20 research outputs found

    U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology of sedimentary rocks in NE Vietnam: Implication for Early and Middle Devoni-an Palaeogeography

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    Rocks of the Do Son Peninsula in NE Vietnam are mainly composed of Paleozoic siliciclastics. The overall sedimentary record represents fluvial to deltaic prograding deposits close to a shoreline. We present detrital zircon U-Pb analytical results from two samples, the Van Canh and the Van Huong Formations (east Red River Basin). Zircons were analyzed for U, Th, and Pb isotopes by LA-SF ICP-MS techniques. The youngest zircon of each formation provides maximum ages of sedimentation at 407.1 ± 9.5 Ma and 406.3 ± 4.0 Ma. The zircon cluster of both samples supports the postulated position of NE Vietnam close to the western Himalaya.ReferencesAnh H.T.H., Hieu P.T., Le Tu V., Choi S.H. and Yu Y., 2015. Age and tectonic implications of Paleoproterozoic Deo Khe Granitoids within the Phan Si Pan Zone, Vietnam. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 111, 781-791. Braddy S.J., Seldon P.A., Doan Nhat T., 2002. A new carcinosomatid eurypterid from the Upper Silurian of northern Vietnam. 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Geology, Fluid Inclusion and Isotopic Study of the Neoproterozoic Suoi Thau Copper Deposit, Northwest Vietnam. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 90(3), 913-927. Nagy E.A., Maluski H., Lepvrier Q., Scharer U., Thi P.T. and Leyreloup A., 2001. Geodynamic significance of the Kontum Massif in Central Vietnam: Composite 40Ar-39Ar and U/Pb ages from the Palaeozoic to Triassic. Journal of Geology, 109, 755-770. Nam T.N., 1995. The Geology of Vietnam: A brief summary and problems. Geoscientific Reports, Shizuoka University, 1-10. Nam T.N., Toriumi M., Sano Y., Terada K. and Thang T.T., 2003. 2.9, 2.36, and 1.96 Ga zircons in orthogneiss south of the Red River shear zone in Viet Nam: evidence from SHRIMP U-Pb dating and tectonothermal implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 21(7), 743-753. Nguyen T.T.B., Hieu P.T., Hai T.T., Xuan N.T. and Cung D.M., 2014. 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    Some natural heritages of outstanding values for tourism development in Central Highland

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    Tay Nguyen or the Central Highland with the remains of Archean relics is known as the region of the oldest natural formation across Vietnam’s territory. Had been taking place in the Central Highland the combined tectonic activities with typical exogenous process of the Cenozoic. Tay Nguyen contains many valuable natural resources, especially natural heritages that facilitate the development of ecotourism and scientific tourism. Scope of the TN3/T18 national project as part of the Central Highland Program 3 mainly covers research on the outstanding values, including 1) Some areas of extraordinary beauty and aesthetic value such as Dray Nur and Dray Sap waterfalls on the Serepok River in Dak Lak and Dak Nong provinces. 2) Fossil of the yews discovered in the Chu A Thai mountain, Phu Thien district, Gia Lai province; 3) Typical “living fossil plants” of the Central Highland that still exist such as yews (Glyptostrobus pensilis) and two flat-leaf pine-trees (Ducampopinus krempfii) in Gia Lai and Lam Dong; 4) Stone of the Kan Nack series (NA-PP) that is one of the oldest nationwide in basins of the Ba river, Gia Lai province; 5) Spectacular volcano landscape in Gia Lai and Kon Tum; 6) The unique cave system in the Krong No area, formed in basalt layer, is of fundamental difference from Vietnam’s popular limestone caves.ReferencesBonface B. G., Cooper C., 2012: Worldwide Destinations: The Geography of Travel and Tourism, Publishing House Routledge, p.610. Võ Văn Chi. 2004: Từ điển Thực vật thông dụng (Tập 2). Nxb. Khoa học và Kỹ thuật, Hà Nội, 2698tr. La Thế Phúc, Trương Quang Quý, Đỗ Chí Kiên, 2010: Di sản địa chất liên quan đến đá basalt ở Tây Nguyên và các giải pháp bảo tồn phát triển bền vững. Số đặc biệt kỷ niệm 65 năm ngày truyền thống ngành Địa chất Việt Nam. TC Địa chất. Hà Nội, 320, 514-521. La Thế Phúc, Lương Thị Tuất, Trương Quang Quý, 2012: Hang động trong đá basalt ở Cư Jut, Đắk Nông, Việt Nam. Hội nghị Công viên Địa chất Toàn cầu năm 2012 tại Unzen, Nhật Bản, tháng 5/2012. Nguyễn Thành Mến, 2013: Một số đặc điểm quần thể và phân bố loài Thông hai lá dẹt (Pinus krempfii H. Lec) ở Lâm Đồng. Tạp chí Khoa học Lâm nghiệp số 1, năm 2012, tr.2095-2104. Trương Quang Quý, La Thế Phúc, 2010: Trinh Nữ waterfall geologicall heritage, Đắk Nông province. Journal of Geology; series B.35-36/2010; 131-139. Hà Nội: Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam. H. Tachihara, TS. T. Honda, 2014: Báo cáo kết quả nghiên cứu sơ bộ các hang động núi lửa ở Đắk Nông, Việt Nam. Hội nghị Thông cáo báo chí “Công bố kết quả khảo sát hang động núi lửa tại khu vực Krông Nô, tỉnh Đắk Nông, Tây Nguyên Việt Nam” ngày 26/12/2014 tại Tổng cục Địa chất và Khoáng sản Việt Nam, số 6 Phạm Ngũ Lão, Hà Nội. Tong Dzuy Thanh, Vu Khuc (Editors), et al., 2006: Stratigraphical units of Vietnam. Vietnam National University Publishing House. Hanoi. 528 pgs. (2012 in lần thứ 2). Trần Văn Trị, Vũ Khúc (Editors) và nnk. 2012: Geology and Earth Resources of Vietnam. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi. 636 pgs. Wolfgang Eder, 2004: Geoparks - geological attractions: A tool for public education, recreation and sustainable economic development. UNESCO, Division of Earth Sciences, 1, rue Miollis, F-75732 Paris Cedex 15, France.

