39 research outputs found


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    Interes u vezi s ostvarivanjem organizacijske izvrsnosti zadržan je na razradi uloge zaposlenika u ostvarivanju organizacijske izvrsnosti. Prema mišljenjima većeg broja autora ostvarivanje organizacijske izvrsnosti rezultat je ostvarivanja principa efikasnosti i efektivnosti. Tako se omogućava uspješno ostvarivanje zadataka i poslovnih ciljeva poduzeća, zadovoljavanje potreba internih i eksternih čimbenika poslovanja. Razumljivo je da to neće automatski značiti i ostvarivanje uspješnosti, ali su dobar organizacijski okvir za funkcioniranje organizacije. Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je uloga zaposlenika u ostvarivanju organizacijske izvrsnosti; razrađuju se aspekti povezani s njihovom ulogom, daju se prijedlozi o postojanju timske organizacije kao dobrog načina organizacijskog dizajniranja poduzeća. Slijedeća dimenzija je povezana s ulogom tzv. feedbacka i njegovog značaja za postizanje organizacijske izvrsnosti, pri čemu su u radu dani primjeri nepostojanja feedbacka u realnim situacijama i posljedica takvoga stanja. Sagledano je i zadovoljstvo zaposlenika kao jedan od čimbenika od utjecaja na organizacijsku izvrsnost, a što je od izuzetnog značaja u današnjim uvjetima organiziranja radnika i njihovih uvećanih potreba.Every sound organization strives for Business Excellence and thereby company, customer and employee satisfaction. Several Business Excellence Models are applied in organizations throughout the world. But what do the models accomplish? What can, the leading organization in every area, benefit from using these models? An organization is a very complex object to measure. Organizations are different in many aspects, for example, size, complexity and types of customer. Some people argue that what you really want to know about an organization is impossible to measure. I believe, or rather hope, that is not true. The fact that most organizations do measure their performance, and, in my view, should continue to do so, means that there must be substance in organizational performance measurements. This paper aims to reveal whether today’s roles of employees are used to their full potential or if there is room for improvement

    Impact of Covid-19 on human resources in small and medium enterprises: the case of Macedonia

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    The current situation in the global environment caused by the impact of the Covid-19 virus indicates a number of problems faced by small and medium enterprises, caused by the consequences of the global health crisis and the pronounced changes related to human resources (firing employess, part-time work, non extension of the employment contract etc.) of the working age population. It is an indisputable fact that SMEs are drivers of inclusive economic growth and drivers in creating productive and sustainable jobs

    CEFTA sporazum i mogućnosti izvoza namještaja Republike Makedonije

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    This paper is focused on business possibilities of CEFTA 2006 and its influence on export trend of wood furniture from the Republic of Macedonia. First, six categories of wood furniture export are analyzed such as: office furniture, kitchen furniture, bedroom furniture, living and dining room furniture, shop furniture and other furniture, presenting a positive trend in each category, except for living and dining room furniture. The total export of wood furniture shows a positive trend. The second part presents comparative research using mathematical and statistical methods for determining wood furniture export trends, analyzing the export to different countries and the use of the CEFTA 2006 agreement. The results show a positive trend of export of wood furniture from Macedonia towards CEFTA countries. The main purpose of this research is to provide an overview of the use of the CEFTA 2006 agreement in the fi eld of wood furniture export from the Republic of Macedonia, providing policy and business recommendations for the use of the CEFTA 2006 agreement. Taking into consideration the CEFTA 2006 agreement benefi ts, CEFTA member countries would become more competitive and prepared towards the European and global market.Cilj je ovog rada istražiti poslovne mogućnosti udruženja CEFTA 2006 i njegov utjecaj na izvozne trendove namještaja Republike Makedonije. U prvom dijelu rada analizirane su izvozne vrijednosti šest kategorija namještaja, i to uredskog namještaja, kuhinjskog namještaja, namještaja za spavaće sobe, namještaja za blagovaonice i dnevne sobe, namještaja za trgovine te ostalog namještaja za koji je utvrđen pozitivan trend uvoza. Jednako tako, utvrđen je pozitivan trend vrijednosti ukupnog izvoza namještaja. U drugom dijelu rada, primjenom statističkih i matematičkih metoda, prikazane su analize izvoza namještaja Republike Makedonije i analizirana uporaba CEFTA 2006 sporazuma. Nadalje, rezultati su pokazali zadovoljavajući pozitivan trend makedonskog izvoza namještaja prema zemljama članicama CEFTA-e. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je dati pregled primjene CEFTA 2006 sporazuma na području izvoza namještaja od drva Republike Makedonije, s naglaskom na primjenu CEFTA 2006 sporazuma. Sporazum CEFTA 2006 donosi zemljama članicama prednosti u obliku postizanja veće konkurentnosti i pripremljenosti za svjetska i europska tržišta

