27 research outputs found

    Effect of the partial replacement of CaH2 with CaF2 in the Mixed System CaH2 + MgB2

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    In this work the effect of a partial replacement of CaH2 with CaF2 on the sorption properties of the system CaH2 + MgB2 has been studied. The first five hydrogen absorption and four desorption reactions of the CaH2 + MgB2 and 3CaH2 + CaF2 + 4MgB2 systems were investigated by means of volumetric measurements, high-pressure differential scanning calorimetric technique (HP-DSC), 11B and 19F MAS NMR spectroscopy, and in situ synchrotron radiation powder X-ray diffraction (SR-PXD). It was observed that already during the mixing of the reactants formation of a nonstoichiometric CaF2-xHx solid solution takes place. Formation of the CaF2-xHx solid solution sensibly affects the overall hydrogen sorption reactions of the system CaH2 + MgB2

    Effect of Fe additive on the hydrogenation-dehydrogenation properties of 2LiH + MgB2/2LiBH4 + MgH2 system

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    Lithium reactive hydride composite 2LiBH4 + MgH2 (Li-RHC) has been lately investigated owing to its potential as hydrogen storage medium for mobile applications. However, the main problem associated with this material is its sluggish kinetic behavior. Thus, aiming to improve the kinetic properties, in the present work the effect of the addition of Fe to Li-RHC is investigated. The addition of Fe lowers the starting decomposition temperature of Li-RHC about 30 °C and leads to a considerably faster isothermal dehydrogenation rate during the first hydrogen sorption cycle. Upon hydrogenation, MgH2 and LiBH4 are formed whereas Fe appears not to take part in any reaction. Upon the first dehydrogenation, the formation of nanocrystalline, well distributed FeB reduces the overall hydrogen storage capacity of the system. Throughout cycling, the agglomeration of FeB particles causes a kinetic deterioration. An analysis of the hydrogen kinetic mechanism during cycling shows that the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation behavior is influenced by the activity of FeB as heterogeneous nucleation center for MgB2 and its non-homogenous distribution in the Li-RHC matrix.Fil: Puszkiel, Julián Atilio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Helmholtz-zentrum Geesthacht - Zentrum Für Material- Und Küstenforschung Gmbh;Fil: Gennari, Fabiana Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Centro Atómico Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Arneodo Larochette, Pierre Paul. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Centro Atómico Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Ramallo Lopez, Jose Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; ArgentinaFil: Vainio, U.. Helmholtz-zentrum Geesthacht - Zentrum Für Material- Und Küstenforschung Gmbh; . Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron; AlemaniaFil: Karimi, F.. Helmholtz-zentrum Geesthacht - Zentrum Für Material- Und Küstenforschung Gmbh;Fil: Pranzas, P. K.. Helmholtz-zentrum Geesthacht - Zentrum Für Material- Und Küstenforschung Gmbh;Fil: Troiani, Horacio Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Centro Atómico Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Pistidda, C.. Helmholtz-zentrum Geesthacht - Zentrum Für Material- Und Küstenforschung Gmbh;Fil: Jepsen, J.. Helmholtz-zentrum Geesthacht - Zentrum Für Material- Und Küstenforschung Gmbh;Fil: Tolkiehn, M.. Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron; AlemaniaFil: Welter, E.. Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron; AlemaniaFil: Klassen, T.. Helmholtz-zentrum Geesthacht - Zentrum Für Material- Und Küstenforschung Gmbh;Fil: Bellosta Von Colbe, J.. Helmholtz-zentrum Geesthacht - Zentrum Für Material- Und Küstenforschung Gmbh;Fil: Dornheim, M.. Helmholtz-zentrum Geesthacht - Zentrum Für Material- Und Küstenforschung Gmbh

    Effect of the particle size evolution on the hydrogen storage performance of KH doped Mg NH2 2 2LiH

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    In recent years, many solid state hydride based materials have been considered as hydrogen storage systems for mobile and stationary applications. Due to a gravimetric hydrogen capacity of 5.6 wt and a dehydrogenation enthalpy of 38.9 kJ mol H2, Mg NH2 2 amp; 8201; amp; 8201;2LiH is considered a potential hydrogen storage material for solid state storage systems to be coupled with PEM fuel cell devices. One of the main challenges is the reduction of dehydrogenation temperature since this system requires high dehydrogenation temperatures amp; 8201;200 C . The addition of KH to this system significantly decreases the dehydrogenation onset temperature to 130 C. On the one hand, the addition of KH stabilizes the hydrogen storage capacity. On the other hand, the capacity is reduced by 50 from 4.1 to 2 after the first 25 cycles. In this work, the particle sizes of the overall hydride matrix and the potassium containing species are investigated during hydrogen cycling. Relation between particle size evolution of the additive and hydrogen storage kinetics is described by using an advanced synchrotron based technique Anomalous small angle X ray scattering, which was applied for the first time at the potassium K edge for amide hydride hydrogen storage systems. The outcomes from this investigation show that, the nanometric potassium containing phases might be located at the reaction interfaces, limiting the particle coarsening. Average diameters of potassium containing nanoparticles double after 25 cycles from 10 to 20 nm . Therefore, reaction kinetics at subsequent cycles degrade. The deterioration of the reaction kinetics can be minimized by selecting lower absorption temperatures, which mitigates the particle size growth, resulting in two times faster reaction kinetic

