1,133 research outputs found

    I beni culturali di interesse religioso nella nuova legislazione statale: le innovazioni nell'Intesa con la Conferenza episcoipale italiana

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    La nuova Intesa tra il Ministro per i Beni e le Attivit\ue0 culturali ed il Presidente della Conferenza episcopale italiana si \ue8 resa necessaria a seguito dell\u2019entrata in vigore del d.lgs. 22 gennaio 2004, n. 42 (Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio) e della l. cost. 18 ottobre 2001, n. 3 (modifiche al Titolo V della Costituzione). Sul piano strutturale il documento, in diverse circostanze, ripropone i contenuti sostanziali dell\u2019Intesa del 1996 (che trascurer\uf2 in quanto diffusamente trattati dalla dottrina) ma in pi\uf9 punti \uabaggiorna\ubb e \uabintegra\ubb, per usare la stessa terminologia adottata in sede di sottoscrizione, i contenuti della precedente Intesa. Pertanto in questa sede cercher\uf2 di evidenziare e circoscrivere alcune criticit\ue0 di sistema, se tali saranno anche nelle applicazioni, in rapporto alle intervenute innovazioni legislative

    Exotic Matter research in Space

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    The direct detection of annihilation products in cosmic rays offer an alternative way to search for dark matter particles candidates. Here we will see in particular that the study of the spectrum of antiproton and positrons offer good possibilities to perform this search and we will review our experimental effort in this direction.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, Invited talk at the Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Rome, July 2 - 8, 200

    The PAMELA experiment: A space-borne observatory for heliospheric phenomena

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    Abstract PAMELA is a multi-purpose apparatus composed of a series of scintillator counters arranged at the extremities of a permanent magnet spectrometer to provide charge, time-of-flight and rigidity information. Lepton/hadron identification is performed by a siliconā€“tungsten calorimeter and a Neutron detector placed at the bottom of the device. An Anticounter system is used offline to reject false triggers coming from the satellite. The device was put into orbit on June 15th 2006 in a pressurized container on board the Russian Resurs-DK1 satellite. The satellite is flying along a high inclination (70Ā°), low Earth orbit (350ā€“600 km), allowing to perform measurements in different points and conditions of the geomagnetosphere. PAMELA main goal is a precise measurement of the antimatter ( p ĀÆ 80 MeVā€“190 GeV, e + 50 MeVā€“270 GeV) and matter (p 80ā€“700 GeV, e āˆ’ 50 MeVā€“400 GeV) component of the galactic cosmic rays. In this paper we focus on the capabilites of observations of heliospheric cosmic rays: trapped and semi-trapped particles in the proton and electron belts, solar particle events, Jovian electrons will be studied in the three years of expected mission

    Antimatter and dark-matter search in space

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    The study of cosmic rays in space has acquired a unique importance in recent years, due to the fact that they are a powerful tool for understanding the mechanisms of the origin of the Universe or the nature of dark matter. Experiments already flown or currently in orbit, conducted on balloons, satellites and ISS, allowed to make huge strides in understanding the mechanisms of production and acceleration of cosmic rays, and have posed new questions to which we hope to answer in the near future


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    Il problema del consenso (e dissenso) \ue8 vivo e vivace nella Chiesa odierna. Lungi dal voler prendere in esame tutti questi temi e, quindi, senza voler affrontare qui i risvolti disciplinari e anche strettamente giuridici, riguardanti particolarmente le strutture ecclesiastiche, connessi con la formazione del consenso alla \u201cparola di Dio\u201d nella Chiesa, queste pagine vorrebbero fornire soltanto un modesto contributo al chiarimento di un aspetto proprio della fede, che \ue8 il \u201cconsenso (proprio) della fede\u201d, i cui risultati, di massima, non sono senza importanza per i suddetti temi e problemi riguardanti il consenso o dissenso. \uc8 risaputo, dunque, che la moderna societ\ue0 pluralista ha messo in moto anche nella Chiesa un processo di pluralizzazione. Agganciandosi a questo fenomeno, la precipua preoccupazione del presente contributo, dunque, sar\ue0 di rendere conto in quale modo la Chiesa cattolica pu\uf2 concepire e come pu\uf2 legittimare una differenziazione della fede all\u2019interno della Chiesa stessa richiamandosi alla natura e struttura della fede. In tal senso questo studio potrebbe offrire un piccolo contributo alla soluzione dei problemi disciplinari e canonici

