17 research outputs found


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    Sebagai upaya untuk mengatasi kekurangan tersebut diperlukan adanya alat pengelupas (pemecah) kulit buah kopi yang dinamakan huller and pulper 2-in-1, dengan tujuan meningkatkan efisiensi waktu dan biaya operasional pada proses tersebut. Selain itu, untuk mengatasi aspek pemasaran yang optimal, sharing info soal foto produk kopi dan media instagram toko akan dilaksanakan sebagai sarana pemasaran atau pemasangan iklan produk. Dengan upaya tersebut diharapkan UMKM mampu meningkatkan pendapatan usahanya. Metode pelaksanaan yang direncanakan berjalan 9 bulan mencakup pemecahan masalah aspek manajemen dan produksi, meliputi: (1) analisis kebutuhan mitra, (2) perancangan mesin huller and pulper (3) fabrikasi dan uji coba mesin (4) pelatihan/transfer teknologi, (5) penerapan mesin kepada mitra dan (6) monitoring dan evaluas


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    UMKM Wisata Petik Jeruk Mak War yang berada di Combong, Kecamatan Garum, Kabupaten Blitar memiliki luas lahan perkebunan 4000 m2 yang ditumbuhi hampir 600 pohon jeruk keprok siem dengan total hasil panen 12 ton buah jeruk per tahun dan secara geografis sangat potensial karena berada di pusat Kabupaten Blitar dan dilalui jalur provinsi. Permasalahan yang sedang dihadapi adalah serangan hama lalat buah (Bractocera sp.) yang membuat buah rusak dan busuk serta mengakibatkan pemilik kehilangan lebih dari 10 persen hasil panen per tahun karena buah tidak layak konsumsi. Selain itu, pandemi COVID-19 juga membuat angka kunjungan wisata menurun secara signifikan hingga 30 persen dan terus bertambah seiring dengan bertambahnya kasus positif COVID-19 di Indonesia. Hal ini memaksa pemilik untuk menjual jeruk hasil panen dengan harga rendah karena belum memiliki mesin pengolah jeruk mengingat usia usaha yang masih muda. Oleh karena itu, permasalahan mitra akan diatasi dengan pelatihan implementasi LED-based insect trap bertenaga surya serta penerapan teknologi pengolahan buah jeruk menjadi minuman maupun konsentrat dalam bentuk mesin pemeras jeruk otomatis untuk meningkatkan nilai jual dan memperpanjang usia produk jeruk, sehingga buah jeruk tidak kehilangan kandungan rasa dan gizi karena penyimpanan yang terlalu lama. Dengan upaya ini, diharapkan pengelola kebun dapat meningkatkan penghasilan dengan menjual produk olahan jeruk. Metode pelaksanaan yang direncanakan berjalan 9 bulan mencakup pemecahan masalah aspek manajemen dan produksi, meliputi: (1) analisis kebutuhan mitra, (2) perancangan perangkap hama bertenaga surya dan mesin pemeras jeruk, (3) fabrikasi mesin (4) uji performa dan transfer teknologi, (5) penerapan mesin kepada mitra dan (6) evaluasi hasil.           


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    Abstrak. Pengabdian kemitraan masyarakat ini diterapkan pada bengkel modifikasi trail Trelwork sebagai mitra di Desa Gadungan Kecamatan Wates Kabupaten Kediri Jawa Timur karena dalam fabrikasi rangka trail masih secara manual dengan waktu produksi yang lama dan kualitas produk yang rendah. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk (1) membantu mengakselerasi perkembangan UMKM dengan menerapkan mesin press bodi multifungsi yang inovatif untuk melakukan 2 kerja sekaligus, yaitu centering rangka dan press produk penyangga samping motor trail, (2) meningkatan kapasitas produksi dan kualitas produk mitra dalam produksi dan reparasi motor trail. Metode pelaksanaan yang dilakukan selama 10 bulan meliputi: (1) analisis masalah/kebutuhan, (2) perancangan mesin dan analisa desain (3) pembuatan mesin (4) uji performa dan transfer teknologi alat, (5) penerapan mesin kepada mitra usaha dan (6) evaluasi hasil. Perubahan yang didapatkan setelah penerapan mesin adalah peningkatan kecepatan kerja dan kualitas produk yang dihasilkan disamping bertambahnya kemampuan untuk menghasilkan produk tambahan. Selain itu, aspek kemudahan, ergonomi, dan keselamatan kerja juga mengalami peningkatan.Kata Kunci: motor trail, mesin press bodi multifungsi, rangka dan penyangga samping, produktivitas, kualita

