590 research outputs found

    GEOSIS: dall’Earthquake Report al webGIS

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    Experience using ESRI Geodatabase allowed to centralize in one place the many spatial, geological and seismological data contained in the databases produced in recent years by INGV and other institutions. Inspired by the USGS reports made to characterize the most important earthquakes, it was thought to create synthesis and quick reference tools of this information in relation to a seismic event that occurred on Italian territory. The result is the idea of "framing" the location of an earthquake not only in its territorial context, but extending it to other useful information derived from INGV databases and studies. The aim of GEOSIS Earthquake Report is precisely to frame a seismic event in 5 topics into a A3 cartography report: territorial framework, seismic classification, seismic hazards, historical seismicity, recent seismic activity. The utility of Earthquake Report has been highlighted especially during a seismic emergency as a tool for quick summary and easy to read of the different seismological and seismotectonic characteristics of the area affected by the earthquake. Just at those situations, however, has been pointed out the weak point of this report: their static nature. In fact it is coming out of the need to have an application that could dynamically be updated during a seismic sequence and which provides the user the ability to create custom scenarios. It was then developed GEOSIS web, the evolution of GEOSIS Earthquake Reports on the Web. GEOSIS web turns the cartography report into a webGIS application that allows users to create the 5 default views, or create different scenarios with the layers of geographic database. In addition GEOSIS web is not centered on a single seismic event but it has the opportunity to manage the last 20 events recorded by the National Seismic Network with magnitude (ML) greater than or equal to 2.0, updated in near real time

    GEOSIS web

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    Experience using ESRI Geodatabase allowed to centralize in one place the many spatial, geological and seismological data contained in the databases produced in recent years by INGV and other institutions. Inspired by the USGS reports made to characterize the most important earthquakes, it was thought to create synthesis and quick reference tools of this information in relation to a seismic event that occurred on Italian territory. The result is the idea of "framing" the location of an earthquake not only in its territorial context, but extending it to other useful information derived from INGV databases and studies. The aim of GEOSIS Earthquake Report is precisely to frame a seismic event in 5 topics into a A3 cartography report: territorial framework, seismic classification, seismic hazards, historical seismicity, recent seismic activity. The utility of Earthquake Report has been highlighted especially during a seismic emergency as a tool for quick summary and easy to read of the different seismological and seismotectonic characteristics of the area affected by the earthquake. Just at those situations, however, has been pointed out the weak point of this report: their static nature. In fact it is coming out of the need to have an application that could dynamically be updated during a seismic sequence and which provides the user the ability to create custom scenarios. It was then developed GEOSIS web, the evolution of GEOSIS Earthquake Reports on the Web. GEOSIS web turns the cartography report into a webGIS application that allows users to create the 5 default views, or create different scenarios with the layers of geographic database. In addition GEOSIS web is not centered on a single seismic event but it has the opportunity to manage the last 20 events recorded by the National Seismic Network with magnitude (ML) greater than or equal to 2.0, updated in near real time


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    The national seismic monitoring service is an advanced real-time analysis of seismic data managed by the Centro Nazionale Terremoti in Rome of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). The service provides a first location within a few seconds of any Italian earthquake and a definite location within few minute

    Development and evaluation of a new survey instrument to measure the quality of colorectal cancer screening decisions

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    Background: Guidelines for colorectal cancer screening recommend that patients be informed about options and be able to select preferred method of screening; however, there are no existing measures available to assess whether this happens. Methods: Colorectal Cancer Screening Decision Quality Instrument (CRC-DQI) includes knowledge items and patients' goals and concerns. Items were generated through literature review and qualitative work with patients and providers. Hypotheses relating to the acceptability, feasibility, discriminant validity and retest reliability of the survey were examined using data from three studies: (1) 2X2 randomized study of participants recruited online, (2) cross-sectional sample of patients recruited in community health clinics, and (3) cross-sectional sample of providers recruited from American Medical Association Master file. Results: 338 participants were recruited online, 94 participants were recruited from community health centers, and 115 physicians were recruited. The CRC-DQI was feasible and acceptable with low missing data and high response rates for both online and paper-based administrations. The knowledge score was able to discriminate between those who had seen a decision aid or not (84% vs. 64%, p < 0.001) and between providers, online patients and clinic patients (89% vs. 74% vs. 41%, p < 0.001 for all comparisons). The knowledge score and most of the goals had adequate retest reliability. About half of the participants received a test that matched their goals (47% and 51% in online and clinic samples respectively). Many respondents who had never been screened had goals that indicated a preference for colonoscopy. A minority of respondents in the online (21%) and in clinic (2%) samples were both well informed and received a test that matched their goals. Conclusions: The CRC-DQI demonstrated good psychometric properties in diverse samples, and across different modes of administration. Few respondents made high quality decisions about colon cancer screening


