152 research outputs found

    c7 and C7 Complement Multidecomposition of Kn

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    Knowledge Sharing and Innovative Work Behaviour: A Case Study from Vietnam

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    Twenty years ago, it was proclaimed that collaborative technologies were able to impact the learning environments of educational institutions. Despite research indicating that these collaborative technologies could impact the learning environments in a positive way, no change occurred. Twenty years later, the same claims are being made, where a new collaborative technology, social media, is being proclaimed to be able to impact the learning environments of education institutions, by changing, and possibly improving, the learning approach. However, while these calls are being made, there is currently a lack of understanding on whether social media platforms are effective at enabling collaborative learning. To address this lack of understanding, it is first necessary to create prescriptive knowledge on how we can build collaborative learning environments with the platforms of social media, which this study does

    Cardiac-specific Conditional Knockout of the 18-kDa Mitochondrial Translocator Protein Protects from Pressure Overload Induced Heart Failure.

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    Heart failure (HF) is characterized by abnormal mitochondrial calcium (Ca2+) handling, energy failure and impaired mitophagy resulting in contractile dysfunction and myocyte death. We have previously shown that the 18-kDa mitochondrial translocator protein of the outer mitochondrial membrane (TSPO) can modulate mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake. Experiments were designed to test the role of the TSPO in a murine pressure-overload model of HF induced by transverse aortic constriction (TAC). Conditional, cardiac-specific TSPO knockout (KO) mice were generated using the Cre-loxP system. TSPO-KO and wild-type (WT) mice underwent TAC for 8 weeks. TAC-induced HF significantly increased TSPO expression in WT mice, associated with a marked reduction in systolic function, mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake, complex I activity and energetics. In contrast, TSPO-KO mice undergoing TAC had preserved ejection fraction, and exhibited fewer clinical signs of HF and fibrosis. Mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake and energetics were restored in TSPO KO mice, associated with decreased ROS, improved complex I activity and preserved mitophagy. Thus, HF increases TSPO expression, while preventing this increase limits the progression of HF, preserves ATP production and decreases oxidative stress, thereby preventing metabolic failure. These findings suggest that pharmacological interventions directed at TSPO may provide novel therapeutics to prevent or treat HF

    The Impact of A National Poverty Reduction Program on Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam: The Lens of Baseline and Endline Surveys

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    To increase the opportunities for poor ethnic minorities to benefit from economic growth the government of Vietnam implemented one of the biggest poverty reduction programs entitled ‘Socio-economic Development for the Communes Facing Greatest Hardships in the Ethnic Minority and Mountainous Areas’ during 2006-2010. This paper provides empirical evidence of this program’s impacts on households in the project areas. We find that theprogram had positive impacts on several important outcomes of the ethnic minority households, including productive asset ownership, household durables ownership, and rice productivity. Among higher-order outcomes, they enjoyed positive impacts in income from agriculture, household total income, and household per-capita income. A particularly important result is that poverty among minority households in treatment communes declined significantly more than it declined in comparison communes. Finally, ethnic minority households enjoyed a reduction in travel time to health facilities, relative to households in control communes

    The Impact of A National Poverty Reduction Program on Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam: The Lens of Baseline and Endline Surveys

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    To increase the opportunities for poor ethnic minorities to benefit from economic growth the government of Vietnam implemented one of the biggest poverty reduction programs entitled ‘Socio-economic Development for the Communes Facing Greatest Hardships in the Ethnic Minority and Mountainous Areas’ during 2006-2010. This paper provides empirical evidence of this program’s impacts on households in the project areas. We find that theprogram had positive impacts on several important outcomes of the ethnic minority households, including productive asset ownership, household durables ownership, and rice productivity. Among higher-order outcomes, they enjoyed positive impacts in income from agriculture, household total income, and household per-capita income. A particularly important result is that poverty among minority households in treatment communes declined significantly more than it declined in comparison communes. Finally, ethnic minority households enjoyed a reduction in travel time to health facilities, relative to households in control communes

    Enhanced Quantum State Transfer and Bell State Generation over Long-Range Multimode Interconnects via Superadiabatic Transitionless Driving

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    Achieving high-fidelity direct two-qubit gates over meter-scale long quantum interconnects is challenging in part due to the multimode nature of such systems. One alternative scheme is to combine local operations with remote quantum state transfer or remote entanglement. Here, we study quantum state transfer and entanglement generation for two distant qubits, equipped with tunable interactions, over a common multimode interconnect. We employ the SuperAdiabatic Transitionless Driving (SATD) solutions for adiabatic passage and demonstrate various favorable improvements over the standard protocol. In particular, by suppressing leakage to a select (resonant) interconnect mode, SATD breaks the speed-limit relation imposed by the qubit-interconnect interaction gg, where instead the operation time is limited by leakage to the adjacent modes, i.e. free spectral range Δc\Delta_c of the interconnect, allowing for fast operations even with weak gg. Furthermore, we identify a multimode error mechanism for Bell state generation using such adiabatic protocols, in which the even/odd modal dependence of qubit-interconnect interaction breaks down the dark state symmetry, leading to detrimental adiabatic overlap with the odd modes growing as (g/Δc)2(g/\Delta_c)^2. Therefore, adopting a weak coupling, imposed by a multimode interconnect, SATD provides a significant improvement in terms of operation speed and consequently sensitivity to incoherent error.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, 4 appendice