    The role of bonding and bridging cognitive social capital in shaping entrepreneurial intention in transition economies

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    Entrepreneurship is an important factor of potential growth and development that will determine the development dynamics of transition countries in the future. Starting from the theory of planned behaviour and the social cognition theory, the paper argues that bonding and bridging cognitive social capital may positively influence entrepreneurial intentions of young people in Croatia and Macedonia. The hypotheses were tested by using structural equation modelling. Our findings indicate that bridging and bonding social capital could be significant enhancers of entrepreneurial intention. The fact that those individuals who have poor bonding social capital may get their chance through bridging social capital seems as a good indicator. Bridging social capital that forms in an entrepreneurial environment can encourage young people in their self-employment efforts. Furthermore, our research implies several possible

    The role of bonding and bridging cognitive social capital in shaping entrepreneurial intention in transition economies

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    Entrepreneurship is an important factor of potential growth and development that will determine the development dynamics of transition countries in the future. Starting from the theory of planned behaviour and the social cognition theory, the paper argues that bonding and bridging cognitive social capital may positively influence entrepreneurial intentions of young people in Croatia and Macedonia. The hypotheses were tested by using structural equation modelling. Our findings indicate that bridging and bonding social capital could be significant enhancers of entrepreneurial intention. The fact that those individuals who have poor bonding social capital may get their chance through bridging social capital seems as a good indicator. Bridging social capital that forms in an entrepreneurial environment can encourage young people in their self-employment efforts. Furthermore, our research implies several possible


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    There have been a number of papers revolving around e-learning, since technological advancement has triggered interest and development for all online platforms. Still, the application of e-learning is not merely a technological solution, but a process involving many diverse factors such as social and behavioral contexts. The paper primarily focuses on the basic features of the most relevant generations currently representing the core workforce, Generation Y and the upcoming Generation Z. This will form the basis for assumptions which will be tested with regard to the troubling labor market, at the same time connecting these generations with considerations about e-learning. Based on deductive reasoning, the focus is on the types of training, with a discussion of the main aspects and content of this type of learning. Despite the theoretical discussion, appropriate practical empirical research including the members of the mentioned generations and their applications of e-learning has been incorporated. Additionally, several relevant conclusions are made taking into account different variables related to e-learning based on a sample consisting of members of Generation Y and Generation Z. Th e research will present certain indications related to generations Y and Z, their orientation and willingness to use e-learning, primarily resulting from the characteristics and availability of the appropriate information technology. Although the research is rather new it should be noted that Generation Z was born and raised with the web, they are digital-centric and technology is their blood. This paper should be given its practical and applied dimension by conducting relevant research. Th is analysis will off er insights into significant issues concerning e-learning and provide the foundations for further discussion on the trends related to the generation currently present as the dominant workforce and their attitude towards e-learning. The limitations of the research are embedded in the struggle to measure some of the differences and characteristics within the different generational groups.Otkada je tehnološki napredak potaknuo zanimanje za sve online platforme kao i njihov razvoj pojavio se veći broj radova usredotočenih na e-učenje. Ipak, primjena e-učenja ne predstavlja samo tehnološko rješenje, već je riječ o procesu koji obuhvaća brojne i raznovrsne čimbenike kao što su društveni čimbenici i oni povezani s ponašanjem. Ovaj se rad prvenstveno bavi temeljnim odlikama najrelevantnijih generacija koje trenutno predstavljaju radnu snagu – generacijom Y i nadolazećom generacijom Z. To je temelj za pretpostavke koje će se ispitati s obzirom na problematično tržište rada, istovremeno povezujući te generacije s razmatranjima o e-učenju. Uz pomoć deduktivnog rasuđivanja, u središtu zanimanja su vrste obučavanja uz raspravu o glavnim aspektima i sadržaju ove vrste učenja. Pored toga, iznijet će se nekoliko relevantnih zaključaka s obzirom na različite varijable povezane s e-učenjem na temelju uzorka koji se sastoji od pripadnika generacija Y i Z. Istraživanje će iznijeti određene pokazatelje povezane s generacijama Y i Z, njihovom orijentacijom i spremnošću da koriste e-učenje, a koji su prvenstveno rezultat odlika i dostupnosti prikladne informacijske tehnologije. Iako je istraživanje prilično novo, treba napomenuti da je generacija Z rođena i odrasla uz internet, da su usmjereni na digitalno, a tehnologija im je u krvi. Ovaj bi rad trebao dobiti praktičnu i primijenjenu dimenziju provođenjem relevantnih istraživanja. Ova će analiza ponuditi uvid u važna pitanja u pogledu e-učenja te pružiti temelj za daljnje rasprave o trendovima povezanima s generacijom koja trenutno čini dominantni dio radne snage te o stavovima pripadnika te generacije u pogledu e-učenja. Ograničenja istraživanja izviru iz poteškoća u mjerenju određenih razlika i odlika različitih generacijskih skupina