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    Nell’ambito della convenzione INGV-DPC 2007-2009 il progetto S1 (Determinazione del potenziale sismogenetico in Italia per il calcolo della pericolosità sismica) ha previsto tra i suoi obiettivi principali la creazione di un database geografico dei prodotti di consegna (deliverables) delle unità di ricerca (UR). Questa sperimentazione, realizzata nell’ambito dell’unità di coordinamento, ha avuto lo scopo di fornire al Dipartimento di Protezione Civile Nazionale non solo dei risultati scientifici ma una vera e propria banca dati geografica dei prodotti, utilizzabile immediatamente e subito integrabile all’interno delle strutture dati del DPC

    Il Sistema Informativo Territoriale della Rete Integrata Nazionale GPS (RING)

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    Since 2004, an important technological infrastructure has been created in Italy by INGV in order to investigate active tectonics targets. A Continuous GPS network constituted by about 130 stations has been deployed all over Italy. The development and the realization of a stable GPS monumentation, the integration with other classical seismological instruments and the choice of both satellite and internet data transmission make this network one of the most innovative and reliable CGPS networks in the world. The development of the CGPS network has been accompanied by a technologically advanced development of all the aspects related to the data acquisition and the data information mining: a database and a SIT. Based on the recent techniques of Knowledge Management, the database has been developed to manage the data and the data information of all the sites of the RING network, thus allowing us to centralize information in a single common data bank and to create an unique service of access point to the data from different remote sites by internet connections. The SIT has been developed to be fully integrated with the Knowledge Management technology and it is aimed to synthesize and to display in a geographic interface the information of the RING sites. This work has been integrated with all other spatial data, such as topographic and geo-thematic maps, geological, seismological and seismo-tectonic databases. In this work, the technological aspects of the SIT of the RING network will be detailed and some examples of thematic maps will be shown

    Combined Description of NN\bf{\overline{N}N} Scattering and Annihilation With A Hadronic Model

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    A model for the nucleon-antinucleon interaction is presented which is based on meson-baryon dynamics. The elastic part is the GG-parity transform of the Bonn NNNN potential. Annihilation into two mesons is described in terms of microscopic baryon-exchange processes including all possible combinations of π,η,ρ,ω,a0,f0,a1,f1,a2,f2,K,K\pi,\eta,\rho,\omega,a_0,f_0,a_1,f_1,a_2,f_2,K,K^*. The remaining annihilation part is taken into account by a phenomenological energy- and state independent optical potential of Gaussian form. The model enables a simultaneous description of nucleon-antinucleon scattering and annihilation phenomena with fair quality.Comment: revised version, REVTEX, 9 pages, 10 figures available from this URL ftp://ikp113.ikp.kfa-juelich.de/pub/kph140/nucl-th.9411014.u

    The Geoportal of S1 Unit research deliverales

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    The study of seismicity needs a multidisciplinary approach. Therefore, the S1 project (Analysis of the seismic potential in Italy for the evaluation of the seismic hazard) integrates instrumental and historical seismology, earthquake geology, off-fault/marine paleoseismology, earthquake geodesy, neotectonic models, and earthquake probabilities. One of the activities of S1 Project Coordination Unit is the organization within a geographic database of all unit research deliverables (about 40 UR and more than 150 deliverables). The goal is to provide the Department of Civil Protection (DPC) a georeferenced dataset ready for applications and processing for the study of Italian seismic hazard


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    Negli ultimi anni, in particolare a partire dalla sequenza sismica aquilana del 2009, il tema dell’informazione e della comunicazione collegata ad una situazione di emergenza sismica è diventato oggetto di dibattito pubblico, di discussione all’interno della comunità scientifica, di studio in ambienti disciplinari molto diversi (sociologia della comunicazione, psicologia dell’emergenza, ambito giuridico, ecc.) e di riflessione più generale all’interno del Sistema di protezione civile. In questa nostro lavoro si intende discutere del tema più generale dell’informazione che il Sistema di protezione civile (e la comunità scientifica che ne è una componente essenziale) produce in situazioni di emergenza o post-emergenza. Indubbia è l’importanza di una buona comunicazione, attentamente testata, in momenti di crisi. Essa infatti può aiutare a migliorare la risposta all’emergenza, ridurre i costi del disastro, migliorare la trasparenza del processo decisionale e aumentare il potenziale di accettazione delle conseguenze (Del Lungo, 2012; Wendling et al., 2013). Lo scopo del presente lavoro è quello di sintetizzare ragioni, forme e contenuti delle attività informative che, in modo sempre più organico, sono state realizzate in numerose occasioni, a partire principalmente dal 2009, ipotizzando uno schema di protocollo operativo per la gestione di tali attività. Va ricordato che le esperienze qui descritte sono state realizzate in modo coordinato con il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile e che questa attività è formalmente parte del programma di lavoro annuale all’interno della convenzione decennale DPC-INGV