22 research outputs found

    Risky decision-making and the intensity of opioid drug dependency in early phase of methadone maintenance protocol

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    Several studies show positive effect of MMT on decision-making in substance dependents, but severity of the disorder has been ignored by most of them. This study used Iowa Gambling Task(IGT) to find correlation between severity of the disorders in early phase of MMT and risky decision-making in three groups of subjects (mild, sever, control). The study shows no significant difference among groups in risky decision-making, which might be related to the effect of opioid on cognitive functions independent of the severity of the disorder, and stabilization in MMT can repair deficit in decision making shortly during the early phase

    Effects of Atomoxetine for Cognitive Function in Methamphetamine-dependent Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: A substantial body of evidence indicates that methamphetamine abuse can lead to persistent and severe cognitive dysfunction. Preclinical studies and early pilot clinical investigations suggested that atomoxetine, a cognitive enhancer, may improve cognitive dysfunction. The present study evaluated whether atomoxetine would affect cognitive dysfunction in methamphetamine-dependent patients.Methods: Participants with methamphetamine dependence (N=86) under Methadone Maintenance Therapy (MMT) were enrolled in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial. This investigation was performed on 86 subjects to consume either 40 mg/day atomoxetine (n=45) or placebo (n=41) for 8 weeks. Between January 2016 and June 2017, volunteers were selected from methamphetamine abusers in MMT centers in Kashan City, Iran. They completed the Cognitive Abilities Questionnaire at the first and each monthly visit to assess the cognitive functions. The collected data were analyzed using the Independent Samples t-test, Mann Whitney U test, and Chi-square in SPSS software.Results: This study revealed that atomoxetine treatment improved some cognitive dysfunctions in methamphetamine users, including memory, inhibitory control, selective attention, decision-making, planning, sustained attention, and cognitive flexibility in methamphetamine users (P<0.05); however, social cognition improvement was less than others (P=0.107). There were only mild adverse effects in the placebo and atomoxetine groups.Conclusion: The obtained findings indicated the efficacy of atomoxetine for improving cognitive dysfunction in methamphetamine users and suggest the potential effectiveness of atomoxetine for treating them

    Effectiveness of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) on Methamphetamine Craving

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    Introduction: Transcranial Direct-Current Stimulation is one of the most challenging version of non-invasive brain stimulation. Although it has promised effects on drug-cravings, it has not been approved by FDA as an intervention.The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of tDCS on reducingmethamphetamine craving.Method: This study was a quasi-experimental design with the pre-test, post-test and control group. The statistical population included all the methamphetamine users who were referred to the HematPayrovan Institute for treatment in 2019. The sample population were 60 males assigned randomly into two groups of experimental and control group. We applied 20 minutestDCS (2 Ma, Anode F4/Cathode FP1) for experimental group. Data were collected using the Individual Student Assessment Plan (ISAP), The Leeds Dependence Questionnaire (LDQ), and Desires for drug questionnaire (DDQ). The data were analyzed through multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA).Results: The result showed that t DCS significantly decreases methamphetamine craving in the experimental group (P<0.03).Discussion: This finding has important implications pertaining the education and mental health of methamphetamine users. Based on the results, repeated DLPFC stimulation could be a promising approach for therapeutic intervention in decreasing methamphetamine craving

    The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on quality of life of women with chronic low back pain

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    Introduction: Acceptance and commitment therapy [ACT] can enhance psychological flexibility andsubsequently improve mental health and quality of life of individuals. Also, recovery of patients withchronic low back pain (LBP) depends on several physical and psychological factors. Therefore, theauthors aimed to examine the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on qualityof life of women with chronic low back pain.Materials and Methods: It was a semi-experimental research in pre-test and post-test design togetherwith control group. Participants were 14 women with chronic low back pain attending clinical centersand hospitals of Rasht who were selected by convenience sampling. Next, they were randomlyassigned to experimental (ACT+ usual medical care) and the control group (usual medical care only).Then, experimental group received ACT for 8 one-hour sessions. To analyze the data, covarianceanalysis was used. The instrument was self-reported by the World Health Organization's quality oflife. Data analysis was performed using analysis of independent t-test.Results: Results indicated reduction effect in pain severity in the patients who practiced 8 sessionsACT reported significantly lower pain than patients who only received usual medical care. Also, theresults shows that except of subscale of physical health (p < 0.38) there was significant increase in allother subscales of quality of life in experimental group (p < 0.001).Conclusion: The results show that acceptance and commitment therapy reduces pain severity andimproves the quality of life and recommends use of coping strategic with pain in patients with chroniclow back pain (CLBP). Counselling of treatment counsellors and family therapists recommended acounselling centers and family education classes in order to improve quality of life of female patientswith CLBP

    Effectiveness of neurofeedback on attention, working memory, processing speed, and anxiety in dyslexic children

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    BACKGROUND: Presently, some treatments such as neurofeedback therapy (NFT) have become of great importance in the treatment of psychological disorders. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of NFT on attention and working memory, processing speed, and anxiety of dyslexic children. METHODS: This quasi-experimental research was conducted with an unbalanced control group, a pretest-posttest design, and follow-up. The statistical population was all dyslexic children of 7-10 years of age in Karaj, Iran, from December 2021 to January 2022. The participants included 45 dyslexic children who were randomly divided into 3 groups of 15 people. The first and second groups received cognitive rehabilitation and NFT, respectively, and the third group received no treatment (control group). NFT was presented in 15 sessions (30-minutes) in the experimental groups. The instruments included the Integrated Visual and Auditory (IVA) + PLUS, Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS), Clinical Q Assessment, and the ‎Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (SCAS)‎. SPSS software was applied for data analysis. RESULTS: The findings showed that after NFT, the scores of the experimental group in all outcomes decreased in the posttest and follow-up phases (P < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that the educational content of NFT can be used to increase attention, working memory, and processing speed, and reduce anxiety in dyslexic children. Therefore, it is suggested that the results of similar studies be applied in educational fields

