116 research outputs found

    Broadband SHF Direction-Finder

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    The original design of the compact broadband direction-finder is presented in this paper. The cylindrical monopole antenna serves as a primary source of the reflector- type antenna. \"Zero-amplitude\" technique is used for bearing the SHF sources. The model experiments with the proposed direction-finder prototype in the frequency band 6 GHz – 11 GHz have been carried out

    Wide-Angle X-Band Antenna Array with Novel Radiating Elements

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    An antenna array with wide-angle beam steering is presented in this paper. The antenna consists of dielectrically filled open-ended waveguides with a new type of excitation as individual radiators. The characteristics of the radiator have been analyzed. The novel radiator has a wide beamwidth and the frequency band of around 21%. Following the computational modeling and experimental investigations the characteristics of the antenna array for scan angles up to 50° are discussed

    Variability in the relative human DNA content during metagenomic analysis of gut microbiota

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    © 2015, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The comparative study of seven different methods for extraction of total DNA from human feces has been carried out. All these methods are recommended in protocols for metagenomic analysis of human gut microbiota. The relative abundance of human DNA in such samples registered by shotgun sequencing on a SOLiD 4 genetic analyzer has been investigated. It was shown that either initial amount of feces or a method applied for total DNA extraction insignificantly influenced the final relative human DNA proportion, which did not exceed 1% in healthy people. Invariance of this parameter allows to consider the increased proportion of human DNA in metagenomic samples as a potential marker of inflammatory bowel diseases

    Variability in the relative quantity of human DNA resulted from metagenomic analysis of gut microbiota

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    We conducted the comparative study of seven different methods of total DNA extraction from human feces. All these methods are recommended in protocols for metagenomic analysis of human gut microbiota. We studied the relative quantity of human DNA calculated from shotgun sequencing on a SOLiD 4 genetic analyzer of metagenomic samples. It was shown that either initial amount of feces or a method applied for total DNA extraction do not affect on final relative human DNA abundance, which is less than 1% in healthy people. Invariance of this parameter allows to consider increased abundance of human DNA in metagenomic samples as a potential marker of inflammatory bowel diseases. | Abstract available from the publisher

    Эффективность применения селективного ингибитора фосфодиэстеразы 4 в комплексной терапии больных с перекрестным синдромом бронхиальная астма / хроническая обструктивная болезнь легких (overlap синдром)

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate effects of roflumilast on the level of control, systemic inflammation markers, general and mucosal humoral anti-endotoxin immunity in patients with asthma–COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS). Methods. Forty patients with ACOS were involved. All the patients were treated with a standard therapy. Of them, 20 patients received roflumilast additionally during 1 month. Clinical parameters were analyzed using ACQ Elizabeth Juniper questionnaire, mMRC scale and spirometry. Anti-endotoxin antibodies A, M, G classes and C-reactive protein were measured by ELISA. Results. Additional administration of roflumilast significantly improved control of the disease, reduced systemic inflammation and improved mucosal anti-endotoxin immunity in patients ACOS with neutrophil inflammation. Six-month follow-up showed that the effect prolonged in 15.8% of the patients. Conclusion. Efficacy and duration of effects of roflumilast in ACOS patients requires further research.Цель исследования – изучение влияния дополнительного применения селективного ингибитора ФДЭ-4 в комбинированной терапии у больных с перекрестным синдромом бронхиальная астма – хроническая обструктивная болезнь легких (СПБАХ) на клинические параметры, маркеры системного воспаления, состояние местного и общего гуморального антиэдотоксинового иммунитета. Были обследованы 40 больных, у которых присутствовали характерные признаки БА и ХОБЛ. Все пациенты были разделены на 2 группы: 1-я группа (n = 20) получала комбинированную терапию; 2-я группа (n = 20) дополнительно к комбинированной терапии получала рофлумиласт в течение 1 мес. Анализ клинических параметров осуществлялся с помощью опросника ACQ Elizabeth Juniper, шкалы одышки mMRC, проводилось спирометрическое исследование. Уровни антиэндотоксиновых антител классов А, М, G, С-реактивный белок определялись методом твердофазного иммуноферментного анализа. Установлено, что дополнительное назначение рофлумиласта привело к достоверному улучшению уровня контроля, снижению системного воспаления, улучшению состояния мукозального антиэндотоксинового иммунитета у больных СПБАХ с преимущественно нейтрофильным компонентом воспаления. При этом динамическое наблюдение (в течение 6 мес.) показало сохранение эффекта у 15,8 % больных 2-й группы, что требует дальнейших научных исследований относительно длительности и эффективности применения рофлумиласта у данной категории больных