    Metal Casting Furnace Design Development Using Computer Simulation

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    Metal foundries still rely heavily on crucible furnaces. The current furnace design, which is currently being used by the partner industry, has been found to be not properly designed and will result in a reduction in efficiency. CFD simulation will be used to find the optimal melting furnace design. This research simulation consists of 3 stages: pre-processing, solving, and post-processing. There are two furnace geometries, cylindrical and hexagonal, while the burner location will be divided into 3 positions, namely P1, P2, and P3. The most optimal furnace design will be used as a basis for the verification testing process. The process of comparing the old and the new smelting furnace design is carried out to understand the performance and characteristics of each furnace. The simulation results for the average crucible temperature in the cylindrical furnace were obtained as follows: 288.5 ºC for the P1 burner, 306.2 ºC for the P2 burner, and 284.5 ºC for the P3 burner. Meanwhile, the simulation results show that the average crucible temperature value in the hexagonal furnace is 290.0 ºC for the P1 burner, 281.6 ºC for the P2 burner, and 237.8 ºC for the P3 burner. The verification testing process produced an average crucible temperature value of 237.5 ºC. Furthermore, the comparison test from the old and new furnace designs to melt 2.5 kg of aluminium at 680 ºC with the old furnace took approximately 30 minutes and 33 minutes with the new furnace. The new furnace produced much more uniform melting than the old furnace

    Study on The Thermal Distortion, Hardness and Microstructure of St 37 Steel Plate Joined Using FCAW

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    This study sets out to investigate the distortion angle, microstructure, and hardness of St 37 steel plate weld joint produced by FCAW using the welding current of 80, 110, and 140 A. By using flat position, CO2 and E71T-1 wire were utilized as a shielding gas and electrode filler, respectively. The distortion angle measurement was done on 3 different locations of the welded sample perpendicular to weld direction by using bevel protractor. The micro Vickers tests were then applied gradually at the cross-sectional surface with a distance of 0, 5, 10 and 15 mm from weld centreline using the load of 300 g for indentation time of 15 s. A series of microstructural observations were subsequently directed on cross-sectional weld joint regions including base metal, heat-affected zone (HAZ) and weld metal to investigate the microstructural transformation. From the results, it can be observed that increasing welding current can reduce the hardness at all indentation regions as well as inducing a higher level of thermal distortion occurred on a weld joint, especially at HAZ. The microstructural transformation was also observed at sample welded using various welding current. Both heat input and cooling rate subjected to the welded sample played an important role to characterize their properties

    The Effect of Cutting Speed of Nitrogen Laser Cutting on the Surface Texture of SUS 304 Plate

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    The focus of today’s machining industry is on how to maintain high productivity and low cost achieved by high tool life during the operation. Laser cutting is considered the right solution because it offers cutting speeds of up to 170000 mm/min through a non-contact process regardless of the workpiece material hardness. The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of cutting speed on the surface texture aspects namely surface roughness, kerf shape, and dross height on the stainless steel 304 plate after laser cutting. The nitrogen laser was utilized with the cutting speed of 400, 1700, and 2000 mm /min and the average roughness (Ra) was then measured using a surface roughness tester. On the other hand, the top, middle, and bottom area of the kerf surface as well as the dross height were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The highest Ra value was resulted at cutting speed of 2000 mm/min with 2.965 ± 0.05 μm while the lowest was at 1400 mm/min with 2.522 ± 0.16 μm. In parallel, the Ra was found to be higher when subjected gradually from the top to bottom zone. The kerf surface also proved that the top zone is dominated by the cutting zone, while the middle and bottom zone are characterized by the transition and deformation zone respectively. The width between kerf lines increased when the higher cutting speed was performed. Additionally, the larger dross height was found at the cutting speed of 1400 mm/min with 32.75 ± 5.21 μm and then degraded gradually at the higher cutting speed. The heat input and laser capability in exposing the material thickness are responsible for determining the corresponding surface texture aspects


