782 research outputs found

    Non-invasive assessment of pulmonary vascular resistance in pulmonary hypertension: Current knowledge and future direction

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    Pulmonary Hypertension (PHT) is relatively common, dangerous and under-recognised. Pulmonary hypertension is not a diagnosis in itself; it is caused by a number of differing diseases each with different treatments and prognoses. Therefore, timely and accurate recognition of the underlying cause for PHT is essential for appropriate management. This is especially true for patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) in the current era of disease-specific drug therapy. Measurement of Pulmonary Vascular Resistance (PVR) helps separate pre-capillary from post-capillary PHT, and is measured with right heart catheterisation (RHC). Echocardiography has been used to derive a number of non-invasive surrogates for PVR, with varying accuracy. Ultimately, the goal of non-invasive assessment of PVR is to separate PHT due to left heart disease from PHT due to increased PVR, to help streamline investigation and subsequent treatment. In this review, we summarise the physiology and pathophysiology of pulmonary blood flow, the various causes of pulmonary hypertension, and non-invasive surrogates for PVR

    Clinical trial: protective effect of a commercial fish protein hydrolysate against indomethacin (NSAID)-induced small intestinal injury

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    Background A partially hydrolysed and dried product of pacific whiting fish is marketed as a health food supplement supporting 'intestinal health'.Aim To examine whether the partially hydrolysed and dried product of pacific whiting fish influenced the small intestinal damaging side effects of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, indomethacin.Methods Eight human volunteers completed a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover protocol of clinically relevant dose of indomethacin (50 mg t.d.s. p.o. for 5 days) with 7 days of fish hydrolysate or placebo starting 2 days prior to indomethacin. Changes in gut permeability were assessed using 5 h urinary lactulose:rhamnose (L/R) ratios.Results Fish hydrolysate given alone did not affect permeability. In the main study (n = 8), baseline values were similar for both arms (0.28 +/- 0.05 and 0.35 +/- 0.07). Administration of indomethacin (+placebo) caused a fivefold rise in L/R ratios (increasing to 1.54 +/- 0.35), whereas L/R ratios in the same subjects ingesting indomethacin + fish hydrolysate was only 0.59 +/- 0.14 (P < 0.01 vs. indomethacin alone). Dyspeptic symptoms occurred in four of eight subjects taking indomethacin alone, but zero of eight when hydrolysate was co-administered.Conclusion Natural bioactive products (nutriceuticals), such as fish hydrolysates, may provide a novel approach to the prevention and treatment of NSAID-induced and other gastrointestinal injurious conditions

    Laboratory techniques for extraction of palynomorphs from sediments

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    Structure–property insights into nanostructured electrodes for Li-ion batteries from local structural and diffusional probes

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    Microwave heating presents a faster, lower energy synthetic methodology for the realization of functional materials. Here, we demonstrate for the first time that employing this method also leads to a decrease in the occurrence of defects in olivine structured LiFe1−xMnxPO4. For example, the presence of antisite defects in this structure precludes Li+ diffusion along the b-axis leading to a significant decrease in reversible capacities. Total scattering measurements, in combination with Li+ diffusion studies using muon spin relaxation (μ+SR) spectroscopy, reveal that this synthetic method generates fewer defects in the nanostructures compared to traditional solvothermal routes. Our interest in developing these routes to mixed-metal phosphate LiFe1−xMnxPO4 olivines is due to the higher Mn2+/3+ redox potential in comparison to the Fe2+/3+ pair. Here, single-phase LiFe1−xMnxPO4 (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1) olivines have been prepared following a microwave-assisted approach which allows for up to 4 times faster reaction times compared to traditional solvothermal methods. Interestingly, the resulting particle morphology is dependent on the Mn content. We also examine their electrochemical performance as active electrodes in Li-ion batteries. These results present microwave routes as highly attractive for reproducible, gram-scale syntheses of high quality nanostructured electrodes which display close to theoretical capacity for the full iron phase

