2,176 research outputs found

    Dusty Sources at the Galactic Center: The N- and Q-band view with VISIR

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    We present mid-infrared N- and Q-band photometry of the Galactic Center from images obtained with the mid-infrared camera VISIR at the ESO VLT in May 2004. The high resolution and sensitivity possible with VISIR enables us to investigate a total of over 60 point-like sources, an unprecedented number for the Galactic Center at these wavelengths. Combining these data with previous results at shorter wavelengths (Viehmann et al. 2005) enables us to construct SEDs covering the H- to Q-band regions of the spectrum, i.e. 1.6 to 19.5 Ό\mum. We find that the SEDs of certain types of Galactic Center sources show characteristic features. We can clearly distinguish between luminous Northern Arm bow-shock sources, lower luminosity bow-shock sources, hot stars, and cool stars. This characterization may help clarify the status of presently unclassified sources.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Inventario da flora apicola do Pantanal em Mato Grosso do Sul.

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    E apresentada uma lista preliminar de 162 plantas apicolas do Pantanal, pertencentes a 54 familias, das quais se destacam pelo numero de especies Compositae e Leguminosae. Assa-peixe (Vernonia scabra Pers.), cumbaru (Dipteryx alata Vog.), hortelazinha (Hyptis lappacea Benth.), tarumeiro (Vitex cymosa Bert.) e "vick" (Bacopa sp.) estao entre as especies frequentes mais procuradas por abelhas. E dado um calendario floral (mensal) que mostra que ha floracao durante o ano todo. Considera-se a regiao propicia a Apicultura

    Plantas comestiveis e medicinais da Nhecolandia, Pantanal.

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    Com o objetivo de contribuir para o resgate e divulgacao de informacoes sobre o uso atual e potencial de plantas uteis do Pantanal, sao apresentadas duas listas, com nomes comuns e cientificos, familias e partes uteis, uma sendo de 59 especies comestiveis, e outra, de 19 medicamentosas e sua finalidade, da sub-regiao arenosa Nhecolandia.bitstream/item/41133/1/PA04.pd

    Plantas colonizadoras da estrada transpantaneira (da Fazenda Leque ao Retiro Chatelodo), na NhecolĂąndia, Pantanal.

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    Non-Boolean almost perfect nonlinear functions on non-Abelian groups

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    The purpose of this paper is to present the extended definitions and characterizations of the classical notions of APN and maximum nonlinear Boolean functions to deal with the case of mappings from a finite group K to another one N with the possibility that one or both groups are non-Abelian.Comment: 17 page

    Emotions, 'Phantasia' and Feeling in Aristotle's Rhetoric

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    Over the past three decades, philosophy has seen a remarkable revival of interest in the concept of emotion and with it a reassessment of the role of the pathĂȘ in the work of Aristotle. Quite a number of scholars claim him as the first philosopher to defend a cognitive approach in emotion theory. I will argue that this claim is one-sided and that his discussions of the passions differ markedly from contemporary cognitive views of emotion

    Plantas uliginosas e aquaticas do Pantanal arenoso.

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    Com o objetivo de apoiar projetos de pesquisa sobre plantas forrageiras e componentes bioticos de habitats (jacare, peixes), iniciou-se em 1984 o levantamento de plantas aquaticas e uliginosas de lugares umidos no leque aluvial arenoso do rio Taquari, que abrange Nhecolandia e Paiaguas no Pantanal. A Nhecolandia caracteriza-se pelas lagoas (= "baias"), e Paiaguas, pelas vazantes, ou drenagem abertas. Ambas as sub-regioes tem campos estacionalmente palustres com plantas uliginosas e aquaticas. Algumas comunidades como "pirizal", "caetezal", "taboal", "camalotal", etc, tem nomes populares em funcao das plantas dominantes. No total foram listadas 157 especies, de 108 generos e 54 familias. As familias mais numerosas sao gramineae (37 especies) e Cyperaceae (19), seguidas de Leguminosae (10), Scrophulariceae (7), Eriocaulaceae (6), Alismataceae (5), Lentibulariaceae (5), Onagraceae (5) e Polygalaceae (5).bitstream/item/41130/1/PA06.pd

    Properties of bow-shock sources at the Galactic center

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    There are an enigmatic population of massive stars around the Galactic Center (GC) that were formed some Ma ago. A fraction of these stars has been found to orbit the supermassive black hole, SgrA*, in a projected clockwise disk, which suggests that they were formed in a formerly existing dense disk around SgrA*. We focus on the extended, near-infrared (NIR) sources IRS1W, IRS5, IRS10W, and IRS21 that have been suggested to be young, massive stars that form bow-shocks through their interaction with the ISM. Their nature has impeded accurate determination of their orbital parameters. We aim at establishing their nature and kinematics to test whether they form part of the clockwise disk. We performed NIR multi-wavelength imaging using adaptive optics (AO) and sparse aperture masking (SAM). We introduce a new method for self-calibration of the SAM PSF in dense stellar fields. The emission mechanism, morphology and kinematics of the targets were examined via 3D bow-shock models. We confirm previous findings that IRS21, IRS1W, and IRS5 are bow-shocks created by the interaction between mass-losing stars and the interstellar gas. The nature of IRS10W remains unclear. Our modeling shows that the bow-shock-emission is caused by thermal emission while the scattering of stellar light does not play any significant role. IRS 1W appears to be a bow-shock produced by an anisotropic stellar wind or by locally inhomogeneous ISM density. Our best-fit models provide an estimate of the local proper motion of the ISM in the NA in agreement with the published models. Assuming that all of the sources are tied to SgrA*, their orbital planes were obtained via a Monte-Carlo simulation. Our orbital analysis suggests that they are not part of any of the clockwise disk. We thus add more evidence to recent findings that a large part of the massive stars show apparently random orbital orientations.Comment: accepted for publication by A&A, 17 pages, 11 figures, 1 appendi
