6 research outputs found

    Detection of Hybrids in Willows (<i>Salix</i>, Salicaceae) Using Genome-Wide DArTseq Markers

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    The genus Salix, comprising some 400–500 species, is important in various alluvial or wet habitats of the northern hemisphere. It is a promising crop for applications such as biomass production, biofuels, or environmental projects. Clear species delimitation is crucial in ecology, biotechnology, and horticulture. DArTseq markers, a genome-wide technique, were tested for species and hybrid identification. A total of 179 willow samples were analysed, including six species of Salix subgen. Salix and four species of Salix subgen. Vetrix, including those used in biomass crop production, representing important European taxa. Identification of species-specific markers, clustering analyses (principal coordinate analysis, neighbor-joining) and Bayesian methods (Structure) unambiguously identified putative hybrids. In addition to demonstrating the high efficiency of DArT-seq markers in identifying willow hybrids, we also opened-up new questions about hybridisation processes and systematics. We detected unidirectional hybridisation between S. alba and S. fragilis, forming backcross hybrids, and we rejected the hypothesis that S. fragilis does not occur naturally in Europe. Further, the isolated position of Salix triandra within the genus was confirmed

    Significance of resection margin as a risk factor for local control of early stage breast cancer

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    Breast conserving surgery combined with sentinel node biopsy represents currently the gold standard of treatment for early breast cancer. Although breast conserving surgery has been a widely accepted method for many years, there remain some highly controversial unresolved issues. The present analysis focused on the resection margin as one of the key factors for local control of the disease. Methods. Patient disease free survival and overall survival were collected from patients undergoing breast conserving surgery from 2004 to 2009 at the Department of Surgery Atlas hospital Zlin, Czech Republic. All patients with resection margin less then 5 mm were re-resected to achieve this clear resection margin of 5mm or more. Disease free survival (more specifically local relapse free survival, metastasis free survival and regional free survival) and overall survival were assessed. Results. The data on 330 patients were analyzed and 286/330 cases had complete follow-up. After a median follow-up of 70 months, 7 patients with isolated local relapse were identified (2.44%), 13 patients with distant metastasis without local relapse (4.54%) and 2 patients with relapse in the axilla without local relapse in the breast (0.7%). Conclusion. The final decision about the extent of resection margin remains controversial but based on the data on local control presented here it seems reasonable to increase the criteria for a clear resection margin to 5 mm

    Omission of adjuvant radiation therapy in elderly patients with low risk breast cancer undergoing breast-conserving surgery - two center experience

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    Introduction. Breast cancer is, now often diagnosed in patients older than 70 years due to longer life expectancy. The usual treatment is mastectomy to obviate radiotherapy or breast-conserving surgery followed by radiotherapy. The aim of this study was to investigate the need for adjuvant radiotherapy in older patients and the consequences of omitting radiotherapy following conservative surgery.Methods. An extensive database search was made of patients who had been treated for breast cancer at the Department of Oncology, University Hospital Olomouc and the Atlas Hospital in Zlin (2004-2008). We identified 738 patients of whom 190 patients (25.7%) were older than 70 years of age. These were followed up for progression-free and overall survival. The cause of death was checked for breast cancer relapse.Results. In total only 9 patients undergoing breast saving surgery were ultimately identified. No patient had confirmed local recurrence during the follow up period: Two patients have died due to distant metastasis without local relapse and one patient has died for reasons other than breast cancer.Conclusion. Omitting radiotherapy after breast saving surgery provides an opportunity for women to undergo breast saving surgery and avoid 7 weeks of radiotherapy. This could significantly improve patient quality of life. In our of many years experience and from published randomized data, this procedure is safe for a select group of patients 70 years of age and older

    Využití DNA polymorfismu k určení genetické diversity rodu topol (Populus) a dub (Quercus) pro řešení strategie konzervace in situ a reintrodukce ohrožených druhů

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    Cílem projektu je stanovit genetickou diversitu v populacích topolu černého (Populus nigra) a některých druhů rodu Quercus na základě DNA polymorfismu metodou analýzy mikrosatelitových markerů. V roce 2002 bylo úkolem dokončit analýzy mikrosatelitových lokusů u kříženců topolu, sledovat růstové parametry v souboru kříženců a hodnotit a zpracovávat výsledky získané pro topol v minulých letech. Dále byla optimalizována metoda mikrosatelitů u dubu a analyzovány mikrosatelity dubu mnohoplodého, dubu zimního, dubu žlutavého a jeho kříženců

    Záchrana genetické diverzity borovice blatky (Pinus uncinata subsp. uliginosa) subendemitu České republiky‚ v centru jejího areálu kombinovanou metodou biomonitorignu‚ kontrolovaného opylení a mikropropagace

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    Cílem projektu je vhodným managementem ochránit a posílit cenný genofond ohrožené borovice blatky v České republice o geneticky čisté potomstvo. Analýzou DNA ověřit genetickou čistotu reprezentativních jedinců vybraných podle fenotypu pro kontrolované opylení. Získané geneticky čisté osivo použít jako výchozí materiál pro reprodukci borovice blatky v in vitro a ex vitro podmínkách. V roce 2007 byly řešeny tyto úkoly: 1. Základní terénní měření vybraného jádrového území PR Borkovická blata. 2. Provedení asanačních zásahů na uvedené lokalitě, odstranění vybraných fertilních jedinců Pinus sylvestris. 3. Analýza prostorové struktury stromového patra. 4. Zajištění fyzikálních, výživových a růstově regulačních podmínek indukce in vitro regenerace v metodických pokusech z osiva Arboreta Sofronka. 5. Metodické pokusy pro optimalizaci postupu izolace DNA

    Záchrana genetické diverzity borovice blatky (Pinus uncinata subsp. uliginosa) subendemitu České republiky‚ v centru jejího areálu kombinovanou metodou biomonitorignu‚ kontrolovaného opylení a mikropropagace

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    Zpráva uvádí revizi fenotypové čistoty stávajícího semenného sadu borovice blatky vytvořeného z genofondu v PR Borkovická blata. Zachycuje prostorové a věkové struktury porostů borovice blatky. Uvádí doporučení pro záchranu genofondu borovice blatky a její udržení v lokalitě Borkovická blata. Projekt popisuje další postup při záchraně genofondu a zakládání kultur z osiva fenotypově čistých nehybridních jedinců