    Effects of combined rice flour and molasses use on the growth performance of Pacific white shrimp (<em>Litopenaeus vannamei</em> Boone, 1931) applied biofloc technology

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    A 63-day completely random experiment with three replications was carried out to compare the effects of five different combination ratios of rice flour (R) and molasses (M) on the growth and survival rates of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone, 1931) postlarvae applied biofloc technology. Five biofloc (BF) treatments, including R90-M10, R70-M30, R50-M50, R30-M70, and R10-M90, formed with the addition of different combination ratios of rice flour and molasses, i.e., 90% R+10% M, 70% R+30% M, 50% R+50% M, 30% R+70% M, and 10% R+90% M, respectively, with C/N ratios of 15:1, and a control (neither rice flour nor molasses applied) was randomly arranged into the 18 plastic tanks of 1.0 m3 volume (with 0.5 m3 of water) each tank and salinity of 15‰. The postlarvae (0.095 g) were stocked into the tanks at a 150 ind. m−3 density and fed pelleted feed (40% protein). There was an improvement in growth (FMW, WG, DWG, and SGR) for all treatments. Besides, treatments with more than or equal to 30% molasses have improved SR, FCR, and FB. Especially the highest SR (94.2%) was obtained at the R70-M30, which perhaps created the highest FB (1.435 kg m−3) in this treatment. The lowest FCR (1.28) was also observed in the R70-M30 and significantly differed from the control and other treatments. Besides, water quality parameters were within the ranges recommended for Pacific white shrimp health during the experimental period. Our findings indicated the benefits of shrimp culture using the BF system when different combined ratios of rice flour and molasses were applied, of which a ratio of 70% rice flour and 30% molasses was considered as the best

    Les vertébrés (Placodermi, Galeaspida) du Dévonien inférieur de la coupe de Lung Cô-Mia Lé, Province de Hà Giang, Viêt Nam, avec des données complémentaires sur les gisements à vertébrés du Dévonien du Bac Bo oriental

