264 research outputs found

    Infill design project report : Medium-density residential development

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    268 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes figures. Published October 10, 2005. Captured May 15, 2008.The objective of the Infill Design Project is to foster medium-density infill development that contributes to meeting City design objectives, such as those calling for design that is pedestrian oriented and serves as a positive contribution to neighborhood context. Other key considerations of the project are implementation of City objectives calling for housing diversity and for accommodating new housing near transit facilities and centers. [From the document

    Central City plan

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    173 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes maps and figures. Adopted March 24, 1988. Captured October 10, 2007.[T]he Plan is to: review the results of the Downtown Plan, build upon its successes and correct its deficiencies, and extend its usefulness to the entire Central City; clarify the functional role of the Central City and its relationship to the larger community; identify feasible public actions to assist and attract private investment in the Central City; identify additional public amenities that contribute to the urban and natural environment, and to livability for citizens within that environment; assure a human scale, an inviting environment, and attractions for residents as well as visitors in an area that continues as the center of commerce and cultural activities in the community; [and] support and promote existing goals and policies of the City of Portland. [From the Plan

    Brentwood-Darlington neighborhood plan

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    77 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes maps and figures. Adopted January 2, 1992. Captured October 9, 2007.The Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Plan was developed by the Brentwood-Darlington Planning Committee and subcommittees, in cooperation with the Bureau of Planning. The Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Association initiated a citizen-based effort which culminated in the development of the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Association membership on October 9, 1991. [From the Plan

    Urban design & development charette

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    32 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Maps, figures, illus. Published October, 2007. Captured April 29, 2009.The intent of the charrette was to seek stakeholder input into the creation of an urban design framework plan and preferred alternative for zoning amendments regulating the use of height and FAR in the plan area. [From the document

    Southwest Hills resource protection plan : Inventory, analysis and regulations for the protection of wetlands, water bodies, fish and wildlife habitats, open space and natural areas

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    210 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes maps and figures. Adopted January 23, 1992; published May, 1992. Captured December 21, 2007.The Southwest Hills Resource Protection Plan provides the inventory, analysis and recommendations for protection of significant natural resources located in southwest Portland. The project study area covers 7,000 acres south of the Balch Creek basin and downtown Portland, incuding the areas which drain directly into the Willamette River.... This document is one of several natural resource plans being completed by the City of Portland to comply with the State's Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) Statewide Planning Goal 5 post-acknowledgement requirements. [From the Plan

    McCormick & Baxter site reuse assessment : Final report

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    128 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes figures. Published June, 2001. Captured May 7, 2008.This report relates the progress and recommendations of a reuse assessment project for the McCormick and Baxter site. The City of Portland Bureau of Planning coordinated the project under contract with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The reuse assessment is one of ten pilot projects being implemented around the country to launch EPA’s Superfund Redevelopment Initiative. [From the document]"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency provided funding for this project.

    Outer Southeast livable infill project

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    120 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes maps and figures. Most recent activity June, 2004. Captured May 16, 2008.This study supports the Infill Design Project by studying the design of new, multi-family infill development in a section of Outer Southeast Portland, Oregon. Through public outreach, this study identifies community design preferences and analyzes whether these preferences are being met in the private realm, the public realm and contextually. The study further identifies reasons for the current state of multi-family infill development and provides recommendations to improve design quality of multi-family infill.... This study recommends four approaches to improve the design quality of multifamily infill in the selected study area. [From the document

    The policies of Portland's Central City plan

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    36 pp. OCR and bookmarks supplied by UO. Most recent activity February 7, 1996. Captured November 26, 2008.The Bureau of Planning is in the process of incorporating adopted changes into an amended Central City Plan (CCP) document.... This is an interim document showing the changes made to the CCP policies, while full revision of the CCP is being done. [From the document

    Park Avenue urban design vision : Portland, Oregon

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    15 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Maps, figures, illus. Published September 29, 2004. Captured March 26, 2009.This report summarizes the Bureau of Planning's urban design thinking on and related development approach to the area now known as the Park Avenue District in downtown Portland. The Park Avenue Vision as discussed here considers existing development connecting the North Park Blocks with the South Park Blocks. Burnside and Salmon streets and the city blocks fronting Park and 9th Avenues define this area. The area between Block 5 (Taylor and Yamhill) and O'Bryant Square is of special focus. [From the document
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