83 research outputs found

    Interregional Input-Output Analysis between the Mekong Delta Region (MDR) and the Rest of Vietnam (ROV)

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    The Mekong Delta is an important economic area, located in the southern part of Vietnam. The Mekong Delta has many potential and opportunities for development, but also new challenges in the context of global climate change, sea level rise, as well as the consequences of blocking the river and the Mekong countries also need to increase competition in international integration. In addition to these challenges, the region also has new opportunities when implementing economic restructuring in line with the policy of restructuring the economy in new conditions, including the establishment of special economic zones as PhuQuoc Resort. Besides analysis based on modern economic theory, this paper uses the input-output framework (I/O Inter-sect oral Scope Model) updated in 2016 for two areas: by the Mekong River and the Rest of Vietnam (ROV) to find inter-regional impacts and to calculate some impact assessments of climate change. The study also analyzes some other factors related to the viewpoint of sustainable regional development in new conditions, income distribution and social security


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    In this report, some results of extraction and characterization of CoQ10 from recombinant A. tumefaciens are presented. Four different cell breaking methods (sonication, acidic treatment, ethanol treatment, and enzymatic lysis) in combination with the extracting steps were carried out to extract CoQ10 and the results showed that ethanol treatment was the most efficient method. Appropriate conditions for CoQ10 extraction were 25 oC, 24 hours incubation and ethanol solvent/biomass ratio of 10:1 (ml/g). Characterization of extracted CoQ10 showed that CoQ10 was sensitive to light, but stable in the temperature ranges of 4 – 60 oC and the pH range of 6.0 – 9.0. Obtained results in present study should be applied in the large scale for CoQ10 extraction, providing the CoQ10 product for testing production of functional foods

    The theory of planned behavior and knowledge sharing: A systematic review and meta-analytic structural equation modelling.

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    The theory of planned behavior (TPB) is the most frequently used model in knowledge sharing. However, the empirical results are inconclusive on whether TPB can provide reasonable prediction of knowledge sharing behavior (KSB). This study aims to examine TPB in knowledge sharing and identify potential moderators of relationships among constructs in TPB

    Regulations on PPP contracts in Vietnam: Status Quos and Solutions

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    PPP investments have been in practice in Vietnam for more than 20 years, yet, many shortcomings and constraints have been revealed. This paper analyzes applicable legal regulations on Public-private partnership contracts of investment in Vietnam, and demonstrates barriers encountered by parties, particularly private sector, including discrepancies and non-coherence among legal documents resulting in losses, wastes of resources; absence of standard agreements/ contracts making negotiations and contract signing hard to conclude; insufficient clarity in provisions about concessioning, and responsibilities, among others. The analysis, hence, suggests how to deal with the situation by amendments, supplements to provisions on the agreements between public and private partners

    The survey on the circulation of Marek’s disease virus in local chickens in Tra Vinh province, Vietnam

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    The study was conducted to determine the circulation of Marek’s disease virus in local chickens in Tra Vinh province. A total of 343 feather follicle samples were collected from 49 unvaccinated chicken flocks for Marek disease in Tra Vinh City, Cang Long, Tra Cu, and Tieu Can districts. The samples were tested by polymerase chain reaction to detect specific meq gene of Marek’s disease virus serotype 1 (MDV-1). Information on hygiene and vaccination programs was also collected. The results showed that 45 out of 343 samples were positive for MDV-1, accounting for 13.12%. The prevalent MDV-1 in chickens in Cang Long was 17.85%, followed by Tra Vinh City (15.38%). The same prevalence of MDV-1 (9.52%) was recorded in chickens in the Tieu Can and Tra Cu districts. The differences in the prevalence of MDV-1 in chickens among surveyed sites were not statistically significant (P>0.05). There was no significant difference in the prevalence of MDV-1 by chicken breeds. The prevalence of MDV-1 in chickens from 3 to 6 months old was highest at 34.04%, followed by chickens from 1 to less than 3 months old (11.06%) and older 6 months of age (5.71%). The risk of MDV -1 infection in vaccinated chickens against Avian influenza, Newcastle disease and Gumboro disease was lower than that of unvaccinated chickens (OR=0.277, P=0.044). The combination of sanitation and disinfection decreased the risk of MDV-1 infection in chickens (OR=0.502;P=0.031)


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    Huong River’s water quality was preliminarily assessed by comparing the parameters monitored with the Vietnam Technical Regulation on Surface Water Quality. The river water quality was then assessed based on Water Quality Index (WQI). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to the river water quality data during 2017–2020 to determine the weighting (wi) of the ith water quality parameter for WQI calculation. The WQI was calculated both from wi and subindex (qi). The parameters selected (n = 11) for WQI calculation consisted of pH, EC (electric conductivity), DO, TSS, BOD5, COD, N-NH4+, N-NO3–, P-PO43–, Fe (total dissolved iron), and TC (total coliform). The parameters were monitored at 8–10 sites in 4–5 sessions (February, May, August, and November). The results show that 95% of WQI at 90–100 corresponds to water quality level ‘good’ and ‘excellent’; only 5% of WQI values at 49–77 (mainly in November 2020) corresponds to the level from ‘bad’ to ‘good’. In the flood-rainy season, the increase in concentrations of TSS and Fe and the decrease in DO concentration lead to a reduction in WQI. The river water quality was not significantly differed by space/monitoring sites (p > 0,05) with median WQIs of 97–100 but varied over time: the years 2017 and 2019 had median WQIs (99), higher than that in the years 2018 and 2020 (97) with p < 0,01.Chất lượng nước (CLN) sông Hương được đánh giá sơ bộ qua so sánh các thông số quan trắc với quy định kỹ thuật Việt Nam về CLN mặt. Tiếp theo, CLN sông được đánh giá qua Chỉ số chất lượng nước (WQI). Phương pháp phân tích thành phần chính (PCA) được áp dụng cho dữ liệu CLN sông giai đoạn 2017–2020 để xác định trọng số (wi) của thông số CLN i trong tính toán WQI. Chỉ số chất lượng nước được tính từ cả trọng số và chỉ số phụ (qi). Các thông số được lựa chọn để tính WQI gồm (n = 11): pH, EC (độ dẫn điện), DO, TSS, BOD5, COD, N-NH4+, N-NO3–, P-PO43–, Fe (tổng sắt tan) và TC (tổng coliform). Các thông số đó được quan trắc ở 8–10 vị trí trong 4–5 đợt (tháng 2, 5, 8 và 11). Kết quả cho thấy, 95% các giá trị WQI nằm trong khoảng 90–100, ứng với CLN loại ‘tốt’ và ‘rất tốt’; chỉ 5% các giá trị WQI nằm trong khoảng 49–77 (chủ yếu vào tháng 11/2020), ứng với CLN loại ‘xấu’ đến ‘tốt’. Vào mùa mưa lũ, nồng độ TSS và Fe tăng lên, nồng độ DO giảm, dẫn đến làm giảm WQI. Chất lượng nước sông không khác nhau có ý nghĩa thống kê theo không gian/vị trí quan trắc (p > 0,05) với WQI trung vị 97–100 nhưng khác nhau theo thời gian: năm 2017 và 2019 có WQI trung vị (99) lớn hơn năm 2018 và 2020 (WQI trung vị 97) với p < 0,01