3,230 research outputs found

    A Multi-Criteria Approach for Irrigation Water Management

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    The major implications that the European Union (EU) Water Framework Directive (WFD) may have in irrigated agriculture were analysed using alternative water policy measures. The consequences of policy change were evaluated in a case study (Baixo Alentejo, Portugal), using a Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) model that simulates farmers’ preferred behaviour. The study compares the effects of water pricing (volumetric and flat tariffs) and consumption quotas, in farmer’s income, water agency revenues, agricultural employment and water demand for irrigation. Model results indicate that the adjustments in farmer’s responses are dependent on the policy strategy enforced and on the policy level.Water Framework Directive, Flat Pricing, Volumetric Pricing, Multi- Objective Programming, Water Management, Portugal,

    Las sentencias téticas en portugués y español en películas argentinas dobladas en Brasil

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    IX Congresso Brasileiro de Hispanistas realizado nos dias 22 a 25 agosto 2016Este estudio de corpus paralelo investiga la traducción al portugués brasileño (PB) de sentencias téticas del español en guiones de películas argentinas, con el objetivo de analizar su traducción al PB. Las sentencias téticas, también llamadas de foco sentencial, introducen eventos o entidades y se diferencian por ejemplo de las sentencias categóricas, que exhiben la dicotomía tópicocomentario. De acuerdo con Sasse (1987, 2006) y Lambrecht (1994, 2000), entre otros, las sentencias téticas constituyen una categoría gramatical verificable translingüísticamente con marcas propias, por lo que difieren de otras construcciones, como las categóricas, y cuyas características sintácticas varían según las lenguas. El análisis parte de las definiciones de Sasse (1987) y de Smit (2010) – de base pragmática/informacional – para identificar esos enunciados en el texto original. El corpus paralelo está constituido de texto oral no espontáneo, correspondiente al guión original de las películas El secreto de sus Ojos/O segredo dos seus olhos (Argentina 2010, dir. Juan José Campanella) y Bombón el Perro/O Cachorro (Argentina 2004, dir. Carlos Sorín) y el respectivo texto oral doblado al portugués. Los resultados del doblaje al portugués de los enunciados efectivamente téticos no favorecen la identificación de una sintaxis diferenciada entre sentencias téticas y categóricas; el orden SV ha sido común a ambos tipos de sentencia, a excepción de los casos de téticas en sentencias existenciales y de verbos inacusativos, que presenta el orden VS, claramente influida por la semántica del verbo. Se ha podido sacar a luz ver una clara diferencia sintáctica entre español argentino y portugués brasileño, pues en PB sentencias categóricas y téticas presentaron orden SV y en español, como previsto, las construcciones téticas eran de orden SV y las categóricas, VSUNILA­-UNIOEST

    Portugal e o Médio Oriente : uma visão portuguesa em matéria de segurança e defesa

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    Local de cruzamento de culturas e religiões, tensões e oportunidades, o Médio Oriente – o centro mundial da produção de petróleo – é um dos eixos incontornáveis da política internacional. Por razões geopolíticas, que se prendem com a potencial instabilidade na margem sul do Mediterrâneo, Portugal deverá ter uma abordagem específica em matéria de segurança e defesa para o Médio Oriente, tendo em vista dar um contributo para a paz e segurança regionais, mas também antever e atenuar riscos para a sua própria segurança nacional. Este artigo pretende contribuir para o debate, apresentando alguns dos que podem ser os traços principais para esta nova abordagem portuguesa à região do Médio Oriente

    FDI and institutional reform in Portugal

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    This article analyses the effects of several geographic, economic and institutional factors on bilateral inward FDI in Europe. Moreover, it assesses the required reform effort, and the expected benefits, for Portugal to converge with the EU in the institutional variables that are relevant to attract investment. We conclude that good institutions favouring economic freedom and the ease of doing business, and geography, market size and labor costs, affect bilateral inward FDI. Political risk does not lead to significant differences in FDI across the EU. The results are robust to different methods – principal component analysis, factor-based scores and by considering several institutional indicators successively. We also find that most promising reforms arise in the financial system, corruption, property rights, and in some business regulations associated with starting a business. Increasing labor market flexibility to the EU level has also a large impact on inward FDI, but this reform comes at a comparatively higher effort.FDI, Institutional reform, Institutions, Portugal, EU

    Environmental Correlates of Physical Activity Among African-American Adults

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    The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to identify perceived environmental correlates of meeting physical activity guidelines among African-American adults living in Southern Nevada. Trained interviewers phoned potential participants who lived in the 12 zip codes of Clark County, Nevada with the highest proportions of African-American residents. Respondents (n=237) answered 52 health-related and demographic questions. Slightly less than 50% of participants met physical activity guidelines. A factor analysis procedure produced two environmental variables, neighborhood safety and environmental supports for physical activity. Age, gender and educational attainment (p\u3c.05) predicted the meeting of those guidelines (R2=.214), while neighborhood support for physical activity, neighborhood safety, and BMI failed to do so. This finding suggests that environmental factors are not strong predictors of physical activity among African- American adults, although environmental supports for physical activity approached significance. Future studies should consider assessing additional aspects of the built environment as an influence on physical activity