9 research outputs found

    Uporaba naravnih olj za površinsko zaščito lesa navadne bukve

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    Different natural drying oils were used for surface finishing of common beech wood (Fagus sylvatica L.). Surface performances and properties of the oiled surfaces were investigated according to the standard tests. Drying time, colour and gloss changes, uptake of oils into wood and uptake of liquid water into oiled wood, were determined, and the wettability of oiled wood surfaces was investigated by determination of the apparent contact angles of water. The results of the standard resistance tests showed that tung oil, the commercial decking and linseed oil had the best water repellent and protective properties. Worse properties were determined for those surfaces finished with walnut, hemp and coconut oils

    Model za določanje življenjske dobe lesa listavcev

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    The majority of Slovenian wood species do not have durable wood. Due to increased environmental awareness, users are avoiding treated wood and wood from tropical forests. In order to increase the consumption of domestic wood species, we have to understand the overall performance of wood better. Therefore, a study of the most important Slovenian hardwood species was performed, as prescribed by Meyer-Veltrup et al. Durability against wood decay fungi and wetting was determined using standard laboratory tests. These data were then used for calculation of the respective factors needed for calculation of predicted service life

    An optimization and digital transformation of project management

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    Podjetje X se je soočalo z neuspešno izpeljavo projektov, zato so želeli prenoviti in digitalizirati proces vodenja projektov. Cilj magistrskega dela je bil predlagati optimizacijo procesa vodenja projektov in na podlagi optimizacije predlagati še njegovo digitalizacijo. Analizirali smo pet projektov, ki so bili vodeni bodisi po klasičnem načinu vodenja projektov bodisi po metodi SCRUM in primerjali njihovo uspešnost. Projekti, vodeni po metodi SCRUM, so bili glede na porabo proračuna uspešnejši z višjo stopnjo transparentnosti in vpletenosti deležnikov ter nižjo stopnjo tveganja kot projekti, vodeni po klasični metodi. Za neuspešnost projektov je pri preučevanem podjetju bila kriva nezadovoljiva komunikacija in nepopolna dokumentacija, pomanjkljiva transparentnost in slaba vpletenost deležnikov v razvoj produkta. Prenova in digitalizacija procesa sta se izkazali za smotrni, tveganje za previsoko porabo proračuna se je znižalo, zadovoljstvo deležnikov je višje, podjetje pa ima vse potrebno, da redno spremlja uspešnost projektov.Company X was faced with unsuccessful project execution and therefore wanted to renew and digitally transform its project management process. This master\u27s thesis aimed to propose the optimization of the project management process and, based on the optimization, to propose its digital transformation. We analysed five projects managed either with the classical project management method or with the SCRUM method and compared their performance. SCRUM-managed projects were more successful in terms of budget spend, with higher levels of transparency and stakeholder engagement, and lower levels of risk than projects managed using the classic method. Inadequate communication and incomplete documentation, lack of transparency, and poor stakeholder engagement in product development were responsible for project failure in the company studied. Renovating and digitally transforming the process proved to be fit for purpose, the risk of excessive budget spending decreased, stakeholder satisfaction was higher, and the company gained all the necessary means to regularly monitor the performance of the projects


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    Z ustrezno zaščito lesenim izdelkom v uporabi občutno podaljšamo življenjsko dobo. Za površinsko obdelavo lesenega nakita je zelo pomembna pravilna izbira premaznega sredstva, trendi se pa na vseh področjih nagibajo v okoljsko sprejemljive rešitve. Z uporabo naravnih olj bi s tem zadovoljili okoljske zahteve, morali pa smo ugotoviti, katero olje bi bilo za ta namen najprimernejše. Izbrali smo pet naravnih olj: laneno, orehovo, konopljino, kokosovo in tungovo olje ter komercialno olje »decking« za primerjavo. Na vzorcih bukovine smo spremljali navzem olja, hitrost vpijanja olja in vode, stopnjo utrjenosti, spremembo barve in sijaja ter odpornost proti hladnim tekočinam in suhi toploti. Če izvzamemo olje »decking«, je imelo najmanjši navzem tungovo olje, prav tako so vzorci, obdelani s tem oljem, dosegli najboljše rezultate pri hitrosti vpijanja olja in vode ter pri stopnji utrjenosti. Barvo neobdelane površine je najmanj spremenilo laneno olje, po enem letu pa se je barva oljene površine najmanj spremenila pri konopljinem olju. Proti hladnim tekočinam in suhi toploti je bilo tungovo olje celo bolj odporno kot komercialno olje »decking«. Kokosovo je bilo izločeno zaradi tvorbe filma na lisasti površini. Izdelovalec lesenega nakita se naj sam odloči, kateri lastnosti bo pripisal večji pomen, pri tem pa si lahko pomaga s predstavljenimi rezultati.The life span of wooden products can be increased significantly by proper protection. For the surface treatment of wooden jewellery, it is of great importance to choose the right coating. As ecological awareness is gaining traction, the solution might lie in the use of natural oils as coatings. Thus, it was only sensible to examine which natural oil would be the most suitable as surface protection for wooden jewellery. We chose to test five natural oils: linseed, hemp, walnut, coconut and tung oil and a commercial, »decking« oil, for comparison. The oils were tested on beech wood for the following properties: oil uptake, absorption of oil and water, drying behaviour, change of colour and gloss and resistance to cold liquids and dry heat. If we only take into account natural oils without the »decking« oil, the best results were observed as follows: oil uptake, absorption of oil and water, drying behaviour were the best in the case of tung oil. Coconut oil was excluded due to the unpleasant aesthetic changes it had caused on the treated surface. Linseed oil caused the least change of colour to the untreated surface, while the colour of the surface treated with hemp oil changed the least in the period of a year. The best resistance to cold liquids and dry heat was observed with tung oil. The manufacturers should choose by themselves which oil meets their specific needs and the findings in this work may be of help

