17 research outputs found

    Fibrous meat analogues containing oat fiber concentrate and pea protein isolate: Mechanical and physicochemical characterization

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    A new generation of plant-based texturized meat analogues attempts to boost the consumption of dietary fiber. In the present study, oat fiber concentrate (OFC) and pea protein isolate (PPI) were combined (30:70; 50:50; 70:30) and processed with high-moisture extrusion (long cooling die temperature [LCDT]: 40, 60 and 80 °C; screw speed [SS]: 300, 400 and 500 rpm) to obtain meat-mimicking fibrous meat analogues (FMAs). The results showed that OFC reduced the structural strength (e.g., hardness, chewiness) of the FMAs, whereas LCDT strengthened the structure. Microtomography imaging revealed that FMAs containing more OFC presented smaller void thickness, thus reducing the FMAs' water holding capacity. An in-vitro gastrointestinal model showed that the extractability and viscosity of β-glucan were well preserved, particularly at low LCDT. Overall, it was possible to add substantial amounts of OFC (30–50%) to FMAs while maintaining fibrous meat-mimicking structures and retaining the oat fiber's viscous properties.Peer reviewe

    Physical Properties of Extrudates with Fibrous Structures Made of Faba Bean Protein Ingredients Using High Moisture Extrusion

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    Faba bean is a potential ingredient due to its high protein yield and its possible cultivation in colder climate regions. In this study, meat analogues made from faba bean protein isolate (FPI) and concentrate (FPC) blends were produced using high moisture extrusion. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the FPI content (FPIc), feed water content (FWC), and temperature of the long cooling die (LT) during extrusion on the mechanical and physicochemical properties as well as on the structure of the meat analogues. Increased FPIc resulted in higher values in hardness, gumminess, chewiness, and cutting strengths as well as in darker colour and decreased water absorption capacity. The effect of increased FWC on these properties was weaker and the opposite. Images from microtomography revealed that higher FPIc led to a less organised fibrous structure. In conclusion, fibrous structures can be achieved by utilising a mixture of faba bean protein ingredients, and a higher FPC content seemed to promote fibre formation in the meat analogue

    Physical Properties of Extrudates with Fibrous Structures Made of Faba Bean Protein Ingredients Using High Moisture Extrusion

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    Faba bean is a potential ingredient due to its high protein yield and its possible cultivation in colder climate regions. In this study, meat analogues made from faba bean protein isolate (FPI) and concentrate (FPC) blends were produced using high moisture extrusion. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the FPI content (FPIc), feed water content (FWC), and temperature of the long cooling die (LT) during extrusion on the mechanical and physicochemical properties as well as on the structure of the meat analogues. Increased FPIc resulted in higher values in hardness, gumminess, chewiness, and cutting strengths as well as in darker colour and decreased water absorption capacity. The effect of increased FWC on these properties was weaker and the opposite. Images from microtomography revealed that higher FPIc led to a less organised fibrous structure. In conclusion, fibrous structures can be achieved by utilising a mixture of faba bean protein ingredients, and a higher FPC content seemed to promote fibre formation in the meat analogue

    Relationship of Compositional, Mechanical, and Textural Properties of Gluten-Free Pasta Using Different Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) Varieties

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    Quinoa epitomizes the drive for healthier foods with ethnic concepts in developed countries, particularly among millennials. As a result, the popularity of quinoa as a gluten-free alternative has steadily grown over the last 20 years. Despite this, little is known about the impact of specific varieties on processed foods. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of quinoa varieties (variety and content) on the mechanical and textural properties of buckwheat-based extruded pasta (spaghetti). Peruvian native (var. rosada taraco, kuchivila, negra collana, and mistura) and Latvian-grown (var. titicaca) varieties were independently incorporated to pasta between 5 and 20% (w/w). Pasta containing 20% quinoa var. negra collana, which presented the largest content of fiber and lowest content of saponin, was strongly associated to structural resilience (i.e., cohesiveness, firmness). Conversely, pasta containing 20% quinoa var. Titicaca appeared structurally weak (i.e., smooth). The addition of saponin-containing varieties to pasta (20%), such as rosada taraco and mistura, resulted in resilient structures with little effect on taste (incl. bitterness). Despite initial stability, pasta containing 20% quinoa var. kuchivila suffered heavy structural damage. In conclusion, the relationship of compositional, mechanical, and textural properties of pasta was strongly variety-dependent

    Relationship of Compositional, Mechanical, and Textural Properties of Gluten-Free Pasta Using Different Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) Varieties

