1,567 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric deformations of F1-NS5-branes and their exact CFT description

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    We consider certain classes of operators in the exact conformal field theory SL(2,R) x SU(2) x U(1)^4 describing strings in an AdS(3) x S(3) x T4 geometry supported by Neveu--Schwarz 3-form fluxes. This background arises in the near-horizon limit of a system of NS5-branes wrapped on a 4-torus and F1-branes smeared on the 4-torus when both types of branes are located at the same point in their common transverse space. We find a class of operators that lead to spacetime supersymmetric deformations. It is remarkable that most of these operators are not chiral primary with respect to the N=2 superconformal algebra on the wordsheet. A subset of these worldsheet conformal field theory deformations admits an interpretation either as a geometric deformation of the brane system or as a deformation of the distribution of the F1-branes, viewed as smooth instantons, inside the wrapped NS5-brane worldvolume. The 2-dimensional conformal field theory, however, seems to lack operators corresponding to arbitrary NS5-brane deformations, in contrast to pure NS5-brane systems where all geometric deformations can be accounted for by chiral primary operators.Comment: 30+1 pages, 1 table; v2 minor changes, version to appear in JHE

    R^2 Corrections and Non-perturbative Dualities of N=4 String ground states

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    We compute and analyse a variety of four-derivative gravitational terms in the effective action of six- and four-dimensional type II string ground states with N=4 supersymmetry. In six dimensions, we compute the relevant perturbative corrections for the type II string compactified on K3. In four dimensions we do analogous computations for several models with (4,0) and (2,2) supersymmetry. Such ground states are related by heterotic-type II duality or type II-type II U-duality. Perturbative computations in one member of a dual pair give a non-perturbative result in the other member. In particular, the exact CP-even R^2 coupling on the (2,2) side reproduces the tree-level term plus NS 5-brane instanton contributions on the (4,0) side. On the other hand, the exact CP-odd coupling yields the one-loop axionic interaction a.R\wedge R together with a similar instanton sum. In a subset of models, the expected breaking of the SL(2,Z)_S S-duality symmetry to a \Gamma(2)_S subgroup is observed on the non-perturbative thresholds. Moreover, we present a duality chain that provides evidence for the existence of heterotic N=4 models in which N=8 supersymmetry appears at strong coupling.Comment: Latex2e, 51 pages, 1 figur


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    We use a linear FROG technique based on electro-optic modulation to fully characterise for the first time pulses from a 1.06 ”m FP laser diode and design a grating to provide optimum pulse compression

    Nonlinear optical thresholding in a 4-Channel OCDMA system via two-photon absorption

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    We demonstrate the use of a Two-Photon Absorption based detector in an OCDMA system. This detector provides a significant performance improvement over standard linear detection

    Interplay of linear and nonlinear impurities in the formation of stationary localized states

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    Formation of stationary localized states in one-dimensional chain as well as in a Cayley tree due to a linear impurity and a nonlinear impurity is studied. Furthermore, a one-dimensional chain with linear and nonlinear site energies at the alternate sites is studied and rich phase diagrams of SL states are obtained for all systems we considered. The results are compared with those of the linear and nonlinear systems.Comment: 7 pages, Latex, 7 figure

    G3-homogeneous gravitational instantons

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    We provide an exhaustive classification of self-dual four-dimensional gravitational instantons foliated with three-dimensional homogeneous spaces, i.e. homogeneous self-dual metrics on four-dimensional Euclidean spaces admitting a Bianchi simply transitive isometry group. The classification pattern is based on the algebra homomorphisms relating the Bianchi group and the duality group SO(3). New and general solutions are found for Bianchi III.Comment: 24 pages, few correction

    NS5-branes on an ellipsis and novel marginal deformations with parafermions

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    We consider NS5-branes distributed along the circumference of an ellipsis and explicitly construct the corresponding gravitational background. This provides a continuous line of deformations between the limiting cases, considered before, in which the ellipsis degenerates into a circle or into a bar. We show that a slight deformation of the background corresponding to a circle distribution into an ellipsoidal one is described by a novel non-factorizable marginal perturbation of bilinears of dressed parafermions. The latter are naturally defined for the circle case since, as it was shown in the past, the background corresponds to an orbifold of the exact conformal field theory coset model SU(2)/U(1) times SL(2,R)/U(1). We explore the possibility to define parafermionic objects at generic points of the ellipsoidal families of backgrounds away from the circle point. We also discuss a new limiting case in which the ellipsis degenerates into two infinitely stretched parallel bars and show that the background is related to the Eguchi-Hanson metric, via T-duality.Comment: 24 page

    Non-Perturbative Gravitational Corrections in a Class of N=2 String Duals

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    We investigate the non-perturbative equivalence of some heterotic/type II dual pairs with N=2 supersymmetry. The perturbative heterotic scalar manifolds are respectively SU(1, 1)/U(1) x SO(2, 2+NV)/ SO(2) x SO(2+NV) and SO(4, 4+NH)/ SO(4) x SO(4+NH) for moduli in the vector multiplets and hypermultiplets. The models under consideration correspond, on the type II side, to self-mirror Calabi-Yau threefolds with Hodge numbers h(1,1)= NV +3= h(2,1)= NH +3, which are K3 fibrations. We consider three classes of dual pairs, with NV=NH=8, 4 and 2. The models with h(1,1)=7 and 5 provide new constructions, while the h(1,1)=11, already studied in the literature, is reconsidered here. Perturbative R2-like corrections are computed on the heterotic side by using a universal operator whose amplitude has no singularities in the (T,U) space, and can therefore be compared with the type II side result. We point out several properties connecting K3 fibrations and spontaneous breaking of the N=4 supersymmetry to N=2. As a consequence of the reduced S- and T- duality symmetries, the instanton numbers in these three classes are restricted to integers, which are multiples of 2, 2 and 4, for NV=8, 4 and 2, respectively
