342 research outputs found

    Attributing sense to some integrals in Regge calculus

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    Regge calculus minisuperspace action in the connection representation has the form in which each term is linear over some field variable (scale of area-type variable with sign). We are interested in the result of performing integration over connections in the path integral (now usual multiple integral) as function of area tensors even in larger region considered as independent variables. To find this function (or distribution), we compute its moments, i. e. integrals with monomials over area tensors. Calculation proceeds through intermediate appearance of δ\delta-functions and integrating them out. Up to a singular part with support on some discrete set of physically unattainable points, the function of interest has finite moments. This function in physical region should therefore exponentially decay at large areas and it really does being restored from moments. This gives for gravity a way of defining such nonabsolutely convergent integral as path integral.Comment: 14 pages, presentation improve

    Spin foam model from canonical quantization

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    We suggest a modification of the Barrett-Crane spin foam model of 4-dimensional Lorentzian general relativity motivated by the canonical quantization. The starting point is Lorentz covariant loop quantum gravity. Its kinematical Hilbert space is found as a space of the so-called projected spin networks. These spin networks are identified with the boundary states of a spin foam model and provide a generalization of the unique Barrette-Crane intertwiner. We propose a way to modify the Barrett-Crane quantization procedure to arrive at this generalization: the B field (bi-vectors) should be promoted not to generators of the gauge algebra, but to their certain projection. The modification is also justified by the canonical analysis of Plebanski formulation. Finally, we compare our construction with other proposals to modify the Barret-Crane model.Comment: 26 pages; presentation improved, important changes concerning the closure constraint and the vertex amplitude; minor correctio

    The complete LQG propagator: I. Difficulties with the Barrett-Crane vertex

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    Some components of the graviton two-point function have been recently computed in the context of loop quantum gravity, using the spinfoam Barrett-Crane vertex. We complete the calculation of the remaining components. We find that, under our assumptions, the Barrett-Crane vertex does not yield the correct long distance limit. We argue that the problem is general and can be traced to the intertwiner-independence of the Barrett-Crane vertex, and therefore to the well-known mismatch between the Barrett-Crane formalism and the standard canonical spin networks. In a companion paper we illustrate the asymptotic behavior of a vertex amplitude that can correct this difficulty.Comment: 31 page

    From Dimensional Reduction of 4d Spin Foam Model to Adding Non-Gravitational Fields to 3d Spin Foam Model

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    A Kaluza-Klein like approach for a 4d spin foam model is considered. By applying this approach to a model based on group field theory in 4d (TOCY model), and using the Peter-Weyl expansion of the gravitational field, reconstruction of new non gravitational fields and interactions in the action are found. The perturbative expansion of the partition function produces graphs colored with su(2) algebraic data, from which one can reconstruct a 3d simplicial complex representing space-time and its geometry; (like in the Ponzano-Regge formulation of pure 3d quantum gravity), as well as the Feynman graph for typical matter fields. Thus a mechanism for generation of matter and construction of new dimensions are found from pure gravity.Comment: 11 pages, no figure, to be published in International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physic

    Abelian BF theory and Turaev-Viro invariant

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    The U(1) BF Quantum Field Theory is revisited in the light of Deligne-Beilinson Cohomology. We show how the U(1) Chern-Simons partition function is related to the BF one and how the latter on its turn coincides with an abelian Turaev-Viro invariant. Significant differences compared to the non-abelian case are highlighted.Comment: 47 pages and 6 figure

    Semiclassical Analysis of the Wigner 12j12j Symbol with One Small Angular Momentum

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    We derive an asymptotic formula for the Wigner 12j12j symbol, in the limit of one small and 11 large angular momenta. There are two kinds of asymptotic formulas for the 12j12j symbol with one small angular momentum. We present the first kind of formula in this paper. Our derivation relies on the techniques developed in the semiclassical analysis of the Wigner 9j9j symbol [L. Yu and R. G. Littlejohn, Phys. Rev. A 83, 052114 (2011)], where we used a gauge-invariant form of the multicomponent WKB wave-functions to derive asymptotic formulas for the 9j9j symbol with small and large angular momenta. When applying the same technique to the 12j12j symbol in this paper, we find that the spinor is diagonalized in the direction of an intermediate angular momentum. In addition, we find that the geometry of the derived asymptotic formula for the 12j12j symbol is expressed in terms of the vector diagram for a 9j9j symbol. This illustrates a general geometric connection between asymptotic limits of the various 3nj3nj symbols. This work contributes the first known asymptotic formula for the 12j12j symbol to the quantum theory of angular momentum, and serves as a basis for finding asymptotic formulas for the Wigner 15j15j symbol with two small angular momenta.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure

    Holography for the Lorentz Group Racah Coefficients

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    A known realization of the Lorentz group Racah coefficients is given by an integral of a product of 6 ``propagators'' over 4 copies of the hyperbolic space. These are ``bulk-to-bulk'' propagators in that they are functions of two points in the hyperbolic space. It is known that the bulk-to-bulk propagator can be constructed out of two bulk-to-boundary ones. We point out that there is another way to obtain the same object. Namely, one can use two bulk-to-boundary and one boundary-to-boundary propagator. Starting from this construction and carrying out the bulk integrals we obtain a realization of the Racah coefficients that is ``holographic'' in the sense that it only involves boundary objects. This holographic realization admits a geometric interpretation in terms of an ``extended'' tetrahedron.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures; v2: minor changes; v3: "extended" tetrahedron interpretation adde

    Lens Spaces and Handlebodies in 3D Quantum Gravity

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    We calculate partition functions for lens spaces L_{p,q} up to p=8 and for genus 1 and 2 handlebodies H_1, H_2 in the Turaev-Viro framework. These can be interpreted as transition amplitudes in 3D quantum gravity. In the case of lens spaces L_{p,q} these are vacuum-to-vacuum amplitudes \O -> \O, whereas for the 1- and 2-handlebodies H_1, H_2 they represent genuinely topological transition amplitudes \O -> T^2 and \O -> T^2 # T^2, respectively.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures, uses eps

    3-dimensional Gravity from the Turaev-Viro Invariant

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    We study the qq-deformed su(2) spin network as a 3-dimensional quantum gravity model. We show that in the semiclassical continuum limit the Turaev-Viro invariant obtained recently defines naturally regularized path-integral aˋ\grave{\rm a} la Ponzano-Regge, In which a contribution from the cosmological term is effectively included. The regularization dependent cosmological constant is found to be 4π2k2+O(k−4){4\pi^2\over k^2} +O(k^{-4}), where q2k=1q^{2k}=1. We also discuss the relation to the Euclidean Chern-Simons-Witten gravity in 3-dimension.Comment: 11page
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