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    Cerium(III) nitrate and urea solution mixture were treated by hydrothermal and microwavehydrothermal methods, as a result cerium(III) carbonate hydroxide nanoparticles (22-37 nm) were obtained. Cerium(III) carbonate hydroxide nanoparticles, encrusted by palladium were obtained using palladium reduction process from cerium(III) carbonate hydroxide solution. It is shown, that palladium occurrence disturbs hard hydrogen bond system, leading to carbonate hydroxide nanoparticles structure disorder and also increases efficiency of catalytic reactivity process.Из смеси растворов нитрата церия(III) и мочевины с использованием различных методов и приемов выделены наночастицы (22-37 нм) гидроксокарбоната церия(III). Путем восстановления палладия в растворах в присутствии гидроксокарбоната церия(III) получены образцы наночастиц гидроксокарбоната церия(III) с поверхностью, инкрустированной палладием. Показано, что присутствие Pd нарушает жесткую систему водородных связей матрицы и приводит к разупорядочению строения наночастиц гидроксокарбоната. Подчеркивается перспективность использования указанных композитов в катализе

    Microbiome Responses to an Uncontrolled Short-Term Diet Intervention in the Frame of the Citizen Science Project

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    Personalized nutrition is of increasing interest to individuals actively monitoring their health. The relations between the duration of diet intervention and the effects on gut microbiota have yet to be elucidated. Here we examined the associations of short-term dietary changes, long-term dietary habits and lifestyle with gut microbiota. Stool samples from 248 citizen-science volunteers were collected before and after a self-reported 2-week personalized diet intervention, then analyzed using 16S rRNA sequencing. Considerable correlations between long-term dietary habits and gut community structure were detected. A higher intake of vegetables and fruits was associated with increased levels of butyrate-producing Clostridiales and higher community richness. A paired comparison of the metagenomes before and after the 2-week intervention showed that even a brief, uncontrolled intervention produced profound changes in community structure: resulting in decreased levels of Bacteroidaceae, Porphyromonadaceae and Rikenellaceae families and decreased alpha-diversity coupled with an increase of Methanobrevibacter, Bifidobacterium, Clostridium and butyrate-producing Lachnospiraceae- as well as the prevalence of a permatype (a bootstrapping-based variation of enterotype) associated with a higher diversity of diet. The response of microbiota to the intervention was dependent on the initial microbiota state. These findings pave the way for the development of an individualized diet.</p

    Использование нанодисперсий, полученных из экстракта бересты, для солюбилизации плохо растворимых в воде веществ.

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    The method of poor soluble substances solubilization with the use of nanodispersions prepared from birch bark extract is proposed. Optimal substance/carrier ratios for methylpheophorbide A, doxorubicin, silymarin and silibinin have been determined.Предложен способ солюбилизации плохо растворимых субстанций с помощью нанодисперсий, полученных из тритерпеноидов бересты. Определены оптимальные соотношения субстанция/носитель для метилфеофорбида А, доксорубицина, силибинина и силимарина

    Analysis of the intestinal microbiota of the taxonomic composition of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    The paper summarizes the results ot studies on the composition ot microbial communities in stool samples of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease compared with healthy volunteers using genome-metagenomic sequencing. It is shown that the microbial community ot the intestine in patients with COPD is characterized as diverse taxonomic composition of metagenomes that the microbiota of healthy volunteers. In this case, the normal composition of intestinal microbiota in patients with COPD differs from samples of healthy individuals qualitatively and quantitatively. In contrast to healthy volunteers, the intestinal microbiota in patients with COPD was characterized by a higher average representation of microorganisms of the genus Acidaminococcus, Bacteroides, Barnesiella, Flavonifractor, Odoribacter, Parabacteroides, Tannerella and reduced representation of commensal microorganisms - the genera Bifidobacterium. Catenibacterium, Coprococcus, Lactobacillus, Prevotella (mainly Prevotella copri). Ruminococcus. representatives of Firmicutes - Faecalibacterium and Eubacterium.В статье обобщены результаты исследований по изучению состава сообщества микроорганизмов в образцах кала больных хроническом обструктивной болезнью легких в сравнении со здоровыми добровольцами методом полногеномного метагеномного секвенирования. Показано, что сообщество микроорганизмов кишечника у пациентов с ХОБЯ характеризуется столь же разнообразным таксономическим составом метагеномов, что и микробиота здоровых добровольцев. При этом нормальный состав кишечной микробиоты у больных ХОБЛ отличается от образцов здоровых лиц качественно и количественно В отличие от здоровых добровольцев, кишечная микробиота больных ХОБЛ характеризовалась более высокой средней представленностью микроорганизмов родов Acidaminococcus, Bacteroides, Barnesiella, Flavonifractor, Odoribacter. Parabacteroides. Tannerella и сниженной представленностью микроорганизмов-комменсалов - представителен родов Bifidobacterium. Catembacterium, Coprococcus. Lactobacillus, Prevotella (преимущественно Prevotella copri), Ruminococcus. представителей отдела Firmicutes - Faecalibacterium и Eubacterium