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    Quinoa epitomizes the drive for healthier foods with ethnic concepts in developed countries, particularly among millennials. As a result, the popularity of quinoa as a gluten-free alternative has steadily grown over the last 20 years. Despite this, little is known about the impact of specific varieties on processed foods. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of quinoa varieties (variety and content) on the mechanical and textural properties of buckwheat-based extruded pasta (spaghetti). Peruvian native (var. rosada taraco, kuchivila, negra collana, and mistura) and Latvian-grown (var. titicaca) varieties were independently incorporated to pasta between 5 and 20% (w/w). Pasta containing 20% quinoa var. negra collana, which presented the largest content of fiber and lowest content of saponin, was strongly associated to structural resilience (i.e., cohesiveness, firmness). Conversely, pasta containing 20% quinoa var. Titicaca appeared structurally weak (i.e., smooth). The addition of saponin-containing varieties to pasta (20%), such as rosada taraco and mistura, resulted in resilient structures with little effect on taste (incl. bitterness). Despite initial stability, pasta containing 20% quinoa var. kuchivila suffered heavy structural damage. In conclusion, the relationship of compositional, mechanical, and textural properties of pasta was strongly variety-dependent

    The flavor of faba bean ingredients and extrudates : Chemical and sensory properties

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    Faba bean, processed into ingredients (flour, protein concentrate, protein isolate), can be extruded to meat al-ternatives with a fibrous texture. Despite its importance for consumer acceptance, not enough is known about the flavor of faba bean ingredients nor about the chemical and sensory changes caused by high-moisture extrusion. Therefore, the aim of this work was to describe the flavor of faba bean ingredients and the corresponding extrudates and to understand how their composition affects the perception of sensory attributes. Firstly, faba bean protein ingredients and extrudates were characterized for lipid-degrading enzymatic activities, flavor precursors, and volatile and non-volatile flavor-active compounds. Secondly, sensory profiling was conducted. Thirdly, partial least squares regression was applied to understand the relationship between chemical and sen-sory data. This study showed that faba bean protein concentrate had the strongest taste and aftertaste (respec-tively 7 and 6, on a 0-10 intensity scale), bitterness (6-7), and pea flavor and odor (respectively 6 and 5), whereas faba bean protein isolate had the strongest cereal flavor (4) and odor (4), and off-flavor (2) and off-odor (3). Faba bean flour had the mildest flavor. High-moisture extrusion brought several chemical changes to the ingredients, including the formation of several volatile compounds and inactivation of lipid-degrading enzymes. Only traces of tannins were found in extrudates. The presence of free phenolics, vicine, and convicine was linked to strong taste and aftertaste, bitterness, and a drying sensation of the mouth, whereas lipid oxidation products were related to pea, cereal, and off-odors and flavors.Peer reviewe

    The flavor of faba bean ingredients and extrudates: Chemical and sensory properties

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    Faba bean, processed into ingredients (flour, protein concentrate, protein isolate), can be extruded to meat al-ternatives with a fibrous texture. Despite its importance for consumer acceptance, not enough is known about the flavor of faba bean ingredients nor about the chemical and sensory changes caused by high-moisture extrusion. Therefore, the aim of this work was to describe the flavor of faba bean ingredients and the corresponding extrudates and to understand how their composition affects the perception of sensory attributes. Firstly, faba bean protein ingredients and extrudates were characterized for lipid-degrading enzymatic activities, flavor precursors, and volatile and non-volatile flavor-active compounds. Secondly, sensory profiling was conducted. Thirdly, partial least squares regression was applied to understand the relationship between chemical and sen-sory data. This study showed that faba bean protein concentrate had the strongest taste and aftertaste (respec-tively 7 and 6, on a 0-10 intensity scale), bitterness (6-7), and pea flavor and odor (respectively 6 and 5), whereas faba bean protein isolate had the strongest cereal flavor (4) and odor (4), and off-flavor (2) and off-odor (3). Faba bean flour had the mildest flavor. High-moisture extrusion brought several chemical changes to the ingredients, including the formation of several volatile compounds and inactivation of lipid-degrading enzymes. Only traces of tannins were found in extrudates. The presence of free phenolics, vicine, and convicine was linked to strong taste and aftertaste, bitterness, and a drying sensation of the mouth, whereas lipid oxidation products were related to pea, cereal, and off-odors and flavors

    Verkkokauppan perustaminen vapaan lähdekoodin ohjelmistolla

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    Opinnäytetyöni tarkoitus on kertoa verkkokaupan perustamiseen liittyvistä haasteista ja ongelmista. Työssä pohditaan asioita joita pitää ottaa huomioon ennen verkkokaupan perustamista, sekä mitä pitää ottaa huomioon perustamisen jälkeen. Työssä käytetään verkkosivujen rakentamiseen soveltuvia työkaluja kuten Notepad ++, XAMPP ja WordPress. Työssä käsitellään markkinointiin liittyviä kanavia joita ovat mm. Sosiaalinen media, hakukoneet ja uutiskirjeet. Työssä on esitelty WordPress -sisällönhallintajärjestelmän asentamista, sekä sen käyttämistä

