54 research outputs found

    Demo : Swip, a semantic web interface using patterns

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    International audienceOur purpose is to provide end-users with a means to query ontology based knowledge bases using natural language queries and thus hide the complexity of formulating a query expressed in a graph query language such as SPARQL. The main originality of our approach lies in the use of query patterns. Our contribution is materialized in a system named SWIP, standing for Semantic Web Interface Using Patterns. The demo will present use cases of this system

    Swip : une interface Langue Naturelle à SPARQL programmée en SPARQL

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    Session 4 : Web sĂ©mantiqueNational audienceL'approche Swip a pour objectif de traduire en SPARQL des requĂȘtes exprimĂ©es en langue naturelle en exploitant des patrons de requĂȘtes prĂ©alablement dĂ©finis. Nous prĂ©sentons ici le module au coeur du systĂšme implĂ©mentant cette approche qui repose entiĂšrement sur SPARQL. Les traitements mis en oeuvre au sein de ce module sont en effet entiĂšrement rĂ©alisĂ©s sur une base de triplets RDF par l'intermĂ©diaire de requĂȘtes de mise Ă  jour SPARQL. L'implĂ©mentation bĂ©nĂ©ficie ainsi des capacitĂ©s du moteur SPARQL employĂ©, ce qui permet d'Ă©viter de mettre en place des fonctions de manipulation et d'appariement de graphes, un moteur SPARQL Ă©tant justement conçu et optimisĂ© pour ces tĂąches

    Des patrons modulaires de requĂȘtes SPARQL dans le systĂšme SWIP

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    National audienceLe systĂšme SWIP a pour objectif l'interrogation d'entrepĂŽts de donnĂ©es sĂ©mantiques par un utilisateur final. Dans cet article, nous proposons une dĂ©finition de patrons de requĂȘtes modulaires. Ces patrons sont composĂ©s de sous-patrons imbriquĂ©s, optionnels ou rĂ©pĂ©tables. Ce nouveau modĂšle de patron est implĂ©mentĂ© Ă  partir d'une ontologie OWL 2. Il a Ă©tĂ© validĂ© sur un jeu de requĂȘtes portant sur le domaine du cinĂ©ma

    Expression de requĂȘtes SPARQL Ă  partir de patrons: prise en compte des relations

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    International audienceNotre objectif est de masquer la difficultĂ© d'exprimer une requĂȘte dans le langage de graphes SPARQL. Nous proposons un mĂ©canisme permettant d'exprimer des requĂȘtes dans un langage pivot trĂšs simple, constituĂ© essentiellement de mots-clĂ©s et de relations entre ces mots-clĂ©s. Notre systĂšme associe les mots-clĂ©s et les Ă©lĂ©ments de l'ontologie (concepts, relations, instances) correspondants. Il sĂ©lectionne alors des patrons de requĂȘtes prĂ©-Ă©crits, puis les instancie Ă  partir des mots-clĂ©s de la requĂȘte initiale. Plusieurs requĂȘtes sont alors prĂ©sentĂ©es Ă  l'utilisateur sous forme de phrases descriptives en langue naturelle. L'utilisateur sĂ©lectionne alors la requĂȘte qui l'intĂ©resse. La requĂȘte SPARQL est alors gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©e

    D'un langage de haut niveau Ă  des requĂȘtes graphes permettant d'interroger le web sĂ©mantique

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    Les modĂšles graphiques sont de bons candidats pour la reprĂ©sentation de connaissances sur le Web, oĂč tout est graphes : du graphe de machines connectĂ©es via Internet au "Giant Global Graph" de Tim Berners-Lee, en passant par les triplets RDF et les ontologies. Dans ce contexte, le problĂšme crucial de l'interrogation ontologique est le suivant : est-ce qu'une base de connaissances composĂ©e d'une partie terminologique et d'une partie assertionnelle implique la requĂȘte, autrement dit, existe-t-il une rĂ©ponse Ă  la question ? Ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, des logiques de description ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©es dans lesquelles l'expressivitĂ© de l'ontologie est rĂ©duite de façon Ă  rendre l'interrogation calculable (familles DL-Lite et EL). OWL 2 restreint OWL-DL dans ce sens en se fondant sur ces familles. Nous nous inscrivons dans le contexte d'utilisation de formalismes graphiques pour la reprĂ©sentation (RDF, RDFS et OWL) et l'interrogation (SPARQL) de connaissances. Alors que les langages d'interrogation fondĂ©s sur des graphes sont prĂ©sentĂ©s par leurs promoteurs comme Ă©tant naturels et intuitifs, les utilisateurs ne pensent pas leurs requĂȘtes en termes de graphes. Les utilisateurs souhaitent des langages simples, proches de la langue naturelle, voire limitĂ©s Ă  des mots-clĂ©s. Nous proposons de dĂ©finir un moyen gĂ©nĂ©rique permettant de transformer une requĂȘte exprimĂ©e en langue naturelle vers une requĂȘte exprimĂ©e dans le langage de graphe SPARQL, Ă  l'aide de patrons de requĂȘtes. Le dĂ©but de ce travail coĂŻncide avec les actions actuelles du W3C visant Ă  prĂ©parer une nouvelle version de RDF, ainsi qu'avec le processus de standardisation de SPARQL 1.1 gĂ©rant l'implication dans les requĂȘtes.Graph models are suitable candidates for KR on the Web, where everything is a graph, from the graph of machines connected to the Internet, the "Giant Global Graph" as described by Tim Berners-Lee, to RDF graphs and ontologies. In that context, the ontological query answering problem is the following: given a knowledge base composed of a terminological component and an assertional component and a query, does the knowledge base implies the query, i.e. is there an answer to the query in the knowledge base? Recently, new description logic languages have been proposed where the ontological expressivity is restricted so that query answering becomes tractable. The most prominent members are the DL-Lite and the EL families. In the same way, the OWL-DL language has been restricted and this has led to OWL2, based on the DL-Lite and EL families. We work in the framework of using graph formalisms for knowledge representation (RDF, RDF-S and OWL) and interrogation (SPARQL). Even if interrogation languages based on graphs have long been presented as a natural and intuitive way of expressing information needs, end-users do not think their queries in terms of graphs. They need simple languages that are as close as possible to natural language, or at least mainly limited to keywords. We propose to define a generic way of translating a query expressed in a high-level language into the SPARQL query language, by means of query patterns. The beginning of this work coincides with the current activity of the W3C that launches an initiative to prepare a possible new version of RDF and is in the process of standardizing SPARQL 1.1 with entailments

