7 research outputs found

    Prospects for the implementation of the "digital government" project of the Russian Federation

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    The theoretical foundations for the development of the digital economy and e-government are considered in this article. The main objectives of Russia's transition to the digital economy are listed. The relevance of the development of the digital government concept is considered. The indicators of the current level of state development in the framework of digitalization and the formation of e-government are analyzed. The main problems, the solution of which makes the implementation of the digital government project of the Russian Federation possible, are singled out. Digital economy development is associated not only with the progress of the information technology and innovation industry, but also with the improvement of the labor market, where new jobs, professions and personnel are created. In this regard, there is a rapid process of the foundation of society, where one job becomes low-paid, and new professions allow one to receive a personal income at the level of top managers of small and medium-sized enterprises.peer-reviewe

    Development of integration processes in the agro-industrial complex of the Russian regions

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    This paper is devoted on the methodology for assessing the development of extra- and intra-integration structures. This methodology consists of three levels of economic assessment of the agro-industrial sector: the regional level, the economic sector level, and the enterprise level. The agro-industrial complex of the Altai Republic has positive business dynamics due to the development of the livestock industry. Through assessing the business outlook for agro-industrial integration using the three levels, it has been determined that the livestock industry has the greatest potential for creating large integrated structures in the Altai Republic. The study justifies the need for creating an internal cluster (intra-cluster) in the maral deer breeding sphere of the Altai Republic, and an external cluster (extra-cluster) in the sphere of meat-and-dairy cattle breeding in the Altai Republic and the Altai Territory. The authors propose a ‘business-as-usual’ and a target scenario for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Altai Republic until 2025. The target scenario reflects the effectiveness of the proposed measures for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Altai Republic. According to this scenario, the formation of intra-clusters and extra-clusters in 2025 will lead to an increase in total profits of the livestock industry enterprises under analysis by 451 million rubles and of budget allocations by 194.3 million rubles. The goal of this study is to develop theoretical and methodological guidelines for shaping and developing integrated structures in the agro-industrial complex.peer-reviewe

    Economic and political fundamentals for the establishment of the cabinet-owned metallurgical complex in Siberia in the 18th century

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    Economic and political fundamentals for the development of mining and metallurgical production in Siberia in the 18th century are discussed in this paper. The principal type of ownership of large enterprises at that time was serf manufactory, the development of which took place in the conditions of absolutism based on forced labor. Based on a comprehensive set of archive documents, the authors have studied the problem of the transfer under the authority of the Imperial Cabinet of the private Kolyvano-Voskresensk enterprises owned by Demidov, which were established in the 1720s in the south area of Western Siberia. The status change of industrial enterprises is discussed in the context of accidental events (the death of Akinfiy Demidov and the controversy of his heirs) and the consistent processes of development of silver smelting production in the country. The quick development of the metallurgical industry in Russia in the 18th century was caused by a number of domestic and external factors. The Crown extensively attracted private sector capital for the search and development of ore deposits, especially in remote Uralian and Siberian areas. In the 1720s-1740s, the Kolyvano-Voskresensk industrial-territorial complex privately owned by Akinfiy Demidov was established in the south area of Western Siberia. In the middle of the 1740s, the events happened, as a result of which the possessory belonging of the enterprises was changed and these enterprises were transferred under the control and management of the governmental institution – that is, the Imperial Cabinet. Thus, the Kolyvano-Voskresensk plants became the basis of the Cabinet production unit which existed in the 18h-19th centuries.peer-reviewe

    Economic mechanism of regulating land relations in the agricultural sector of Russia

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    The present study substantiates the economic basis for regulating land relations in the agricultural sector, outline the main stages of the formation and development of land relations in Russia. It also carries out a comparative analysis of land relations in Russia and foreign countries, presents theoretical aspects of economic regulation of land relations in the agricultural sector and considers domestic and foreign experience of the regulation of land relations. The activities of human society in connection with land are carried out on the basis of social relations, the key element of which is land relations. Transformations and regulation of land relations occur in the process of agrarian transformations. Historically, it has been proven that the implementation of agrarian reforms that change the socioeconomic situation, the working conditions of people, the production and marketing of products, does not bring about solid results without a proper transformation of land relations. The unique role of land relations in the system of agrarian reforms suggests that agrarian restructuring must begin with land reform.peer-reviewe


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    Objective. This article is devoted to the analysis of the mechanism for the implementation of the national project «Health», as well as the assessment of the effectiveness of its implementation. Materials and methods. Currently, there is no system for timely and publicly available assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of the national project «Healthcare» both at the national and regional levels. In this regard, it is proposed to evaluate the effectiveness of the national project according to the methodology based on the integral indicator of effectiveness, developed by the experts of the Higher School of Health Management for assessing the health of the region. Results. The concept and role of national projects in the regional economy as part of strategic planning is given. The management system and the mechanism for the implementation of the national project in health care at the regional level are disclosed. Techniques for evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of national projects have been studied. The current state of the implementation of the national project «Healthcare» in the Altai Territory is characterized. The mechanism for the implementation of the national project «Healthcare» is analyzed. Conclusion. An assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of the national project showed an insufficient level of implementation of the program in the Altai Territory during 2019-2020, which was facilitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which significantly worsened the mortality rate among the adult population


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    The relevance of the work. The relevance of the study is due to the need to develop agro-industrial production at a new qualitative level, to increase the level of food security in the region by improving the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of investment activities in the agro-industrial complex. Objective. The purpose of this study is the development of scientific and methodological provisions for improving the organizational and economic mechanisms of investment activity in the agro-industrial complex of Siberian regions. Materials and methods. The research methodology is aimed at clarifying the basic principles of the formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of the food and processing industry, taking into account the sectoral features of innovative development. Results. In-depth studies were carried out on the organizations of the agro-industrial complex of the Novosibirsk region. The main part of the article discloses indicators characterizing the development of Russian agriculture in 2017-2020, as well as indicators of innovative activity in agriculture for 2017-2021. Shows the share of investments aimed at the reconstruction and modernization of fixed assets in Russia, as a percentage of the total investment. The mechanism of subsidizing to compensate for the costs incurred for the construction (modernization) of agribusiness facilities is considered. The main directions for improving the organizational and economic mechanism of the investment process in Siberian agriculture have been developed. Conclusion. In conclusion, scientific provisions are formulated to improve the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of investment activities in the agro-industrial complex

    Problems of the ecological system in Russia and directions for their solution based on economic and social development programs

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    The article deals with the problems of the ecological system in Russia and the directions of their solution on the basis of economic and social development programs. Consumer attitudes of people to the environment is the main cause of the deterioration of its condition, which leads to a decrease in stocks of non-renewable natural resources. In addition, it threatens the existence of humanity. The environmental problems of our time require not only the introduction of resourcesaving technologies in all sectors of production, the use of alternative energy sources, but also ensuring the restoration of the already damaged ecosystem resilience and their preservation in the future. © 2019, ASERS Publishing. All rights reserved