7 research outputs found

    The benefits of the Scrum tool in the accounting area : an analysis to the degree of adherence to the IT tool adapted to the accounting sector of a financial institution

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    É inegável a máxima de que o mundo e tudo ao seu redor vêm sofrendo mudança cada vez mais rápida, na profissão contábil não é diferente, dotar-se de técnicas que contribuam na melhor produtividade e gerenciamento do tempo fazem com que essas habilidades sejam um complemento e um diferencial ao novo modelo de trabalhador que espera o mercado. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do estudo é analisar o grau de aderência e os benefícios que a equipe da área contábil está vivenciando com a implementação do Scrum, uma ferramenta familiar dos setores de tecnologia da informação que está ganhando apresso em outros departamentos devido as suas características organizacionais. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, foi aplicado um questionário contendo quatorze questões sobre as percepções da implementação do Scrum na rotina de trabalho. A pesquisa foi baseada na análise individual dos respondentes quanto ao grau de adaptação à metodologia e as mudanças comportamentais que ela trouxe. O perfil dos respondentes é composto, por contadores, que atuam nas áreas contábil e fiscal de uma instituição financeira. O estudo contribuiu evidenciando que a adaptação da metodologia Scrum na área contábil foi positiva no aumento da produtividade individual e coletiva, na gestão do tempo, na comunicação e engajamento das pessoas. Para conclusão desse trabalho, a pesquisa contou com contribuições de estudos relacionados às metodologias ágeis aplicadas em outros departamentos, no qual surtiram efeitos semelhantes aos apresentados nesse artigo.It is undeniable the maxim that the world and everything around it has been undergoing ever faster change, in the accounting profession it is no different, equipping yourself with techniques that contribute to better productivity and time management make these skills a complement and a differential to the new worker model that awaits the market. In this sense, the objective of the study is to analyze the degree of adherence and the benefits that the accounting team is experiencing with the implementation of Scrum, a familiar tool in the sectors of information technology that is gaining haste in other departments due to its characteristics organizational. To achieve the proposed objective, a questionnaire was applied containing fourteen questions about the perceptions of the implementation of Scrum in the work routine. The research was based on the individual analysis of the respondents as to the degree of adaptation to the methodology and the behavioral changes that it brought. The profile of respondents is composed of accountants who work in the accounting and tax areas of a financial institution. The study contributed by showing that the adaptation of the Scrum methodology in the accounting area was positive in increasing individual and collective productivity, in time management, in people's communication and engagement. To conclude this work, the research had contributions from studies related to the agile methodologies applied in other departments, in which effects similar to those presented in this article had effects

    Atividade antimalárica in vitro e in vivo do óleo essencial de Cyperus articulatus (Cyperaceae)