    Holiday Club Saimaa Golfin asiakastyytyväisyys

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    Asiakastyytyväisyystutkimuksen toimeksiantaja oli Holiday Club Resorts Oy, joka avasi uuden golfkentän Etelä-Karjalassa sijaitsevan Saimaan kylpylähotellin yhteyteen kesäkuussa 2013. Golfkenttä kuuluu Saimaan kylpylähotellin harrasteosaston alaisuuteen, ja kenttä tunnetaan nimellä Holiday Club Saimaa Golf. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää Holiday Club Saimaa Golfin asiakastyytyväisyys ja golfpalveluiden kehittämiskohteet. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena kyselytutkimuksena, jonka perusjoukon muodostivat Holiday Club Saimaa Golfin 641 jäsentä. Tiedonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin Webropol -verkkokyselyä, joka lähetettiin vastaajille sähköpostitse. Kyselyssä oli sekä strukturoituja että avoimia kysymyksiä, ja tulokset analysoitiin Excel- ja SPSS -ohjelmia hyödyntäen. Kyselyyn vastasi 103 henkilöä ja vastausprosentiksi muodostui 16 %. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys muodostui yleisesti golfista, asiakastyytyväisyydestä sekä palveluliiketoiminnan erityispiirteistä. Tulosten mukaan asiakastyytyväisyys on yleisesti ottaen hyvä, mutta kentän olosuhteissa oli vastaajien mukaan myös parannettavaa. Lisäksi kahvion ja Pro Shopin tuotteiden valikoima sekä hinnoittelu nousivat esiin muita toimintoja enemmän. Tutkimuskysymyksiin saatiin tarvittavat vastaukset ja tulokset ovat hyödyllisiä yrityksille golftoimintojen kehittämisen näkökulmasta, sekä auttavat lukijaa ymmärtämään kuinka golfin pelaajien asiakastyytyväisyys muodostuu. Tutkimuksen tekeminen oli erittäin ajankohtainen, sillä kenttä on melko uusi eikä toimeksiantajan golfpalveluiden asiakastyytyväisyyttä ole aiemmin tutkittu näin laajassa mittakaavassa.The thesis was assigned by Holiday Club Resorts Oy who opened a new golf course in June 2013, next to the company’s spa hotel ‘Saimaa’ complex located in South Carelia, Finland. The course is part of the leisure activities department and is known by the name Holiday Club Saimaa Golf. The main objectives of the research were to determine the level of customer satisfaction and to bring forth the key areas of improvement regarding the golf services. The study was conducted by using a quantitative research method in which the 641 members of the golf club served as the target group. The data was collected with a Webropol survey and the questionnaire was sent to the recipients via email resulting in 103 replies with a response rate of 16 %. The questionnaire had both structured and open questions. The analysis was done by using SPSS and Excel programs. The theoretical framework of the study consisted of golf in general, customer satisfaction and the special features of service business. According to the results of the study the level of customer satisfaction in general was good, yet the recipients considered that the course conditions had also room for im-provement. In addition, the pricing and selection of the café products, as well as the price and selection of the Pro Shop products stood out more from the other functions. Appropriate responses to the research questions were obtained and the results are beneficial for the company to further develop their services. The results will also help the reader to understand how the golf players’ customer satisfaction is formed. As the course was opened recently and the company had not conducted similar in-depth studies of customer satisfaction before, the subject was very timely

    Bioaccessibility of vitamin B12 synthesized by Propionibacterium freudenreichii and from products made with fermented wheat bran extract

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    The bioaccessibility of vitamin B12 (B12) in plant-based products fortified using wheat bran extract fermented with B12-producing food-grade Propionibacterium freudenreichii was studied by applying a standard static in vitro model. At first, a culture of P. freudenreichii, fresh or heat-treated, was subjected to in vitro assays. Then, food ingredients or products were evaluated for their in vitro bioaccessibility: spray-dried wheat bran extract powder, pasta made with an extruder using fermented bran extract and breads made with spray-dried powder or with added cyanocobalamin. B12 bioaccessibility from the fresh P. freudenreichii culture was only ca. 53%, which, when heated, increased to 73%. The bioaccessibility of B12 from the food products varied from 75% (spray-dried powder) to 95% (breads). B12 from the fortified bread was as bioaccessible as from the bread made with added cyanocobalamin (99%). The in vitro results suggest that B12 synthesized by P. freudenreichii, when fortified in the studied cereal-based products, is largely bioaccessible and could be available for absorption. Plant-based products fortified using fermentation with P. freudenreichii could thus be considered excellent sources of bioaccessible B12.Peer reviewe