    Implementation and financing of modern technologies in the production process

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    This paper aims to process and demonstrate the implementation of modern production technologies and their financing. If are taken in consideration all the technological advancements from the last decade, it’s clear that new, modern technologies have entered into every sphere of our existence, changing the way we communicate, learn and work. They didn’t bypassed the production. Today, the production process can’t be imagined without automated machines that quickly and efficiently perform the work. They are shorten the cycle time from the input of raw and materials to the output as a finished product. Further, the main component slowly becomes the Internet and all the opportunities that it offers as far as the complete coordination of the factory with all levels of management is concerned. But the implementation of modern technologies is conditioned by financing, ie investments that production companies need to make. There are many sources of funding that they can use including own and other sources. Although sometimes modern technologies can significantly reduce the company's budget, they are the main guide to the fight against competition. Without them, can’t count on increasing productivity and efficiency in operations. This makes modern technologies an inevitable part of the revolution in the production of today's time for which technologies are aware both producers and consumers

    The entrepreneurs influence in employee motivation in small firms

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    This book is organized in three chapters. In the first chapter the importance of the organizational conditions for employee motivation is being stressed. In the second chapter the process of rewarding and the types of recognition systems for the the employees in small firms has been outlined.In the third chapter it is explained the process of employee motivation by the entrepreneurs.And finally the application of motivation strategies and techniques in the small firms has been explained

    Business process reengineering

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    Re-engineering is a relativity young art that examines the change and reorganization existing business processes in the organization to change the present, be desired situation and the achievement of radical approvement process organization.For very important significance to have these processes in the overall work of the organization, in this paper first define reengineering process.Then explains the process of implementation the BPR by explaining the link between BPR and managers, employees, consumers and application of information technology. On the other side, the re-engineering processes helping them to managers in the selection process and the decision about what actually needs to introduced to the organization

    Конкурентноста на малите претпријатија во услови на изразени глобализациски процеси

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    Глобализациските процеси претставуваат доминантен општествен феномен кој има влијание на сите аспекти од општествениот живот вклучително и претприемништвото и малите претпријатија како значаен економски сегмент. Истражувањето на конкурентноста на малите претпријатија преку анализа на заканите и можностите кои се јавуваат како резултат на феноменот глобализација, карактеристиките на претприемачот на 21-ви век, промената на претприемничнкиот модел и појавата на нови трендови во економијата и претприемништвото, само го потврдуваат фактот дека глобализацијата претставува неминовен процес кој бара малите претпријатија суштински и институционално да се прилагодат. Конкурентноста подразбира збир на активности преку кои континуирано се врши проверка на сопствените предности и меѓусебни односи со конкурентните претпријатија во окружувањето заради откривање на можностите кои претставуваат предност. Малите претпријатија постигнуваат состојба на конкурентско позиционирање преку постојано унапредување и зголемување на стекнатите предности но и преку создавање на нови, оригинални предности кои се различни од предходнo стекнатите. Во ова истражување ќе бидат користени методите на анализа на стручната литература за влијанието на глобализацијата на малите претпријатија и претприемништвото. Во истражувањето исто така ќе биде користен и синтетичкиот метод како и индуктивниот, дедуктивниот и компаративниот метод. Истражувањето поаѓа од констатацијата дека глобализациските процеси како едно од најважните обележја на тековното живеење кое се карактеризира со забрзан техничко-технолошки прогрес и забрзан развој на информациската и комуникациската технологија, претставуваат неизбежни процеси во кои малите претпријатија мора да се вклучат за да постигнат економски развој. Целта на овој труд е да се елаборираат одредени работи поврзани за зголемување на конкурентноста на малите претпријатија во услови на глобализациска и економска интеграција. Изворите на конкурентската предност кај малите претпријатија може да бидат интерни и екстерни активности кои ги преземаат малите претпријатија преку соодветни стратегии за задржување на конкурентската предност придонесуваат за намалување на негативните ефекти од глобализациската интеграциј