    Orbital Dimer Model for Spin-Glass State in Y2_2Mo2_2O7_7

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    The formation of a spin glass usually requires both structural disorder and frustrated magnetic interactions. Consequently, the origin of spin-glass behaviour in Y2_2Mo2_2O7_7 - in which magnetic Mo4+^{4+} ions occupy a frustrated pyrochlore lattice with minimal compositional disorder - has been a longstanding question. Here, we use neutron and X-ray pair-distribution function (PDF) analysis to develop a disorder model that resolves apparent incompatibilities between previously-reported PDF, EXAFS and NMR studies and provides a new and physical mechanism for spin-glass formation. We show that Mo4+^{4+} ions displace according to a local "2-in/2-out" rule on each Mo4_4 tetrahedron, driven by orbital dimerisation of Jahn-Teller active Mo4+^{4+} ions. Long-range orbital order is prevented by the macroscopic degeneracy of dimer coverings permitted by the pyrochlore lattice. Cooperative O2^{2-} displacements yield a distribution of Mo-O-Mo angles, which in turn introduces disorder into magnetic interactions. Our study demonstrates experimentally how frustration of atomic displacements can assume the role of compositional disorder in driving a spin-glass transition.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Nanoscale polar heterogeneities and branching Bi-displacement directions in K0.5Bi0.5TiO3

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    K0.5Bi0.5TiO3 (KBT)—one of the few perovskite-like ferroelectric compounds with room-temperature tetragonal symmetry—differs from other members of its family (BaTiO3 and PbTiO3) by the presence of a disordered mixture of K and Bi on cuboctahedral sites. This disorder is expected to affect local atomic displacements and their response to an applied electric field. We have derived nanoscale atomistic models of KBT by refining atomic coordinates to simultaneously fit neutron/X-ray total scattering and extended X-ray absorption fine-structure data. Both Bi and Ti ions were found to be offset relative to their respective oxygen cages in the high-temperature cubic phase; in contrast, the coordination environment of K remained relatively undistorted. In the cubic structure, Bi displacements prefer the ⟨100⟩ directions and the probability density distribution of Bi features six well-separated sites; a similar preference exists for the much smaller Ti displacements, although the split sites for Ti could not be resolved. The cation displacements are correlated, yielding polar nanoregions, whereas on average, the structure appears as cubic. The cubic ↔ tetragonal phase transition involves both order/disorder and displacive mechanisms. A qualitative change in the form of the Bi probability density distribution occurs in the tetragonal phase on cooling to room temperature because Bi displacements “branch off” to ⟨111⟩ directions. This change, which preserves the average symmetry, is accompanied by the development of nanoscale polar heterogeneities that exhibit significant deviations of their polarization vectors from the average polar axis

    The Effectiveness of Intrathecal Baclofen in the Management of Patients with Severe Spasticity

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    The upgraded Polaris powder diffractometer at the ISIS neutron source

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    This paper describes the design and operation of the Polaris time-of-flight powder neutron diffractometer at the ISIS pulsed spallation neutron source, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK. Following a major upgrade to the diffractometer in 2010-2011, its detector provision now comprises five large ZnS scintillator-based banks, covering an angular range of 6\ub0 ≤ 2θ ≤ 168\ub0, with only minimal gaps between each bank. These detectors have a substantially increased solid angle coverage (ω ∼5.67 sr) compared to the previous instrument (ω ∼0.82 sr), resulting in increases in count rate of between 2 7 and 10 7, depending on 2θ angle. The benefits arising from the high count rates achieved are illustrated using selected examples of experiments studying small sample volumes and performing rapid, time-resolved investigations. In addition, the enhanced capabilities of the diffractometer in the areas of in situ studies (which are facilitated by the installation of a novel design of radial collimator around the sample position and by a complementary programme of advanced sample environment developments) and in total scattering studies (to probe the nature of short-range atomic correlations within disordered crystalline solids) are demonstrated

    Antifungal agents for preventing fungal infections in non-neutropenic critically-ill patients

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    Background Invasive fungal infections, important causes of morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients, may be preventable with the prophylactic administration of antifungal agents

    Measures Matter: Scales for Adaptation, Cultural Distance, and Acculturation Orientation Revisited

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    Building upon existing measures, four new brief acculturation scales are presented, measuring sociocultural adaptation, psychological adaptation, perceived cultural distance, and acculturation orientation. Following good scale reliability in initial samples, the English scales were translated into nine different languages (Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, and Turkish). The translated scales were administered to a large sample of sojourners (N = 1,929), demonstrating good reliability and adequate structural equivalence across languages. In line with existing theory, sociocultural adaptation and psychological adaptation were positively correlated, and showed a negative association with perceived cultural distance. General measures of well-being were correlated with adaptation and distance, with better adaptation relating to higher well-being, and more distance relating to lower well-being. Acculturation orientation toward the home and host culture were measured separately and a weak negative correlation was found between the two, supporting their independence. Arguing against dichotomization, these subscales were analyzed as continuous variables. Regression analysis showed sojourners to be better adapted, if they were oriented more toward the host culture and less toward the home culture. These new scales are proposed as alternatives to existing measures