    YODA++: A proposal for a semi-automatic space mission control

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    YODA++ is a proposal for a semi-automated data handling and analysis system for the PAMELA space experiment. The core of the routines have been developed to process a stream of raw data downlinked from the Resurs DK1 satellite (housing PAMELA) to the ground station in Moscow. Raw data consist of scientific data and are complemented by housekeeping information. Housekeeping information will be analyzed within a short time from download (1 h) in order to monitor the status of the experiment and to foreseen the mission acquisition planning. A prototype for the data visualization will run on an APACHE TOMCAT web application server, providing an off-line analysis tool using a browser and part of code for the system maintenance. Data retrieving development is in production phase, while a GUI interface for human friendly monitoring is on preliminary phase as well as a JavaServerPages/JavaServerFaces (JSP/JSF) web application facility. On a longer timescale (1ā€“3 h from download) scientific data are analyzed. The data storage core will be a mix of CERNs ROOT files structure and MySQL as a relational database. YODA++ is currently being used in the integration and testing on ground of PAMELA data. 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of COSPAR

    The ESPERIA satellite project for detecting seismo-associated effects in the topside ionosphere. First instrumental tests in space

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    In recent times, ionospheric and magnetospheric perturbations constituted by radiation belt particle precipitations, variations of temperature and density of ionic and electronic components of ionospheric plasma as well as electric and magnetic field fluctuations have been detected on board of the LEO satellites and associated with earthquake preparation and occurrence. Several mechanisms have been suggested as justifying the seismoelectromagnetic phenomena observed in the upper lithosphere and in the topside ionosphere before, during and after an earthquake. Their propagation in these media has also been investigated, but physical knowledge of such processes is below standard. Consequently, coordinated space and ground-based observations based on data gathered simultaneously in space and at the Earth's surface are needed to investigate seismo-associated phenomena. To this end, the ESPERIA space mission project has been designed for the Italian Space Agency (ASI). To date, a few instruments of its payload have been built and tested in space. This paper reports on the justification, science background, and characteristics of the ESPERIA mission project as well as the description and testing of ESPERIA Instruments (ARINA and LAZIO-EGLE) in space

    Polarization Asymmetry In The Photodisintegration Of The Deuteron

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    The reaction Ā²(Ī³,p)n has been studied using a monochromatic and polarized gamma ray beam at energies E(Ī³)=19.8, 29.0, 38.6, and 60.8 MeV. The beam of an intensity āˆ¼4Ɨ10āµ Ī³/sec was obtained by Compton back scattering of mode-locked laser light off electron bunches in the Adone storage ring. Photoneutron yields were measured at nine neutron angles thetanā‰ƒ15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 135, 150, and 165 deg in the center of mass (c.m.) for E(Ī³)=19.8, 29.0, and 38.6 MeV, and at thetanā‰ƒ30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 deg c.m. for E(Ī³)=60.8 MeV. The polarization independent component Iā‚’(theta) of the differential cross section and the polarization dependent component PIā‚(theta) were deduced and the angular distribution of the azimuthal asymmetry factor Ī£(theta)=Iā‚(theta)/Iā‚’(theta) was obtained. An extensive comparison with theory has been carried out and the inclusion of corrections due to meson exchange currents and to Ī”-isobar configurations have been shown to be mandatory at energies E(Ī³)ā‰³40 MeV. Theoretical and experimental implications of intermediate energy deuteron photo- disintegration studies are discussed in some detail
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