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    Les vertébrés des formations de Si Ka, Bac Bun et Mia Lé (Dévonien inférieur, Lochkovien-Praguien) de la coupe Lung Cô-Mia Lé (province de Hà Giang, nord du Viêt Nam) sont représentés par quelques restes de galéaspides, d\u27antiarches, d\u27arthrodires et par un pétalichthyide nouveau, Tongdzuylepis vietnamensi n.g., n.sp. La liste faunique de la Formation de Khao Lôc (Lochkovien inférieur) à Tòng Vài (province de Hà Giang) est complétée par la description d\u27un galéaspide, Laxaspis yulongssus, et de trois antiarches Heteroyunnanolepis qujingensis, Zhanjilepis aspratilis et Minicrania lissa n.sp. Un nouvel antiarche, Yunnanolepis spinulosa n.sp., associé à du matériel de Chuchinolepis dongmoensis et Youngolepis sp. est décrit dans des niveaux de la limite entre les formations de Si Ka et Bac Bun du gisement de Ban Nhuân (province de Thái Nguyên, nord du Viêt Nam). Une description complémentaire et des précisions taxonomiques sont apportées quant aux galéaspides et antiarches de la Formation de Bac Bun du gisement de Dông Mo (province de Lang Son, nord du Viêt Nam). Enfin, un nouveau sarcoptérygien, Langdenia campylognatha n.sp. est décrit dans la Formation de Bac Bun du gisement de Trang Xa (province de Thái Nguyên).The vertebrates of the Si Ka, Bac Bun and Mia Lé formations (Lower Devonian, Lochkovian-Pragian) of the Lung Cô-Mia Lé section (Hà Giang Province, northern Vietnam) are represented by some galeaspid, arthrodire and antiarch remains, and by a new petalichthyid, Tongdzuylepis vietnamensis n.g., n.sp. The faunal list of the Khao Lôc Formation (Lower Lochkovian) at Tòng Vài (Hà Giang Province) is completed by the description of a galeaspid, Laxaspis yulongssus, and three antiarchs, Heteroyunnanolepis qujingensis, Zhanjilepis aspratilis and Minicrania lissa n.sp. A new antiarch, Yunnanolepis spinulosa n.sp., associated with Chuchinolepis dongmoensis and Youngolepis sp., is described from the transition beds between the Si Ka and Bac Bun formations at Ban Nhuân (Thái Nguyên Province, northern Vietnam). A complementary description and taxonomic comments are made for the galeaspids and antiarchs of the Bac Bun Formation at Dông Mo (Lang Son Province, northern Vietnam). Finally, a new sarcopterygian, Langdenia campylognatha n.sp. is described from the Bac Bun Formation at Trang Xa (Thái Nguyên Province).</p

    North-directed Triassic nappes in Northeastern Vietnam (East Bac Bo)

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    International audienceA careful re-examination of the previous tectonic descriptions and the acquisition of new structural and kinematic data have been undertaken in northeastern Vietnam. The structure of the area consists of a system of slightly metamorphosed but ductilely deformed nappes, including recumbent folds, formed during the Triassic, prior to the unconformable deposition of the Upper Triassic terrigenous sediments. These results confirm the previous interpretation of " preyunnanaises nappes ", represented by Middle-Upper Paleozoic foliated limestone resting through a flat mylonitic contact over an intermediate " Song Mien unit " (Deprat, 1915), the latter made essentially of deformed Lower Triassic sedimentary and volcanic formations, which previously filled the Song Hien rift (Bourret, 1922). In the external part of the belt, the Triassic strata conformably overlie slightly deformed and unmetamorphosed Upper Paleozoic rocks, forming an autochthonous domain. Alternatively, the same Triassic succession can be seen resting tectonically through décollement zones, directly over the Middle Paleozoic marbles, to form a distinct but subsidiary allochthonous unit. Our data show that the Song Chay orthogneiss and its Lower Paleozoic sedimentary country rocks belong to the main nappe. They also demonstrate that this nappe was transported to the N-NE. A newly discovered ophiolitic mélange of supposed oceanic nature and Triassic age, lying along the Song Chay Fault, North of the Nui Con Voi, could hypothetically represent the rooted zone of the nappe. A Tertiary overprinting event, in particular accommodated by strike-slip movements, likely accounts for the present orocline of NE Vietnam

    A new Early Devonian galeaspid from Bac Thai Province, Vietnam

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    Volume: 36Start Page: 297End Page: 30

    Temporal Dynamics of the Geographic Differentiation of Late Devonian Palmatolepis

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    Brachiopods, crustaceans, vertebrates, and charophytes from the Devonian Ly Hoa, Nam Can and Dong Tho formations of Central Vietnam

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    Racheboeuf, Patrick, Phuong, Ta Hoa, Hung, Nguyen Huu, Feist, Monique, Janvier, Philippe (2006): Brachiopods, crustaceans, vertebrates, and charophytes from the Devonian Ly Hoa, Nam Can and Dong Tho formations of Central Vietnam. Geodiversitas 28 (1): 5-36, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.537608