191 research outputs found

    L'educatore penitenziario: ipotesi per una socio-analisi

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    Questo saggio è il risultato della riflessione seguita ad un incontro con gli educatori penitenziari in occasione di un corso di formazione in cui ho svolto delle lezioni sull’uso del focus group nella ricerca sociale. La lezione si divideva in tre parti: nella prima parte abbiamo realizzato un discussione di gruppo (focus group) su alcune tematiche relative al lavoro, alla formazione e alle prospettive dell’educatore penitenziario; nella seconda parte abbiamo riflettuto sulle tecniche di realizzazione di un focus group, analizzando l’esperienza poco prima conclusa; nella terza parte, la lezione ha toccato il tema della socializzazione professionale, anche qui prendendo spunto dalle discussioni e dalle testimonianze degli educatori intervenuti. Questo saggio vuole essere una prima riflessione, esplorativa, che potrebbe costituire un primo passo verso una socioanalisi della professione di educatore penitenziario. La finalità principale è quella di far emergere alcune ipotesi di lavoro, delle linee per una ulteriori ricerche e osservazioni, e di riflettere sulle problematiche legate alle pratiche e alle rappresentazioni, al rapporto con gli altri attori, al ruolo e alle sue prospettive, insomma al mondo sociale in cui è inserito l’educatore penitenziario

    Stay home and be unfair: the amplification of inequalities among families with young children during COVID-19

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    This article focuses on the educational practices and strat- egies mobilised by Italian families with children aged six years and younger, during the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy, in 2020. Specifically, we ana- lyse practices and strategies mobilised by families from different social milieus living in rural or urban contexts. We argue that the shift in childcare practices and needs during the pandemic promoted the reaffirmation of tra- ditional gender stereotypes and patterns of gendered la- bour division through the blurring of temporal and spatial boundaries between paid work, domestic labour and child- care. Our findings shed light on how differences in house- hold circumstances, such as the availability of space in the home, have impacted disparities in childcare. Specifically, how different housing conditions have profoundly influ- enced the coping mechanisms of both children and par- ents during school closures. We conclude by discussing teachers' attempts to realise educational activities for supporting continuity in the pedagogical relationship, in a context of different family conditions and educational patterns

    Sub-alterities: schooling in Southern Italy

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    The article analyses the circularity of symbolic and structural forms of domination, feeding the field of expertise, and the school field in a country such as Italy, historically characterised by a deep divide between north and south; this led to the emergence of the so-called Southern Question. We aim to bring into the international debate the existence of a South in a European country which is usually and univocally con- sidered to belong to the North. The analysis is structured around two main interconnected dimensions: 1) the macro-dimension of knowl- edge production where we show how, when analysing the experience of schooling, if the structure of the field itself and its logic of domination are not challenged, any critical epistemological discourse is destined to become a form of structural complicity with the intrinsic logic of the academic field; 2) the micro-dimension of school experience: schools, families and students engage and participate in the educational field, are part of it, adhere to its rules of play and struggle to ‘exist’ in its interstices

    Attracchi e approdi lungo l'estremità orientale del Golfo dell'Asinara (Castelsardo-Isola Rossa)

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    Il mare era ed è, per i Sardi, un elemento fondamentale nel collegamento con la terraferma. Per tale ragione, i traffici marittimi sono stati favoriti a quelli terrestri dando vita a numerosi nuclei insediativi lungo le coste. Si può ragionevolmente ritenere, sulla base degli scavi condotti nell'area, che il litorale tra Castelsardo e l'Isola Rossa, si prestasse agli scopi della navigazione di età romana e al traffico mercantile in considerazione anche del fatto che le imbarcazioni commerciali dell'epoca, di piccolo pescaggio, potevano facilmente trovare riparo ed approdo sulle spiagge stesse, nelle foci fluviali o in alcune insenature della costa a scogliera o tra promontorio e spiaggia. Nel tratto costiero in esame poterono trovare collocazione alcuni piccoli porti secondari, in cui venivano convogliate dal cursus publicus vettovaglie e alcuni generi alimentari facilmente deperibili quali bestiame, carne salata, lardo per l'annona di Roma

    La SSIS: come si costruiscono i nuovi insegnanti

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    Questo scritto è il risultato di uno studio di caso condotto in una Scuola di specializzazione per l'insegnamento secondario (SSIS) che ha avuto inizio dall'anno 2000 e continua tuttora inserendosi nel quadro di un più vasto programma di ricerche che conduciamo sulle professioni dell'educazione. Lo studio ha inteso focalizzare l'attenzione sul processo di costruzione di un ruolo di insegnante dal profilo profondamente innovativo all'interno di una struttura, anch'essa di nuova formazione, che cerca faticosamente di istituzionalizzarsi e di trovare una legittimazione forte ai suoi fini istituzionali. La nostra ipotesi generale è che il modello professionale proposto dalle SSIS, e la legittimazione della stessa SSIS, facciano fatica ad affermarsi per ragioni culturali, istituzionali e organizzative che agiscono nel contesto più ampio del mondo della scuola ma anche all'interno della Scuola di specializzazione in ragione della presenza simultanea di attori sociali che sono portatori di interessi, valori e punti di vista fra loro eterogenei che solo in particolari circostanze hanno la possibilità di trovare una sintesi