    Neutron scattering and modeling of dipole-field-induced spin disorder in Nanoperm

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    We present magnetic-field-dependent small-angle neutron scattering data for the ferromagnetic nanocomposite Nanoperm (Fe89Zr7B3Cu1). The spin-misalignment scattering in the approach-to-saturation regime unexpectedly reveals pronounced lobes of high intensity at angles ±30−40° relative to the magnetic-field axis. Based on numerical calculations, the four-fold angular symmetry of the scattering pattern can be explained in terms of local spin misalignment, which originates from dipolar stray fields due to the mismatch of the saturation-magnetization values between the bcc Fe particles and the amorphous magnetic matrix

    Small angle neutron scattering investigations of spin disorder in nanocomposite soft magnets

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    The technique of SANS (small angle neutron scattering) furnishes unique information on the characteristic magnetic length scales and local magnetic anisotropies at the nanoscale in nanocomposite ferromagnets. Such information is not presently available using any other microscopic technique. The basic principles and results of the technique will be presented with regard to a unique and unexpected observation of a dipole field controlled spin disorder in a prototypical soft nanocomposite ferromagnet of the Nanoperm type. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Dipolar correlations in a nanocomposite: A neutron scattering study of Nanoperm Fe89Zr7B3Cu

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    We present results for the magnetic-field, temperature, and neutron-polarization dependence of the small-angle neutron scattering intensity in the soft magnetic iron-based nanocomposite Nanoperm (Fe89Zr7B3Cu). An unusual “clover-leaf-shaped” intensity distribution on the detector is attributed to the dipolar stray fields around the nanosized iron particles, which are embedded in an amorphous magnetic matrix of lesser saturation magnetization. The dipole field induces spin disorder, correlating the spin misalignment of neighboring particles and matrix over several particle spacings. The clover-leaf-shaped anisotropy is observed over a wide range of applied magnetic field and momentum transfer. It persists up to several hundred degrees Kelvin above the Curie temperature of the matrix phase, indicating that some degree of magnetic coupling persists even when the matrix is paramagnetic

    Temperature dependence of dipole-field scattering in Nanoperm

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    We present small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) data for the temperature variation of the recently observed dipole-field-induced spin-misalignment scattering in the soft magnetic nanocomposite Nanoperm (Fe89Zr7B3Cu1). The associated clover-leaf-shaped angular anisotropy of the SANS pattern, which is due to spin disorder arising from dipolar stray fields of the iron nanoparticles, persists up to several hundred Kelvin above the decoupling point of the intergranular amorphous matrix phase. This observation, in conjunction with the q-dependence of the scattering, suggests the existence of long-range magnetic correlations between the iron particles through the paramagnetic matrix, in agreement with previous investigations. The characteristic wavelength of the dipole-field-induced spin disorder appears to be temperature independent

    Automatisierte Korrektur von Umformwerkzeugen

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    Bei der Herstellung von Umformwerkzeugen kommt der Feinbearbeitung, als letztem Glied vor dem Try-Out, eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Sie dient dazu die Bearbeitungsspuren aus den vorhergehenden Prozessen zu entfernen und die geforderte Oberflächenqualität zu erzeugen. Die Bearbeitung erfolgt überwiegend manuell und nimmt einen großen Anteil der gesamten Fertigungszeit in Anspruch. Die Qualität des fertigen Umformwerkzeugs ist dabei in hohem Maße von den Fähigkeiten des Facharbeiters abhängig. Eine Reduzierung der manuellen Arbeiten stellt eine Möglichkeit dar, den Herstellungsprozess von Umformwerkzeugen deutlich effizienter zu gestalten. Da das notwendige Prozesswissen nur in geringem Umfang dokumentiert ist, müssen zur Automatisierung des Abziehens zunächst die manuellen Konzepte hinsichtlich der Werkzeugauswahl, Bearbeitungsstrategien, der Geometriekomplexität der Umformwerkzeuge sowie bekannte Fehlerprofile der Fräs- und Feinbearbeitung erfasst und analysiert werden. Darauf basierend konnten geeignete Werkzeugsysteme und die Schleiftechnologie unter Berücksichtigung eines eigenen CAx-Frameworks entwickelt werden. Durch die Kombination der entwickelten Lösungen zu einem roboterbasierten Maschinensystem konnten die Bearbeitungszeiten des bisher manuellen Abziehens signifikant reduziert und eine höhere Reproduzierbarkeit der Bearbeitungsergebnisse realisiert werden

    Small angle neutron scattering investigations of spin disorder in nanocomposite soft magnets

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    The technique of SANS (small angle neutron scattering) furnishes unique information on the characteristic magnetic length scales and local magnetic anisotropies at the nanoscale in nanocomposite ferromagnets. Such information is not presently available using any other microscopic technique. The basic principles and results of the technique will be presented with regard to a unique and unexpected observation of a dipole field controlled spin disorder in a prototypical soft nanocomposite ferromagnet of the Nanoperm type