20 research outputs found
A new approach to storing dynamic data in relational databases using JSON
JavaScript Object Notation was originally designed to transfer data; however, it soon found another use as a way to persist data in NoSQL databases. Recently, the most popular relational databases introduced JSON as native column type, which makes it easier to store and query dynamic database schema. In this paper, we review the currently popular techniques of storing data with a dynamic model with a large number of relationships between entities in relational databases. We focus on creating a simple dynamic schema with JSON in the most popular relational databases and we compare it with well-known EAV/CR data model and the document database. The results of precisely selected tests in the field of Criminal Data suggest that the use of JSON in dynamic database schema greatly simplifies queries and reduces their execution time compared to widely used approaches
Udział w międzynarodowych konkursach robotycznych jako nowa forma podróży studenckich
W artykule przedstawiono możliwości odbywania podróży zagranicznych przez studentów uczestniczących w międzynarodowych konkursach, w szczególności w zawodach robotycznych, popularnych między innymi wśród polskich studentów. Jak pokazują zebrane dane zawody te przyciągnęły nawet kilka tysięcy uczestników w ciągu ostatnich lat. Zaprezentowany został dodatkowy efekt ich uczestnictwa w konkursach, jakim jest turystyka uprawiana w trakcie takich wyjazdów i nazwana przez autorów turystyką konkursową
Participation in international robotics competitions as a new form of student travel
The article presents opportunities for foreign travel by students based on trips to international competitions, in particular robotic competitions. As the data collected show, these have attracted several thousand participants in recent years. The article presents an additional effect of participation in such competitions which is tourism during the trips
Model for Dynamic and Hierarchical Data Repository in Relational Database
The aim of this research is to build an open schema model for digital sources repository in the relational database. It required us to develop a few advanced techniques. One of them was to keep and maintain a hierarchical data structure pushed into the repository. The second was to create constraints on any hierarchical level that allow enforcing data integrity and consistency. The created solution is mainly based on a JSON as a native column type, which was designed for holding open schema documents. In this paper, we present the model for any repository that uses hierarchical dynamic data. Additionally, we include a structure for normalizing input and description for data to keep all the model assumptions. We compared our solution with well-known open schema model -- Entity-Attribute-Value -- in the scope of saving data and querying about relationship and content from structure. Results have shown that we achieved improvement in both performance and disk space usage, although we extended our model with a few new features that the previous model does not include. The techniques developed in this research can be applied in every domain where hierarchical dynamic data is required, as demonstrated by the digital book repository that we have presented
New Class of Antimicrobial Agents: SBA-15 Silica Containing Anchored Copper Ions
The paper is about a new class of antimicrobial functional nanomaterials. Proposed compounds are based on SBA-15 porous silica matrices and contain anchored copper ions. Thanks to the immobilization of functional groups the compounds are safer for environment than commonly used disinfectant agents. We prepared and examined silica based materials containing two concentrations of copper-containing groups: 10 and 5%. For the reference we prepared samples containing free-standing CuO molecules in the structure and checked their antimicrobial properties. Antibacterial effect of considered SBA-15-Cu material was tested on Escherichia coli bacteria. Antimicrobial tests were applied for the pure form of the material and as modifying agents for plastics. The obtained results showed that the sample with lower concentration of active copper-containing groups has stronger antimicrobial properties than the one with higher concentration of copper. Interestingly, silica containing free-standing CuO molecules has no antimicrobial properties. Considering the obtained results, we can conclude that the most probable antimicrobial mechanism in this case is an oxidation stress. When a plastic modifier is applied the material is enriched with bacterial inhibitory properties. It seems that SBA-15 silica containing low concentration of anchored copper ions is promising in terms of its antibacterial property and biomaterial potential for commercial use
Implementation of the Concept of a Repository for Automated Processing of Semi-Structural Data, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2020, nr 1
Semi-structural data tend to be problematic due to the sparsity of their attributes and due to the fact that, regardless of their type, they are immensely diverse. This means that data storage is a challenge, especially when the data contained within a relational database – often a strict requirement defined in advance. In this paper, we present a thoroughly described concept of a repository that is capable of storing and processing semi-structural data. Based on this concept, we establish a database model comprising the architecture and the tools needed to search the data and build relevant processors. The processor described may assign roles and dispatch tasks between the users. We demonstrate how the capacities of this repository are capable of overcoming current limitations by creating a system for facilitated digitization of scientific resources. In addition, we show that the repository in question is suitable for general use, and, as such, may be adapted to any domains in which semi-structural data are processed, without any additional work require
Modernizacja budynków na wybranym terenie z wykorzystaniem metod fotogrametrycznych