    Differences of cultural capitol among students in transition to university some first survey evidences

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    The role played by ‘Cultural Capital’ is crucial in shaping students’ decisions with respect to the school university transition. This work is based on an ad hoc survey carried out on a sample of students enrolled in 2006 in the University of Cagliari. The ‘cultural capital’ is a latent variable which students are supposed to possess at a greater or lesser degree. It has been here operationalized in four sub-components: (i) built-up by activities made by students themselves; (ii) built up by activities made by students’ parents; (iii) transmitted by students’ parents; (iv) built-up by formal education experiences. Each sub-component has been evaluated via students’ responses to a battery of items in a questionnaire. Latent Class Analysis has been adopted in order to provide non arbitrary scaling of some of the sub-components and to sort out mutually exclusive classes of students, characterized by a different intensity of the latent variable. Moreover, Item Response Models have been used to assess the calibration of the questionnaire as an instrument to measure the cultural capital of the targeted population

    Optimal Dual Schemes for Adaptive Grid Based Hexmeshing

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    Hexahedral meshes are an ubiquitous domain for the numerical resolution of partial differential equations. Computing a pure hexahedral mesh from an adaptively refined grid is a prominent approach to automatic hexmeshing, and requires the ability to restore the all hex property around the hanging nodes that arise at the interface between cells having different size. The most advanced tools to accomplish this task are based on mesh dualization. These approaches use topological schemes to regularize the valence of inner vertices and edges, such that dualizing the grid yields a pure hexahedral mesh. In this paper we study in detail the dual approach, and propose four main contributions to it: (i) we enumerate all the possible transitions that dual methods must be able to handle, showing that prior schemes do not natively cover all of them; (ii) we show that schemes are internally asymmetric, therefore not only their implementation is ambiguous, but different implementation choices lead to hexahedral meshes with different singular structure; (iii) we explore the combinatorial space of dual schemes, selecting the minimum set that covers all the possible configurations and also yields the simplest singular structure in the output hexmesh; (iv) we enlarge the class of adaptive grids that can be transformed into pure hexahedral meshes, relaxing one of the tight requirements imposed by previous approaches, and ultimately permitting to obtain much coarser meshes for same geometric accuracy. Last but not least, for the first time we make grid-based hexmeshing truly reproducible, releasing our code and also revealing a conspicuous amount of technical details that were always overlooked in previous literature, creating an entry barrier that was hard to overcome for practitioners in the field

    Marco Antonio Pani, Paolo Carboni, Capo e croce: Le ragioni dei pastori, Bianco e nero, sonoro, 104’, Italia, 2013

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    Film review of Marco Antonio Pani, Paolo Carboni, Capo e croce: Le ragioni dei pastori, Bianco e nero, sonoro, 104’, Italia, 2013.Recensione del film-documentario di Marco Antonio Pani, Paolo Carboni, Capo e Croce. Le ragioni dei pastori, Bianco e nero, sonoro, 104’, Italia, 2013

    Short-term effects of canopy and surface fire on centipede (Chilopoda) communities in a semi natural Mediterranean forest

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    Species composition and structure of centipede (Chilopoda) communities were studied in a sub-urban burnt forest on the Mediterranean coast near Roma, Italy. The study was carried out in two sites affected by canopy fire (complete vegetation destruction), one affected by surface fire (persistence of tree canopy), and three unburnt sites. Monthly, quantitative/qualitative samplings were performed in each site from April 2001 to April 2002 by pitfall trapping and one hour active search. Analyses of species composition, dominance structure, diversity and colonization progress were performed. Centipede communities of the sites affected by canopy fire were simply structured, poor in both species richness and diversity; conversely, species composition, structure and diversity of the community affected by surface fire were scarcely modified

    Per un’educazione meridiana: sguardi da Sud

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    In this contribution, we embark on a twofold exploration. First, we elucidate how the process of constructing the Italian school field has been characterized by the North-South divide, and we deconstruct the Southern question as a framework that objectivized and sub- jectivised the South. Secondly, we describe how a reading of the Souths through the lens of deficit has been rearticulated within a global framework shaped by the neoliberal paradigm and by the introduction of instrument of standardization of the educational field. Finally, we propose a significant epistemological shift by advocating for an open dialogue with the decolonial perspective. This approach serves a dual purpose: to make visible how dominant epistemologies produce specific knowledge on education as non-existent, and to give voice to emerging forms of anti-hegemonic experiences and educational counter-narratives
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