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    Malaria is a disease of global tropical distribution, being endemic in more than 90 countries and responsible for about 212 million cases worldwide in 2016. To date, the strategies used to eradicate this disease have been ineffective, without specific preventive measures such as vaccines. Currently, the existing therapeutic arsenal is limited and has become ineffective against the expansion of artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium, demonstrating the need for studies that would allow the development of new compounds against this disease. In this context, we studied the volatile oil obtained from rhizomes of Cyperus articulatus (VOCA), a plant species commonly found in the Amazon region and popularly used as a therapeutic alternative for the treatment of malaria, in order to confirm its potential as an antimalarial agent by in vitro and in vivo assays. We cultured Plasmodium falciparum W2 (chloroquine-resistant) and 3D7 (chloroquine-sensitive) strains in erythrocytes and exposed them to VOCA at different concentrations in 96-well microplates. In vivo antimalarial activity was tested in BALB/c mice inoculated with approximately 106 erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium berghei. VOCA showed a high antimalarial potential against the two P. falciparum strains, with IC50 = 1.21 mu g mL(-1) for W2 and 2.30 mu g mL(-1) for 3D7. VOCA also significantly reduced the parasitemia and anemia induced by P. berghei in mice. Our results confirmed the antimalarial potential of the volatile oil of Cyperus articulatus494334342FUNDAÇÃO AMAZÔNIA DE AMPARO A ESTUDOS E PESQUISAS DO PARÁ - FAPESPAA malária é uma doença de distribuição tropical, sendo endêmica em mais de 90 países, responsável por cerca de 212 milhões de casos reportados ao redor do mundo em 2016. As estratégias de erradicação dessa doença são ineficazes até o presente, sem medidas de prevenção específica, como vacinas. Atualmente, o arsenal terapêutico existente é limitado e vem se tornando ineficaz frente à expansão de plasmódios resistentes a artemisinina, evidenciando a necessidade de estudos que viabilizem o desenvolvimento de novos compostos contra a doença. Nesse contexto, estudamos o óleo essencial obtido de rizomas de Cyperus articulatus (VOCA), uma espécie vegetal comumente encontrada na região amazônica, utilizada popularmente como alternativa terapêutica para o tratamento de malária. Visamos confirmar o potencial antimalárico da planta através de testes in vitro e in vivo. Utilizamos cepas de Plasmodium falciparum W2 (cloroquina-resistente) e 3D7 (cloroquina-sensível) cultivadas em hemácias e expostas ao VOCA em microplacas de 96 poços. A atividade antimalárica in vivo foi testada em camundongos da linhagem BALB/c infectados com aproximadamente 106 eritrócitos parasitados por Plasmodium berghei. O VOCA apresentou alto potencial antimalárico (IC50 < 10 µg ml-1) frente às duas cepas de P. falciparum testadas (IC50=1,21 µg ml-1 para W2 e 2,3 µg ml-1 para 3D7). Além disso, houve redução significativa da parasitemia induzida por P. Berghei em camundongos tratados com EOAC, e também observamos diminuição da anemia, uma sintomatologia provocada pela infecção. Nossos resultados confirmam o potencial antimalárico do óleo essencial de Cyperus articulatu

    Nursing diagnosis “Deficient Knowledge” in users of combined oral contraceptive

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    Our objective was to analyze the accuracy of defining characteristics of the nursing diagnosis “Deficient Knowledge” in users of COC. A cross-sectional study conducted with 97 women in fertile age at a family health center in the Northeast Region of Brazil. The data collection was between September to October of 2011, through interviews to identify defining characteristics and factors related to Taxonomy II of NANDA-I 2012. The nursing diagnosis in question presented prevalence of 58.8%; the defining characteristic “inadequate following of instructions” (57.7%) and the related factor “wrong interpretation of information” were the most prevalent. “Inadequate following of instructions” presented higher sensitivity, 96.21 (88.46 – 99.07), high positive predictive value (PPV = 98.28) and elevated negative predictive value (NPV= 95.35). All defining characteristics presented the same specificity, 97.62 (87.68 – 99.58). It is concluded that studied defining characteristics presented high sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values, and negative predictive values for the analyzed nursing diagnosis

    Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: Impacts And Changes In Life Of Carriers Undergoing Treatment

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    Diagnosis and treatment of Hodgkin’s lymphoma introduce a new routine, and the habitual life of the young adult is interrupted because the treatment imposes on patients withdrawing from their environment, their productive activities, their relatives and their daily life. The aim of the present is study is to understand the reality of the young adult carrier of Hodgkin’s lymphoma in the face of treatment. This is a qualitative study; subjects were patients diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma at a reference hospital in northeastern Brazil. Inclusion criteria were being undergoing treatment or follow-up of Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and aged 18 to 35 years. The information was collected through an interview at the home of each subject in the period from August and September 2015. The interviews were recorded, transcribed in full and analyzed through thematic analysis. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee. The subjects went through a rather individual pathway to discover the disease. After reading the interviews, the following category emerged: Impact and changes in life with cancer. They feel the impact of cancer and of the process of illness and treatment that promote physical and social changes. They reveal the coping of the disease with liveliness, and present strategies for this process, such as the support of family and friends. They recognize the existence of difficult moments and face situations of death, but they show intention to return to their daily activities and have perspectives for cure.&nbsp

    Núcleos de Ensino da Unesp: artigos 2014: volume 2: metodologias de ensino e a apropriação de conhecimento pelos alunos

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