Photogrammetry is a rapidly developing field of science, using new technologies such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and digital cameras. This field deals with obtaining reliable information about physical objects and their surroundings by means of recording, measuring and interpreting images [Markiewicz et al. 2012]. Currently, unmanned aerial vehicles are used not only for taking amateur or professional commemorative aerial photographs, but they also find much more specialized applications. Among these applications, we can distinguish air pollution inspections (carried out, among others, by municipal police), border inspections, search for missing persons, and many other uses [Nowobilski 2020]. UAV photogrammetry can be understood as a new photogrammetric measurement tool. It opens up various new applications in the field of short-range imaging, combining aerial and ground photogrammetry; and it also introduces low-cost alternatives to classical aerial photogrammetry with crew [Eisenbeiß 2009]. Today, not everyone can afford photogrammetric flight campaigns, which require more time and money. Although UAVs are not used on a large scale in surveying, still, their development, the possibility of using them for surveying works, the accessibility and ease of application, as well as the development of the cameras themselves, convince more and more surveyors to use them more broadly in the performance of geodetic works. Unmanned aerial vehicles are used to perform photogrammetric mission flights, thanks to which photos of the land surface are obtained. This allows for the generation of orthophotos, and even three-dimensional terrain models, enabling further analysis of the studied area. The aim of this study was to present the possibility of using UAVs for the purpose of updating land and buildings records in a specific area. Based on the photos obtained during the photogrammetric mission, an orthophotomap had been generated, which was subsequently used for the modernisation of records and updating the functions of buildings and areas. Then, all the buildings on the land plots were grouped according to their function, status, construction material, number of storeys, and area calculated from the roof surface. 37 land plots were covered by the measurement. 5 selected plots were used for the purpose of this publication.Fotogrametria, to bardzo szybko rozwijająca się dziedzina nauki, wykorzystująca nowe technologie, takie jak bezzałogowe statki powierzchne (BSP) oraz kamery cyfrowe. Dziedzina ta zajmujące się pozyskiwaniem wiarygodnych informacji o obiektach fizycznych i ich otoczeniu drogą rejestracji, pomiaru i interpretacji obrazów [Markiewicz J., Radziszewska W., Wójcik J., 2012]. Obecnie bezzałogowe statki powietrzne są wykorzystywane nie tylko na potrzeby amatorskiego lub profesjonalnego wykonywania pamiątkowych ujęć z powietrza, ale również znajdują dużo bardziej specjalistyczne zastosowania. Wśród nich możemy wyróżnić m.in. kontrole zanieczyszczeń powietrza (prowadzone m.in. przez straż miejską), kontrole obszarów nadgranicznych, poszukiwania osób zaginionych i inne [Nowobilski T., 2020]. Fotogrametria UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) może być rozumiana, jako nowe fotogrametryczne narzędzie pomiarowe. Otwiera ona różne, nowe zastosowania w dziedzinie bliskiego zasięgu, łącząc fotogrametrię lotniczą i naziemną, wprowadza również tanie alternatywy dla klasycznej fotogrametrii lotniczej z załogą [Eisenbeiß, H., 2009]. Dzisiaj nie każdego stać na wykonanie nalotu fotogrametrycznego, który wymaga większego nakładu czasu oraz pieniędzy. Mimo, że BSP nie są wykorzystywane na szeroką skalę w geodezji to ich rozwój, możliwości użycia do prac geodezyjnych, przystępność i łatwość w wykorzystaniu, jak również rozwój samych kamer, przekonuje coraz większą rzeszę geodetów do ich powszechnego wykorzystywania przy pracach geodezyjnych. Bezzałogowe statki powietrzne wykorzystuje się do wykonania nalotów fotogrametrycznych, dzięki którym otrzymywane są zdjęcia powierzchni terenu. Pozwala to na wygenerowanie ortofotomap, a nawet trójwymiarowych modeli terenu, umożliwiających dalszą analizę obszaru badań. Celem niniejszego opracowania było przedstawienie możliwości wykorzystania BSP do ewidencji gruntów i budynków, na wybranym terenie. Na podstawie zdjęć pozyskanych w trakcie misji fotogrametrycznej wygenerowano ortofotomapę, którą użyto w celu modernizacji, funkcji budynków oraz powierzchni. Następnie pogrupowano wszystkie budynki znajdujące się na danych działkach ze względu na ich funkcję, status, materiał, kondygnację oraz powierzchnię wyliczoną z połaci dachu. Pomiarem objęte zostały 37 działek. Do niniejszej publikacji wykorzystano 5 wybranych działek
Sparse data classifier based on the first-past-the-post voting system
Point of Interest (POI) is a general term for objects describing places from the real world. The concept of POIs matching, i.e. determining whether two sets of attributes represent the same location, is not a trivial challenge due to the large variety of data sources. The representation of POIs may vary depending on the base in which they are stored. Manual comparison of objects with each other is not achievable in real-time, therefore there are multiple solutions to automatic merging. However there is no efficient solution that includes the deficiencies in the existence of attributes, has been proposed so far. In this paper, we propose the Multilayered Hybrid Classifier which is composed of machine learning and deep learning techniques, supported by the first-past-the-post voting system. We examined different weights for constituencies which were taken into consideration during the majority (or supermajority) decision. As a result, we achieved slightly higher accuracy than the current best model - Random Forest, which in its working also base on voting
Sparse data classifier based on first-past-the-post voting system
A point of interest (POI) is a general term for objects that describe places from the real world. The concept of POI matching (i.e., determining whether two sets of attributes represent the same location) is not a trivial challenge due to the large variety of data sources. The representations of POIs may vary depending on the basis of how they are stored. A manual comparison of objects is not achievable in real time; therefore, there are multiple solutions for automatic merging. However, there is no yet the efficient solution solves the missing of the attributes. In this paper, we propose a multi-layered hybrid classifier that is composed of machine-learning and deep-learning techniques and supported by a first-past-the-post voting system. We examined different weights for the constituencies that were taken into consideration during a majority (or supermajority) decision. As a result, we achieved slightly higher accuracy than the best current model (random forest), which also is based on voting