    The Psychometric Properties of the Obsessive Compulsive Drug Use Scale (OCDUS) Among Iranian Methamphetamine Abusers

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    Background and Aim:Drug craving as a multidimensional subjective experience recently is accepted as a hallmark for addiction. The Obsessive Compulsive Drug Use Scale (OCDUS), measures the overall craving level within a period from a multidimensional perspective.&nbsp;This study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of the OCDUSamong Iranian methamphetamine abusers. Materials and Methods:OCDUS was translated from English into Farsi by language experts. The questionnaire was then used for evaluation of craving among 50 male methamphetamine abusers. Then, OCDUS questionnaire' scores was subjected to exploratory principal components factor analysis. To assess construct validity of OCDUS, the model was evaluated using confirmatory factor analysis. Internal consistency was examined by calculating Cronbach’s alpha. Results:Exploratory factor analysis identified 2-dimensional components that included, "Desire consumption and mental employment with materials", "The Impact of drug desire and Thoughts on Consumer Work and Life". Finally, the Persian version of OCDUS was verified with 10 items and two factors with high eigenvalues 76.5% of the total variance. Given the relative fit of the confirmatory factor model, the construct validity of the OCDUS was verified. Conclusion:The Farsi-translated version of OCDUS questionnaires had good psychometric properties. The questionnaire could be considered as a valid and reliable instrument for the assessment of drug craving level in Iranian methamphetamine abusers

    The Psychometric Properties of the Desires for Drug Questionnaire (DDQ) among Iranians Methamphetamine Abusers

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    Introduction: Drug-craving as a multidimensional subjective experience recently has beenaccepted as an addiction hallmark. Desire for Drug Questionnaire or DDQ is a well-knownquestionnaire for measurement of drug craving severity. This study aimed to investigate thepsychometric properties of the DDQ among Iranian methamphetamine abusers.Method: DDQ was translated from English into Farsi by language experts. The questionnaire wasthen used for evaluation of craving among 50 male methamphetamine abusers. Then, DDQquestionnaire' scores was subjected to an exploratory principal components factor analysis. Toassess construct validity of DDQ, the model was evaluated using confirmatory factor analysis.Internal consistency was examined by calculating cronbach’s alpha.Results: Finally, the Persian version of DDQ was verified with 13 items and three factors. Threefactors with high eigenvalues were identified by (PCA) that accounted for 70.63% of the totalvariance. Given the relative fit of the confirmatory factor model, the construct validity of the DDQwas verified. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the total score of the questionnaire was 0.86.Conclusion: The Farsi-translated version of DDQ questionnaires had good psychometric properties.The questionnaire could be considered as a valid and reliable instrument for the assessment of drugcraving level in Iranian methamphetamine abusers

    Modulation of Drug Craving in Crystalline-Heroin Users by Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation of Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex

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    Background: Drug craving, the main cause of relapse and a major motivator for drug use, is a challenging obstacle in substance use treatment. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), a non-invasive neuromodulatory technique, has shown promising outcomes in treating different neuropsychiatric disorders such as drug addiction, more specifically on drug craving. The aim in the current study was to examine the effects of applying tDCS on dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) in reducing drug cravings in former crystalline-heroin users enrolled in methadone maintenance (MMT) programs. Methods: The present study was a semi-experimental, crossover study with pre/post-test, and a control group. 40 right-handed men were selected from former crystalline-heroin users enrolled in MMT programs in Tehran, Iran. They were then divided into two matched groups based on age, education, and age of onset crystalline-heroin abuse. Desire for Drug Questionnaire (DDQ) was administered two times to all of the subjects, before first brain stimulation, and at the end of the last session. Experimental group received TDCS on DLPFC, and sham stimulation was applied on control subjects. The data were analyzed by analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) method using SPSS software. Findings: The study results indicated anodal tDCS over right and cathodal TDCS over left DLPFC, and in parallel with sham, significantly decreased drug cravings among former crystalline-heroin users (P < 0.050). Conclusion: This study showed that applying TDCS on DLPFC of former crystalline-heroin users reduces drug craving. The findings of this study expanded the results of previous studies on effects of this neuromodulatory technique for drug craving reduction in other drug type settings

    Molecular characterization of Candida dubliniensis and Candida albicans in the oral cavity of drug abusers using duplex polymerase chain reaction

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    Background and Purpose: Candida dubliniensis is closely related to the most pathogenic and prevalent yeast, namely C. albicans. Candida species can opportunistically overgrow in vulnerable individuals and cause a variety of diseases. The current study aimed to identify and isolate C. dubliniensis species present in the Candida albicans species complex identified in the oral cavity of drug abusers. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on 53 strains of C. albicans species complex, isolated from the oral mucosa of drug abusers in Isfahan, Iran. DNA extraction was accomplished through boiling procedure. Duplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed to amplify ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region using four specific primers. Fungal species were identified based on the difference in the size of the bands created in the Agarose gel. Results: Out of the 53 isolates under study, 30 (56.6%) and 14 (26.4%) samples were identified as C. albicans and C. dubliniensis, respectively. In the remaining 9 samples (17%), both types of Candida species were confirmed. Conclusion: The findings of the present study revealed the presence of a noticeable amount of C. dubliniensis in the oral cavity of drug abusers. Therefore, the probable presence of this fungus should be considered during the examination of oral infection among this group. To date, no research has directly investigated this issue in Iran