Space RACE: Capturing an Orbiting Sample and a Nation’s Imagination


A proposed architecture for future planetary sample return missions would consist of capturing on-orbit a sample container (collected from the surface of a planetary body and launched into space) and transferring the sample container into an earth return/reentry capsule. A challenge to this proposed architecture is integrating space applicable sensor technologies with sufficient capturing devices. While useful technologies on Earth, Earth-related rendezvous/capture technologies, such as magnetic field sensors, sound-based sensors, and Earth orbit-based radios like GPS, are not applicable to space. Inspired by the in-orbit sample capture challenge, NASA JPL has designed the Space Rendezvous And Capture Experiment (Space RACE). During this project, we would conduct a proof of concept of the Space RACE challenge by designing a small mobile robot platform traversing along a velodrome track to detect/capture a mock-up orbiting sample moving along the same track. The Space RACE challenge would inspire technologists to help deliver solutions to the on-orbit sample capture task by facilitating an exciting racing environment in order to foster the required innovation for such a critical challenge

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