapState Polytechnic Welder Shop. The method used in this study is a quantitative method. This method calculates the required lighting and room temperature control and compares it with the standards. 2 rooms increase the number of light points and 3 rooms change the type of lamp with a higher lumen. There are 8 rooms that are recommended to use air conditioners with SNI 91714189. According to the SNI, the number of air conditioners and the capacity of air conditioners adjusts to the size of the room. &nbsp

    Grand Design and Economic Analysis of Solar-Wind Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems in MSTP Jepara

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    Marine Science Techno Park (MSTP) Jepara is a center of technology implementation aimed to encourage community economy development in the maritime sector. At present, Marine Science Techno Park (MSTP) Jepara’s electrical energy source is supplied by Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), with coal-powered steam turbine generators as the main source of electrical energy generation. Therefore, a cleaner and more sustainable means of electrical energy generation is needed to fulfill the high energy demand. With this in mind, Universitas Diponegoro, as the proposer, in collaboration with MSTP Jepara, as the recipient, proposes the initiation of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems (HRES) Power Plant construction as a way of obtaining an environmentally friendly and sustainable source of energy in this research as well as addressing the issues in the previous HRES simulations and implementations. This article will discuss various scenarios, their feasibility for implementation, and the economic returns gained from HRES installation on-site

    Feasibility Study of Raw Material for Hybrid Power Plant in Coastal Cilacap Selatan

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    Cilacap Regency is a coastal area south of the island of Java. The purpose of this study is to determine the potential of raw materials available in the South Cilacap Coastal area and to determine the potential power that can be generated for the PLTH system through the calculation of the raw material data that has been obtained. This research method begins with direct measurements of wind speed and light intensity. Both devices read data in real time and connect online. The data obtained is processed to determine the wind speed and the average intensity of sunlight. The results of these calculations are entered into the equations to calculate the potential power that can be generated. Based on the calculation, the average wind speed is 3-4 m/s and the light intensity is 54612 watt/m2. The results of the calculation of the potential power that can be generated from the PLTB system in the coastal area of ​​South Cilacap is equivalent to 508 watts/day. The potential power that can be generated from PLTS is 10.8 kW/day. The total potential power that can be generated from the PLTH system on the coast of South Cilacap is equivalent to 273.22 kWh/day.Cilacap Regency is a coastal area south of the island of Java. The purpose of this study is to determine the potential of raw materials available in the South Cilacap Coastal area and to determine the potential power that can be generated for the PLTH system through the calculation of the raw material data that has been obtained. This research method begins with direct measurements of wind speed and light intensity. Both devices read data in real time and connect online. The data obtained is processed to determine the wind speed and the average intensity of sunlight. The results of these calculations are entered into the equations to calculate the potential power that can be generated. Based on the calculation, the average wind speed is 3-4 m/s and the light intensity is 54612 watt/m2. The results of the calculation of the potential power that can be generated from the PLTB system in the coastal area of ​​South Cilacap is equivalent to 508 watts/day. The potential power that can be generated from PLTS is 10.8 kW/day. The total potential power that can be generated from the PLTH system on the coast of South Cilacap is equivalent to 273.22 kWh/day


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    Motor induksi telah dimanfaatkan industri sebagai sumber energi mekanik. Motor induksi sangat handal, murah, dan mudah dalam perawatannya. Motor induksi sulit dikendalikan karena salah satu kategori plant nonlinier. Salah satu cara yang digunakan untuk mengatur kecepatan motor induksi adalah mengatur vektornya. Agar motor induksi mudah untuk dikendalikan seperti motor dc penguat terpisah, maka motor induksi dimodelkan dalam referensi sumbu putar (model d-q). Penelitian ini menerapkan skema pengaturan kecepatan motor induksi menggunakan Switching Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM). Sistem ini menghasilkan error steady state rata-rata di bawah 4 (empat) rpm atau sebesar 0,3 % dengan diberi torsi beban antara 5 Nm sampai 35 Nm.Induction motor has been used by industry as a source of mechanical energy. Induction motors are very reliable, inexpensive, and easy to maintain. Induction motor is difficult to control because one of the nonlinear plant categories. The method can be used to regulate the speed of an induction motor is to set the vector. In order for an induction motor to be easily controlled like a separate dc booster motor, the induction motor is modeled in the rotary axis reference (d-q model). This research applies an induction motor speed regulation scheme using Switching Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM). This system produces a steady state error averaging below 4 (four) rpm or equal to 0.3% with a load torque of between 5 Nm to 35 Nm