    Do the Poorest Ethnic Minorities Benefit from a Large-Scale Poverty Reduction Program? Evidence from Vietnam

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    To increase the opportunities for poor ethnic minorities to benefit from economic growth the government of Vietnam implemented one of the biggest poverty reduction programs entitled ‘Socio-economic Development for the Communes Facing Greatest Hardships in the Ethnic Minority and Mountainous Areas’ during 2006 - 2010. This paper estimates the program’s impacts on households in the project areas. We find that the program had positive impacts on several important outcomes of the ethnic minority households, including productive asset ownership, household durables ownership, and rice productivity. Positive impacts were also recorded for agricultural income, household total income, and household per-capita income. A particularly important result is that poverty among minority households in treatment communes declined significantly more than it declined in comparison communes. Finally, ethnic minority households enjoyed a reduction in travel time to health facilities, relative to households in control communes

    Do the Poorest Ethnic Minorities Benefit from a Large-Scale Poverty Reduction Program? Evidence from Vietnam

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    To increase the opportunities for poor ethnic minorities to benefit from economic growth the government of Vietnam implemented one of the biggest poverty reduction programs entitled ‘Socio-economic Development for the Communes Facing Greatest Hardships in the Ethnic Minority and Mountainous Areas’ during 2006 - 2010. This paper estimates the program’s impacts on households in the project areas. We find that the program had positive impacts on several important outcomes of the ethnic minority households, including productive asset ownership, household durables ownership, and rice productivity. Positive impacts were also recorded for agricultural income, household total income, and household per-capita income. A particularly important result is that poverty among minority households in treatment communes declined significantly more than it declined in comparison communes. Finally, ethnic minority households enjoyed a reduction in travel time to health facilities, relative to households in control communes

    Space RACE: Capturing an Orbiting Sample and a Nation’s Imagination

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    A proposed architecture for future planetary sample return missions would consist of capturing on-orbit a sample container (collected from the surface of a planetary body and launched into space) and transferring the sample container into an earth return/reentry capsule. A challenge to this proposed architecture is integrating space applicable sensor technologies with sufficient capturing devices. While useful technologies on Earth, Earth-related rendezvous/capture technologies, such as magnetic field sensors, sound-based sensors, and Earth orbit-based radios like GPS, are not applicable to space. Inspired by the in-orbit sample capture challenge, NASA JPL has designed the Space Rendezvous And Capture Experiment (Space RACE). During this project, we would conduct a proof of concept of the Space RACE challenge by designing a small mobile robot platform traversing along a velodrome track to detect/capture a mock-up orbiting sample moving along the same track. The Space RACE challenge would inspire technologists to help deliver solutions to the on-orbit sample capture task by facilitating an exciting racing environment in order to foster the required innovation for such a critical challenge

    What evidence is there on the effectiveness of different models of delivering urgent care? A rapid review

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    Objective The purpose of the evidence synthesis is to assess the nature and quality of the existing evidence base on delivery of emergency and urgent care services and identify gaps that require further primary research or evidence synthesis. Methods We have conducted a rapid framework-based evidence synthesis approach. Five separate reviews were conducted linked to themes in the NHS England review. A general and five theme specific database searches were conducted for the years 1995-2014. Relevant systematic reviews and additional primary research papers were included with narrative assessment of evidence quality was conducted for each review. Results The review was completed in six months. In total 45 systematic reviews and 102 primary research studies have been included across all 5 reviews. The key findings for each reviews were 1) Demand - there is little empirical evidence to explain increases in demand for urgent care, 2) Telephone triage - Overall, these services provide , appropriate and safe decision making with high patient satisfaction but required clinical skill mix and effectiveness in a system is unclear , 3) extended paramedic roles have been implemented in various health settings and appear to be successful at reducing transports to hospital, making safe decisions about the need for transport and delivering acceptable, cost-effective care out of hospital. 4)ED – The evidence on co-location of GP services with ED indicates there is potential to improve care. The attempt to summarise the evidence about wider ED operations proved to be too complex and further focused reviews are needed. 5) There is no empirical evidence to support the design and development of urgent care networks. Limitations Although there is a large body of evidence on relevant interventions much of it is weak with only very small numbers of randomised controlled trials identified. Evidence is dominated by single site studies many of which were uncontrolled. Conclusions The evidence gaps of most relevance to the delivery of services are 1) more detailed understanding and mapping of the characteristics of demand to inform service planning, 2) assessment of the current state of urgent care network development and evaluation of effectiveness of different models, and 3) Expanding the current evidence base on existing interventions that are viewed as central to delivery of the NHS England plan by assessing the implications of increasing interventions at scale and measuring costs and system impact. It would be prudent to develop a national picture of existing pilot projects or interventions in development to support decisions about research commissioning
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