2,857 research outputs found

    Obilježja protukršćanske politike bugarskih kanova od prve polovice 9. stoljeća

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    This paper explores the persecution of Christians in Bulgaria in the first half of the 9th century and the influence of external and internal factors on this process. The Bulgar khans, guided by primarily political considerations, undertook repressive measures against Christians within their country, who were seen as a potential source of Byzantine influence and a threat to Bulgarian political independence. Eventually, the hostility towards Christians was overcome after the Christianization of Bulgarians in the 860s

    Noise diodes as a source of entropy for hardware random number generators

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    The purpose of this article is to describe the use of digital noise generators based on semiconductor noise diodes as part of systems for generating key numerical sequences used in cryptographic security methods. The classification of modern methods of cryptographic protection and the algorithms underlying them are considered. It is shown that ensuring high information entropy in systems for generating encryption keys is possible by using generators of truly random number sequences and cryptographically secure generators of pseudo-random number sequences. A number of disadvantages inherent in widely used sources of physical noise are described, namely: low spectral density of broadband noise, limited frequency range, nonlinearity of the noise spectrum, difficulties in technical implementation when using some methods, especially under conditions of extreme temperatures and exposure to special factors. It has been confirmed that the noise properties of semiconductor noise diodes depend on the composition and constancy of the defect-impurity structure, and defect engineering makes it possible to control their electrical parameters. The study of inhomogeneities and defects in noise diodes and the development on this basis of methods for controlling the level of structural defects made it possible to create technologies for their generation and annealing, and to improve a number of electrical and statistical properties of noise diodes

    Аналіз застосовуваних форм навчання з охорони праці посадовців АПК Запорізької області

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    Світовий та український досвід показує, що навчання працівників і фахівців безпечним прийомам праці, вимогам охорони праці, наданню першої допомоги потерпілим на виробництві є ефективним інструментом зниження виробничого травматизму і профзахворювань. У даному контексті вдосконалення навчання з охорони праці шляхом впровадження в навчальний процес інноваційних освітніх технологій продовжує залишатися актуальним напрямом діяльності навчальних організацій

    Protected areas network in the Murmansk Region: yesterday, today, and tomorrow

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    The article represents a retrospective of nature conservation in the Murmansk Region. It is devoted to the period since the first State Nature Reserves to the present day. Today, the network of Protected Areas (PA) in the Murmansk Region consists of three nature state Reserves, one National Park, two nat-ural parks, 12 protected areas “Zakaznik”, 55 nature monuments and the protected area of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute. The total area of the PA is 1,947,799.4 hectares or 13.4% of the Mur-mansk Region. An effectiveness of the PA was assessed due to the correspondence of the protection regimes and the threats. The authors concluded that effective environmental protection could be realized only in small part of PA, mainly in nature state reserves and national park, whose total area is only 4.2% of the Murmansk Region. At the present level of efficiency, even if it will be possible to achieve a share of Pas equal to 16.4% of the region’s area, it is hardly possible to guarantee the proper level of biodiversity conservation and the stability of the ecosystem of the region