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    Abstrak: Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan para guru jurusan mesin Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) se-Kota dan Kabupaten Blitar dalam bidang CAM. Meningkatnya kualitas guru diharapkan pula dapat menjadi bagian dari upaya menyiapkan  lulusan yang lebih kompestitif sebelum memasuki dunia kerja. Proses pelatihan dimulai dari penginstalan dan pengenalan software CAD dan CAM, pembuatan model 3D dan pencetakan model menjadi 3D fisik model. Hasil pelatihan menunjukan adanya peningkatan penguasaan software CAD, pengetahuan dan penguasaan software 3D Printing dan penggunaan mesin 3D Printer. Luaran yang meyertai dari kegiatan ini berupa penambahan modul pelatihan sebagai panduan belajarnya.Abstract: This service activity aims to improve the skills of teachers majoring in Vocational High School (SMK) machines in the City and District of Blitar in the field of CAM. Increasing the quality of teachers is also expected to be part of efforts to prepare graduates who are more competitive before entering the workforce. The training process begins with the installation and introduction of CAD and CAM software, the creation of 3D models and the printing of models into physical 3D models. The training results showed an increase in mastery of CAD software, knowledge and mastery of 3D Printing software and the use of 3D Printer machines. The output that follows from this activity is the addition of training modules as a study guide

    Analisis Kapasitas Spesifik Simetris dan Asimetris Coin Cell Superkapasitor menggunakan Reduksi Graphene Oksida dan Doping Boron Graphene

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    Superkapasitor banyak diteliti karena kepadatan dayanya yang tinggi, siklus hidup yang panjang, dan fungsinya yang memiliki output daya tinggi dan yang memiliki penyimpanan energi tinggi. Graphene memiliki luas permukaan spesifik yang besar dan konduktifitas elektrik yang tinggi sehingga baik digunakan sebagai elektroda pada coin cell superkapasitor. Boron dinilai sebagai unsur kimia yang baik sebagai bahan dopan. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa penggunaan reduksi graphene oksida dan doping boron graphene oksida sebagai bahan elektroda dari asimetris dan simetris coin cell superkapasitor. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimental dengan reduksi graphene oksida dan doping boron graphene yang digunakan sebagai katoda dan anoda coin cell superkapasitor. Pereduksian dilakukan dengan proses pirolisis dalam atmosfer argon dan hidrogen pada temperatur tinggi. Hasilnya menunjukkan graphene dapat didoping menggunakan boron dan dapat digunakan sebagai elektroda (katoda dan anoda) pada coin cell simetris dan asimetris. Nilai kapasitas coin cell asimetris merupakan nilai pertengahan dari coin cell simetris dari bahan katoda dan anodanya

    Hardness analysis on carburized steel weld joint by SMAW using different welding current

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    Low-cost weld joint on wear-resist gear train component was introduced for replacing conventional bolted connection to avoid its additional material and holes requirement. This study was concerned on the hardness analysis of carburized steel weld joint generated from SMAW with different welding currents, namely 80, 100, and 120 A. The results indicated that the hardness is decreased at HAZ and subsequently increased at weld metal for all samples. On the other hand, the highest welding current applied during welding shows the highest hardness curve among the other currents up to 226.5±2 HV at weld metal. By micro-and macrostructural analyses, phases evolution during thermal cycle on welding process played the crucial role to determine the hardness of HAZ, while the weld metal hardness was dominantly driven by the carbon-rich element distribution

    Hardness analysis on carburized steel weld joint by SMAW using different welding current

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    Low-cost weld joint on wear-resist gear train component was introduced for replacing conventional bolted connection to avoid its additional material and holes requirement. This study was concerned on the hardness analysis of carburized steel weld joint generated from SMAW with different welding currents, namely 80, 100, and 120 A. The results indicated that the hardness is decreased at HAZ and subsequently increased at weld metal for all samples. On the other hand, the highest welding current applied during welding shows the highest hardness curve among the other currents up to 226.5±2 HV at weld metal. By micro-and macrostructural analyses, phases evolution during thermal cycle on welding process played the crucial role to determine the hardness of HAZ, while the weld metal hardness was dominantly driven by the carbon-rich element distribution