16 research outputs found

    Овариальный резерв в динамике у девушек-подростков и молодых женщин после хирургического лечения по поводу доброкачественных болезней яичников

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    It was done estimation the condition of ovarian reserve of 51 women 15—25 years old in dynamic after surgery and conservative treatment for benign non-inflammatory ovarian diseases, by identification of AMG level, ovarian volume and count of antral follicles in each ovarian immediately and after 6 month after treatment. Complemented the existing ideas about the negative effects on the state of ovarian reserve intervention and specific nosology.Проведена оценка состояния овариального резерва у 51 женщин 15—25 лет после оперативного и консервативного лечения по поводу доброкачественных невоспалительных болезней яичника при помощи определения уровня АМГ, обьема яичников и количества антральных фолликулов в каждом из них в динамике сразу и через 6 месяцев после операции. Дополнены имеющиеся представления о негативном влиянии на состояние овариального резерва оперативного вмешательства и определенных нозологий


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    Patients with III f.c. exertional angina display the signs of chronic DIC. I stage incipient characters are revealed in 42,6% of patients, II stage characters - in 57,4% of patients. Soluble fibrin monomer complexes are initial markers of the chronic DIC. In identical angina pectoris clinical presentation the degree of activity and the DIC syndrome stage can be diverse. The DIC syndrome stage depends on the coronary heart disease duration, angina pectoris and the duration of the accompanied cardiac insufficiency

    Worster-Drought syndrome. Neurological pattern (case report)

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    L.M. Shchugareva1,2, O.V. Poteshkina1,2, V.D. Petrova2, P.A. Salamanov2 1Children’s City Hospital No. 1, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 2I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Worster-Drought syndrome (WDS) is a rare neurological disorder characterized by dissociation of voluntary and involuntary movements of the face, mouth, tongue, dysarthria, and oromotor dyspraxia. WDS rate varies from 1–9 per 100,000 to 1 per 25,000–30,000 newborns. Anterior (frontal) operculum, including the lower Rolandic area. WDS is diagnosed in the neonatal period based on a typical phenotype and neuroimaging findings. The prognosis is determined by medical care, epilepsy management, and rehabilitation. We describe a child with a severe WDS phenotype. In this child, abnormal intrauterine neuronal migration was associated with established cytomegalovirus meningoencephalitis in the neonatal period. Moreover, phenotypic signs (dissociation of voluntary and involuntary movements, dysarthria, severe salivation, microcephaly, and epilepsy) were coupled with neuroimaging findings (bilateral polymicrogyria of the opercular area and microcephalia). Pediatricians should be awa re of WDS clinical polymorphism. The knowledge base is upgraded annually. Keywords: Worster-Drought syndrome, congenital pseudobulbar palsy, seizures, dysarthria, developmental delay, microcephalia, polymicrogyria. For citation: Shchugareva L.M., Poteshkina O.V., Petrova V.D., Salamanov P.A. Worster-Drought syndrome. Neurological pattern (case report). Russian Journal of Woman and Child Health. 2022;5(1):90–96 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.32364/2618-8430-2022-5-1-90-96. </p

    The use of plant-tissue composition at hemofilter the polyserositis of pigs (illness glasser)

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    The purpose of the research in the article is to study a specific infectious disease – hemophilous polyserositis of pigs, its spread in the territory of the Ural region. Epizootological analysis of Piglet morbidity was shown, laboratory studies were conducted, and recommendations for the treatment and prevention of this disease were made. Evaluation of the specific effectiveness of the plant - tissue immunomodulator “Vidoral” in the treatment of hemophilous polyserositis in pigs and increasing the protective activity of vaccines. The features of the development of the epizootic process in hemophilous polyserositis of pigs in the studied agricultural enterprises of two regions of the Ural region are characterized. The role and place of porcine hemophilous polyserositis among respiratory diseases of infectious etiology in the formation of the nosological profile of infectious pathology is determined. The drug Vidoral on a plant and tissue basis was theoretically justified and studied, and the effectiveness of its use in animals with hemophilous polyserositis in pigs was determined

    Pulse-periodic ecr-heating plasma mode in L-2M stellarator [ИМПУЛЬСНО-ПЕРИОДИЧЕСКИЙ РЕЖИМ ЭЦР-НАГРЕВА ПЛАЗМЫ В СТЕЛЛАРАТОРЕ Л-2М]

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    The electron cyclotron resonance method is one of the main methods for plasma heating in modern thermonuclear devices. Mechanisms of ionization and plasma heating by microwave waves are actual for increasing the temperature of the plasma's electron component to the required values. This article presents the results of analysis of the experiments on creation and heating of high-temperature plasma confined in a stellarator magnetic trap. Heating was carried out in a pulse-periodic mode in a time-varying magnetic field with microwave pulses regulated in amplitude and time with pauses between them; their duration varied in the range of 1-4 ms. Dynamic of the electron temperature and density profiles were investigated with the EC-heating modulating as well as the edge plasma features. © 2020 National Research Center Kurchatov Institute. All rights reserved