38 research outputs found

    Immunomodulatory Activity of Shilajatu (Asphaltum punjabinum) Processed in Different Media

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    Immunomodulators modify the immune response of the body to a threat by potentiating it, but conventional immunomodulatory drugs are associated with higher costs and adverse drug reactions. Therefore, the exploration of herbal immunomodulators is a need of time. Shilajatu is a compound of therapeutic importance that is described in Ayurveda as Rasayana (Immunomodulator). The current study has been planned to assess the Rasayana property (Immunomodulatory activity) of Shilajatu (Asphaltum punjabinum) collected from two market sources i.e. Amritsar and Nepal, processed in Water and Triphala Kwatha (decoction prepared from fruits of Terminalia chebula Retz. (Haritaki), Terminalia bellirica Gaertn. Roxb. (Vibhitaki) & Phyllanthus emblica L.(Amalaki) on cell-mediated immunity. It involved Wistar strain albino rats, weighing 180 ± 20 g of either sex, which were divided into five groups. Test animals were subcutaneously sensitized (0.5 ml/100 g body weight) with triple antigen solution on day 1 and the test drug was administered orally at the dose level of 100 mg per kg in four groups and one group was served as negative control. On the seventh day, again 0.1 ml was injected into the plantar aponeurosis, and hind paw edema was assessed at 24 and 48 hrs for cell-mediated immunity. Groups with drug intervention have shown more edema inhibitory percentage than the water control group at all intervals. Besides, Shilajatu samples processed in Triphala Kwatha have shown a better immunity-enhancing profile than water-processed samples at both the time intervals i.e., 24 and 48 hrs. Therefore, Shuddha Shilajatu can be used as a potent immunomodulator in the management of various diseases as well as enhancing the immunity of a healthy person. Moreover, processing media and supply sources of drugs should be considered for achieving desired therapeutic outcomes


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    Psoriasis is a chronic disease that has substantial psychological and social impact on a patients life. However the treatment options available in contemporary system of medicine are not much satisfactory. Psoriasis is far more than just a skin disease and is equated to Eka Kushtha in Ayurveda. Various clinical studies have been carried out at different research centers in India on Psoriasis (Eka Kushtha). Present study is aimed to compile such available research works in various departments of two PG institutes under Gujarat Ayurved University. Total 27 completed research works on Psoriasis were found at PG (24) and PhD (3) levels, which revalidated the impact of various Ayurvedic treatment modalities (viz. Shodhana and Shamana). In Shamana therapy maximum drugs were of Vata Kapha Shamaka, Rakta Prasadana, Vishaghna, Kushthaghna and Kandughna etc. properties, which effectively counteract the etio-pathogenesis of Psoriasis. Whereas, in Shodhana therapy maximum times Virechana procedure was carried out. The therapies were found to be significantly effective and clinically safe as no adverse drug reactions were reported during treatment period

    Antidiabetic claims of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers: critical appraisal and role in therapy

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    ABSTRACTCurrently, available conventional options for diabetes mellitus have certain limitations of their own, and options from medicinal plants with antihyperglycemic activities are being searched to meet the need. Antidiabetic properties of Tinospora cordifolia are highly appreciated in Ayurveda and even in recent modern researches. Several studies on its extracts (viz. immune- modulatory, anti-hyperglycemic, antioxidant, adaptogenic, hepatoprotective, hormone regulator etc.) and isolated phytoconstituents (like tinosporin, berberine, jatrorrhizine etc.) have reported that it is a preventive and curative antidiabetic herb, which are substantiated by clinical trials. Scattered information pertaining to antidiabetic potential of Tinospora is reported. Present review encompasses (i) in-depth information of reported antidiabetic activities of the plant in light of available experimental and clinical studies, and (ii) understanding on the possible mechanism of its action in combating the complex pathology of diabetes

    Etiology, Modalities of Zygomaticomaxillary Complex Fracture, open reduction and fixation.

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    Zygomatic complex fracture is second most common mid face fracture and frequent amongst the maxillofacial trauma. Fracture pattern ranges from simple to comminuted and from minimally displaced to severely displaced depending on various factors. 98 pati

    Mucormycosis in the COVID-19 Environment: A Multifaceted Complication

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    The second wave of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused severe infections with high mortality. An increase in the cases of COVID-19-associated mucormycosis (CAM) was reported predominantly in India. Commonly present in immunocompromised individuals, mucormycosis is often a life-threatening condition. Confounding factors and molecular mechanisms associated with CAM are still not well understood, and there is a need for careful research in this direction. In this review, a brief account of the diagnosis, management, and advancement in drug discovery for mucormycosis has been provided. Here, we summarize major factors that dictate the occurrence of mucormycosis in COVID-19 patients through the analysis of published literature and case reports. Major predisposing factors to mucormycosis appear to be uncontrolled diabetes, steroid therapy, and certain cancers. At the molecular level, increased levels of iron in COVID-19 might contribute to mucormycosis. We have also discussed the potential role and regulation of iron metabolism in COVID-19 patients in establishing fungal growth. Other factors including diabetes prevalence and fungal spore burden in India as contributing factors have also been discussed

    Analysis of the Bacillus subtils sporulation protein SpoVM and its interaction with the multifunctional protease FtsH

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