    Usage of natural oils for surface protection of common beech wood

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    Za površinsko zaščito lesa navadne bukovine (Fagus sylvatica L.) smo uporabili različna naravna olja. Lastnosti premazanih površin smo proučili po različnih standardnih postopkih. Proučevali smo čas utrjevanja, spremembe barve in sijaja, navzem olj v les in navzem vode v oljen les, z meritvami navideznih kontaktnih kotov kapljic vode pa smo ocenili vodoodbojnost oljenega lesa. Rezultati standardnih preskusov odpornosti so pokazali, da imajo med olji, uporabljenimi v tej raziskavi, tungovo, komercialno olje decking in laneno olje najboljše vodoodbojne in zaščitne lastnosti. Slabše odpornostne lastnosti so bile ugotovljene pri površinah, premazanih z orehovim, konopljinim in kokosovim oljemDifferent natural drying oils were used for surface finishing of common beech wood (Fagus sylvatica L.). Surface performances and properties of the oiled surfaces were investigated according to the standard tests. Drying time, colour and gloss changes, uptake of oils into wood and uptake of liquid water into oiled wood, were determined, and the wettability of oiled wood surfaces was investigated by determination of the apparent contact angles of water. The results of the standard resistance tests showed that tung oil, the commercial decking and linseed oil had the best water repellent and protective properties. Worse properties were determined for those surfaces finished with walnut, hemp and coconut oil

    Is naturally durable wood available in Slovenia?

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    V zadnjem obdobju se raba lesa veča, še posebno za gradbene namene. Na prostem je les izpostavljen delovanju biotskih in abiotskih dejavnikov razkroja. Teh procesov ne moremo preprečiti, s pravilnim načrtovanjem konstrukcij, izbiro ustreznih lesnih vrst ali biocidno zaščito pa jih lahko zelo omejimo. Pri izbiri lesa je eden od najpomembnejših podatkov njegova naravna odpornost. Letos je bil objavljen nov standard, ki na tem področju prinaša številne novosti. Najbolj izrazito je zmanjšanje odpornosti macesnovine in hrastovine, predvsem zaradi variabilnosti lesa, ki je v celoti ne znamo pojasniti. V tem prispevku so navedena najnovejša spoznanja in nekateri rezultati, ki se nanašajo na naravno odpornost in življenjsko dobo lesa.The use of wood is increasing in the recent years, predominately in the building sector. Wood in outdoor applications is exposed to a variety of biotic and abiotic degradation factors. These processes cannot be completely prevented, but can be slowed down with proper construction, selection of wood species and/or application of biocides. One of the most important criteria that influences the selection of wood species is natural durability. There has been new EN standard published recently that brings new classification of wood species to durability classes. The most important decrease of durability has been assigned to larch and oak wood, predominately due to the huge variability that cannot be fully controlled. In the respective contribution, new aspects and data that are related to durability and service life of wood are presented

    Model for service life prediction of hardwoods

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    Velika večina slovenskih lesnih vrst ima relativno slabo odporen les. Zaradi vedno večje okoljske ozaveščenosti se kupci vse redkeje odločajo za impregniran les ali les tropskih lesnih vrst. Če želimo na prostem uporabiti les domačih drevesnih vrst, ga moramo dobro poznati, da ga znamo prav uporabiti. Da bi določili odpornost izbranih vrst listavcev, smo izvedli teste, kot to predvideva model Meyer-Veltrup. Lesu smo določili odpornost proti glivam razkrojevalkam in odpornost proti navlaževanju z uveljavljenimi laboratorijskimi metodami. Na podlagi teh rezultatov smo izračunali faktorja, ki okarakterizirata omenjeni lastnosti in ju prevedli v pričakovano življenjsko doboThe majority of Slovenian wood species do not have durable wood. Due to increased environmental awareness, users are avoiding treated wood and wood from tropical forests. In order to increase the consumption of domestic wood species, we have to understand the overall performance of wood better. Therefore, a study of the most important Slovenian hardwood species was performed, as prescribed by Meyer-Veltrup et al. Durability against wood decay fungi and wetting was determined using standard laboratory tests. These data were then used for calculation of the respective factors needed for calculation of predicted service life