Usage of natural oils for surface protection of common beech wood


Za površinsko zaščito lesa navadne bukovine (Fagus sylvatica L.) smo uporabili različna naravna olja. Lastnosti premazanih površin smo proučili po različnih standardnih postopkih. Proučevali smo čas utrjevanja, spremembe barve in sijaja, navzem olj v les in navzem vode v oljen les, z meritvami navideznih kontaktnih kotov kapljic vode pa smo ocenili vodoodbojnost oljenega lesa. Rezultati standardnih preskusov odpornosti so pokazali, da imajo med olji, uporabljenimi v tej raziskavi, tungovo, komercialno olje decking in laneno olje najboljše vodoodbojne in zaščitne lastnosti. Slabše odpornostne lastnosti so bile ugotovljene pri površinah, premazanih z orehovim, konopljinim in kokosovim oljemDifferent natural drying oils were used for surface finishing of common beech wood (Fagus sylvatica L.). Surface performances and properties of the oiled surfaces were investigated according to the standard tests. Drying time, colour and gloss changes, uptake of oils into wood and uptake of liquid water into oiled wood, were determined, and the wettability of oiled wood surfaces was investigated by determination of the apparent contact angles of water. The results of the standard resistance tests showed that tung oil, the commercial decking and linseed oil had the best water repellent and protective properties. Worse properties were determined for those surfaces finished with walnut, hemp and coconut oil

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