565 research outputs found


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    Competition ensures competitive prices. In this respect, the liberalisation of the EU energy markets is a must. The regulatory framework for the energy markets should be properly designed and implemented by the member states in order to ensure enough competition. This paper aims to analyse the status quo of the EU energy markets in terms of regulatory framework and degree of competition and to recommend improvements of the system in order to balance the issues of competition, energy security and environment protection in the EU energy markets.Energy market, regulation, competition, energy security, climate change

    Self-Assessed Health Status and Satisfaction with Health Care Services in the Context of the Enlarged European Union

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    The paper aims at analysing the relationship between self-rated health-status, satisfaction with health care services and socio-economic factors, in the context of different national health care systems in the enlarged European Union. The effects of socio-economic deprivation and the functioning of national health care systems on self-rated health status and satisfaction with health care services are investigated using the European Social Survey 2006 dataset (ESS3), and macro data provided by Eurostat (2007) and the World Health Organization (2007). Socio-economic deprivation is measured both at the micro-level (using indicators of economic strain, household income, education, employment status and belonging to discriminated groups), and the macro-level (national poverty rates, the values of poverty thresholds, quintile ratios and GDP per capita). The performance of national health care systems is quantified with the help of two indexes, designed for the purpose of the present study: an index of total health care provisions and an index of governmental commitment to health care. The following countries are included in the analysis: Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.self-assessed health ; health care systems ; health inequalities ; governmental policies


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    Competition ensures competitive prices. In this respect, the liberalisation of the EU energy markets is a must. The regulatory framework for the energy markets should be properly designed and implemented by the member states in order to ensure enough competition. This paper aims to analyse the status quo of the EU energy markets in terms of regulatory framework and degree of competition and to recommend improvements of the system in order to balance the issues of competition, energy security and environment protection in the EU energy markets


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    Competition ensures competitive prices. In this respect, the liberalisation of the EU energy markets is a must. The regulatory framework for the energy markets should be properly designed and implemented by the member states in order to ensure enough competition. This paper aims to analyse the status quo of the EU energy markets in terms of regulatory framework and degree of competition and to recommend improvements of the system in order to balance the issues of competition, energy security and environment protection in the EU energy markets

    Rolul potenţialului evocat, obţinut prin stimulare magnetică, în explorarea măduvei spinării

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    Analiza stării funcţionale a căilor motorii de la nivelul măduvei spinării este foarte importantă pentru neurologia clinică. Datorită poziţiei sale anatomice, măduva este difi cil de investigat prin metode neurofi ziologice uzuale. Metodele actuale de neurovizualizare nu permit întotdeauna obţinerea unei corelaţii clare între leziunile aparente imagistic și cauza dezvoltării simptomatologiei neurologice. Obiectivarea unei disfuncţii, ca și diferenţierea între afectarea măduvei sau a structurilor periferice (ca rezultat al iritaţiei, traumatizării sau compresiunii), poate fi importantă în diagnostic și în alegerea terapiei. Informaţiile structurale furnizate de metodele imagistice nu sunt sufi ciente pentru aprecierea impactului funcţional. Stimularea magnetică transcraniană este o metodă neinvazivă și nedureroasă, care asigură investigarea tractului corticospinal la orice nivel, aducând informaţii privind statusul funcţional al acestuia. Printre bolile sistemului nervos pentru care metoda stimulării magnetice este utilă se numără modifi cările degenerative (mielopatii), bolile reumatologice infl amatorii (de ex., spondilartrita anchilozantă), traumatismele coloanei vertebrale sau măduvei, demielinizările etc

    Influenţa stimulării electrice funcţionale asupra excitabilităţii corticale la pacienţii cu boala Parkinson

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    The functional evaluation of the pyramidal tract is very important in neurology. Because of its anatomical position, the spinal cord is diffi cult to investigate by usual neurophysiological methods. Imagistic techniques can only show structural damage (presence or absence of morphological abnormalities of the spinal cord), and provide limited information regarding etiology or functional impact. The lack of correlation between imagistic lesions and symptoms is not uncommon. Certifi cation of the disfunction, as well as differentiation between spinal and root damage (following compression, irritation, trauma) may hold an important role in diagnosis and therapeuthical approach. Magnetic stimulation represents a non-invasive and painless technique able to assess the cortico-spinal tract at any level, and able to provide clear data about its function. This method is useful in degenerative myelopathy, rheumatological inflammatory diseases (ex. ankylosing spondylitis), radiculopathy, spinal trauma, demielination, etc


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    Purpose of this paper is to present a model for preparing and implementing of a layout work for surface construction work in order to put into practice to large projects for the modernization of rural areas and creating new opportunities in the area.Development work is based on the topographic survey of the investment location and the layout project in order to construct “industrial building" based on investment projects in agriculture.In order to perform this work it was necessary hardware and software structure very well put together, highlighted in particular by the use of software such as AutoCAD 2013 and Leica GeoOffice Tools.Topographic surveying for the situation plan were made in the field using a total station Leica TCR 805

    Immunological Insights on Pathogenic Connections between Hepato-Digestive Disorders and Periodontal Conditions

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    The oral cavity is an integral part of the digestive tract and thus significant diseases, including periodontitis, can have an important impact on the normal nutritional functions of the body. Certain diseases of the hepato-digestive system have an inflammatory component, such as chronic hepatitis, fatty liver disease, or gastric cancer. This inflammatory reaction is mainly driven by pro-inflammatory chemokines. This is also the case for periodontitis, a condition characterized by the inflammation of the supporting tissues of teeth. Thus, significant pathogenic connections mediated by pro-inflammatory chemokines could exist between periodontitis and diseases of the hepato-digestive system