3 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico da produção e armazenamento de grãos de milho e soja para implantação de uma unidade armazenadora no município de Tabaporã - MT

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Agrárias. Curso de Agronomia.O setor logístico brasileiro não acompanhou o rápido crescimento agrícola do país. Atualmente produtores perdem competitividade, pois precisam comercializar seus grãos logo que os colhem, refletindo a falta de capacidade estática de armazenagem para abrigar o produto. Frente a essa problemática, este trabalho objetivou avaliar a viabilidade econômica de uma unidade armazenadora no município de Tabaporã-MT. O diagnóstico do município mostrou-se favorável ao investimento em unidades armazenadoras prestadoras de serviço. Naquela região, há grande déficit do setor, e o elevado potencial de crescimento agrícola abre esta oportunidade de investimento. Neste trabalho, projetaram-se dois cenários de investimento em uma unidade armazenadora para 400 mil sacos de 60 kg, no primeiro contando com o financiamento do BNDES, em 75% do investimento, e, no segundo, apenas com capital próprio. O primeiro cenário mostrou-se rentável, com um VPL de 2,03 milhões e TIR de 23,62%. Para o segundo cenário, os indicadores indicaram a inviabilidade do investimento, o VPL ficou negativo e a TIR 1,5% abaixo da taxa SELIC, essa utilizada como taxa mínima de atratividade para o investimento. Concluiu-se que, usando como veículo de capital a linha de financiamento do PCA, o investimento se torna viável, a grande vantagem são as baixas taxas de juros, os três anos de carência e os quinze anos para quitar o empréstimo.The Brazilian logistic sector has not followed its rapid agricultural growth. Currently, producers are less competitive for they need to market their grain as soon as they harvest it. This reflects the lack of static’s storage capacity to store the product. Taking in consideration such problem, the aim of this feasibility study was to evaluate whether installing a storage facility in the city of Tabaporã – MT is economically valuable. The city has a very favorable environment to install a grain storage facility by a service provider. In this region, the deficit in this sector is strong, and the high potential for agricultural growth opens an investment opportunity. In this study, two investment scenarios in a storage facility for 400 000 bag of 60kg were created. The first scenario will rely on a loan from BNDES of 75% of the investment, and second will rely only in equity. The first scenario proved profitable, with a PNV of 2.03 million, and an IRR of 23.62%. The indicators of the second scenario were not favorable to the investment for the PNV was negative, and the IRR was 1.5% below the Selic rate, used as the hurdle rate for investment. It is reasonable to conclude that the investment becomes viable when using the funding line of the PCA as a vehicle of capitalization. The big advantage is the low interest rates, the three-year grace period, and the fifteen years to repay the loan

    Dental avulsion : are the dentist prepared to the correct management?

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    Objective: To evaluate the knowledge of dentists from the health units (HU) of Porto Alegre - Brazil, regarding the management of avulsion of permanent teeth. Material and Methods: All dentists (n = 117) from HU were invited to answer a self-applied questionnaire regarding the treatment and preservation of avulsed permanent teeth in different clinical scenarios, based on the guidelines of the International Association of Dental Trauma (IADT). The professional data were also collected. The correlation between the performance of each professional and professional data was performed, (Student’s t test, Pearson’s and Spearman’s correlations), assuming 5% significance Results: The response rate was 56.41%. The mean performance rate of the dentists regarding the clinical questions was 69.3%, but 37.4% had poor performance (less than 70% correct). The greatest number of hits was where the patient comes with the already replanted teeth (89.2%); 87.3% agreed in situations where the injured child reaches two hours of trauma with the tooth in a liquid medium, however in cases that period of trauma was more than two hours and tooth was dehydrated, the professionals performance was reduced (64.9%). There was a lack of knowledge about the use of intracanal medication (error rate of 56.9%); 41% are mistaken about the period to start endodontics procedures; 32.8% did the wrong about contention of avulsed teeth and clinical and radiographs follow-up. Dentists with postgraduate performed better than those without (p = 0.011). Professionals with longer time elapsed since graduation had lower performance, as well as those who reported not being satisfied with their knowledge of dental trauma (p<0.05). Conclusion: A limited knowledge of dentists from HUs of Brazil regarding the management of avulsed teeth was found. The lack in knowledge suggests the need for implementation of continuing education programs and simulation programs on approaches to dental traumas to improve dental care offered for the population

    Dental avulsion : are the dentist prepared to the correct management?

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    Objective: To evaluate the knowledge of dentists from the health units (HU) of Porto Alegre - Brazil, regarding the management of avulsion of permanent teeth. Material and Methods: All dentists (n = 117) from HU were invited to answer a self-applied questionnaire regarding the treatment and preservation of avulsed permanent teeth in different clinical scenarios, based on the guidelines of the International Association of Dental Trauma (IADT). The professional data were also collected. The correlation between the performance of each professional and professional data was performed, (Student’s t test, Pearson’s and Spearman’s correlations), assuming 5% significance Results: The response rate was 56.41%. The mean performance rate of the dentists regarding the clinical questions was 69.3%, but 37.4% had poor performance (less than 70% correct). The greatest number of hits was where the patient comes with the already replanted teeth (89.2%); 87.3% agreed in situations where the injured child reaches two hours of trauma with the tooth in a liquid medium, however in cases that period of trauma was more than two hours and tooth was dehydrated, the professionals performance was reduced (64.9%). There was a lack of knowledge about the use of intracanal medication (error rate of 56.9%); 41% are mistaken about the period to start endodontics procedures; 32.8% did the wrong about contention of avulsed teeth and clinical and radiographs follow-up. Dentists with postgraduate performed better than those without (p = 0.011). Professionals with longer time elapsed since graduation had lower performance, as well as those who reported not being satisfied with their knowledge of dental trauma (p<0.05). Conclusion: A limited knowledge of dentists from HUs of Brazil regarding the management of avulsed teeth was found. The lack in knowledge suggests the need for implementation of continuing education programs and simulation programs on approaches to dental traumas to improve dental care offered for the population