    Passage de la langue naturelle Ă  une requĂȘte SPARQL dans le systĂšme SWIP

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    International audienceNotre objectif est de fournir aux utilisateurs un moyen d'interroger des bases de connaissances en utilisant des requĂȘtes exprimĂ©es en langue naturelle. Nous souhaitons masquer la complexitĂ© liĂ©e Ă  la formulation des requĂȘtes dans un langage de requĂȘtes graphes comme SPARQL. L'originalitĂ© principale de notre approche rĂ©side dans l'utilisation de patrons de requĂȘtes. Dans cet article, nous justifions le postulat selon lequel les requĂȘtes issues d'utilisateurs de la "vraie vie" sont des variations autour de quelques familles typiques de requĂȘtes. Nous expliquons Ă©galement comment notre approche est adaptable Ă  diffĂ©rentes langues. Les premiĂšres Ă©valuations sur le jeu de donnĂ©es du challenge QALD-2 montrent la pertinence de notre approche

    Natural language query interpretation into SPARQL using patterns

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    International audienceOur purpose is to provide end-users with a means to query ontology based knowledge bases using natural language queries and thus hide the complexity of formulating a query expressed in a graph query language such as SPARQL. The main originality of our approach lies in the use of query patterns. In this article we justify the postulate supporting our work which claims that queries issued by real life end-users are variations of a few typical query families. We also explain how our approach is designed to be adaptable to different user languages. Evaluations on the QALD-3 data set have shown the relevancy of the approach

    Verifying ontology requirements with SWIP

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    Verifying whether an ontology meets the set of established requirements is a crucial activity in ontology engineering. In this sense, methods and tools are needed (a) to transform (semi-)automatically functional ontology requirements into SPARQL queries, which can serve as unit tests to verify the ontology, and (b) to check whether the ontology fulfils the requirements. Thus, our purpose in this poster paper is to apply the SWIP approach to verify whether an ontology satisfies the set of established requirements

    SWIP at QALD-3 : results, criticisms and lesson learned

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    International audienceThis paper presents the results obtained by the SWIP system while participating in the QALD-3 (Question Answering over Linked Data) challenge, co-located with CLEF 2013 (Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum). We tackled task 1, multilingual question answering, whose purpose is to interpret natural language questions in order to return the answers contained in a graph knowledge base. We answered queries of both proposed datasets (one concerning DBpedia, the other Musicbrainz) and took into consideration only questions in English. The system SWIP (Semantic Web Interface using Patterns) aims at automatically generating formal queries from user queries expressed in natural language. For this, it relies on the use of query patterns which enable the complex task of interpreting natural language queries. The results obtained on the Musicbrainz dataset (precision = 0,51, recall = 0,51, F-measure = 0,51) are very satisfactory and encouraging. The results on DBpedia (precision = 0,16, recall = 0,15, F-measure = 0,16) are more disappointing. In this paper, we present both the SWIP approach and its implementation. We then present the results of the challenge in more detail and their analysis. Finally we draw some conclusions on the strengths and weaknesses of our approach, and suggest ways to improve its performance

    Complex correspondences for query patterns rewriting

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    International audienceThis paper discusses the use of complex alignments in the task of automatic query patterns rewriting. We apply this approach in SWIP, a system that allows for querying RDF data from natural language-based queries, hiding the complexity of SPARQL. SWIP is based on the use of query patterns that characterise families of queries and that are instantiated with respect to the initial user query expressed in natural language. However, these patterns are specific to the vocabulary used to describe the data source to be queried. For rewriting query patterns, we experiment ontology matching approaches in order to find complex correspondences between two ontologies describing data sources. From the alignments and initial query patterns, we rewrite these patterns in order to be able to query the data described using the target ontology. These experiments have been carried out on an ontology on the music domain and DBpedia ontology
