144 research outputs found

    Operational considerations for lunar transportation

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    Transportation of people and cargo between low Earth orbit and the surface of the Moon will be one of the most important elements in a lunar base program. This paper identifies some of the important lessons from the space shuttle program and discusses their application in future lunar vehicle operations. Also, some unique challenges in flight planning, training, vehicle servicing, payload integration, and flight control for lunar transportation are outlined. This paper relies heavily on recent studies of space shuttle development and operations with the goal of applying shuttle experience in the design of a practical and efficient lunar transportation system

    Economic growth and financial statement verification

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    We use a proprietary data set of financial statements collected by banks to examine whether economic growth is related to the use of financial statement verification in debt financing. Exploiting the distinct economic growth and contraction patterns of the construction industry over the years 2002–2011, our estimates reveal that banks reduced their collection of unqualified audited financial statements from construction firms at nearly twice the rate of firms in other industries during the housing boom period before 2008. This reduction was most severe in the regions that experienced the most significant construction growth. These trends reversed during the subsequent housing crisis in 2008–2011 when construction activity contracted. Moreover, using bank‐ and firm‐level data, we find a strong negative (positive) relation between audited financial statements during the growth period, and subsequent loan losses (construction firm survival) during the contraction period. Collectively, our results reveal that macroeconomic fluctuations produce temporal shifts in the overall level of financial statement verification and temporal shifts in verification are related to bank loan portfolio quality and borrower performance.Accepted manuscrip

    Paper Session III-A - A Commercial Launch System for Large Payloads

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    Although it is not impossible, it is difficult to envision practical human exploration missions beyond Earth orbit without the ability to launch payloads much larger than the capacity of the Space Shuttle and other existing launch systems. Assembling massive spacecraft from twenty-ton segments involves coordination of multiple launches from different sites, long-term orbital storage, and complex integration activities in space. The only hope for this approach is to dramatically lower the cost per launch in order to balance the high integration cost and operational risk. Achieving lower launch costs with existing systems has proven to be an elusive goal. If it were possible to launch much heavier payloads at a cost per flight which is comparable to that of existing systems then there might be an alternative to the multiple-launch approach. But heavier payloads imply a lower launch rate which makes the investment in a new vehicle and associated infrastructure difficult to justify. One solution to this problem may be to devise a heavy-lift launcher which shares the same infrastructure as an existing system

    Orbiting Depot and Reusable Lander for Lunar Transportation

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    A document describes a conceptual transportation system that would support exploratory visits by humans to locations dispersed across the surface of the Moon and provide transport of humans and cargo to sustain one or more permanent Lunar outpost. The system architecture reflects requirements to (1) minimize the amount of vehicle hardware that must be expended while maintaining high performance margins and (2) take advantage of emerging capabilities to produce propellants on the Moon while also enabling efficient operation using propellants transported from Earth. The system would include reusable single- stage lander spacecraft and a depot in a low orbit around the Moon. Each lander would have descent, landing, and ascent capabilities. A crew-taxi version of the lander would carry a pressurized crew module; a cargo version could carry a variety of cargo containers. The depot would serve as a facility for storage and for refueling with propellants delivered from Earth or propellants produced on the Moon. The depot could receive propellants and cargo sent from Earth on a variety of spacecraft. The depot could provide power and orbit maintenance for crew vehicles from Earth and could serve as a safe haven for lunar crews pending transport back to Earth

    Orbital debris sweeper and method

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    An orbital debris sweeper is provided for removing particles from orbit which otherwise may impact and damage an orbiting spacecraft. The debris sweeper includes a central sweeper core which carries a debris monitoring unit, and a plurality of large area impact panels rotatable about a central sweeper rotational axis. In response to information from the debris monitoring unit, a computer determines whether individual monitored particles preferably impact one of the rotating panels or pass between the rotating panels. A control unit extends or retracts one or more booms which interconnect the sweeper core and the panels to change the moment of inertia of the sweeper and thereby the rotational velocity of the rotating panels. According to the method of the present invention, the change in panel rotational velocity increases the frequency of particles which desirably impact one of the panels and are thereby removed from orbit, while large particles which may damage the impact panels pass between the trailing edge of one panel and the leading edge of the rotationally succeeding panel

    Paper Session III-B - A Transportation System for a Lunar Base

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    This paper will discuss the conceptual design of a transportation system for supporting a permanent base on the surface of the Moon, early in the Twenty-first Century. There is a brief description of a particular lunar base development scenario from which the requirements for the transportation system were derived. The lunar base concept was developed as part of the Lunar Base Systems Study at the Johnson Space Center. The transportation system consists of a node in low Earth orbit, an orbital transfer vehicle (OTV), and a landing craft. The OTV provides transportation between Earth orbit and lunar orbit. The landing craft transports payloads between lunar orbit and the lunar surface. Each of the vehicles can be operated in an expendable mode or a reusable mode. If the OTV is to be re-used, its return to Earth orbit is accomplished with an aerobraking maneuver. If the landing craft is to be re-used, it is stored on the lunar surface between missions and refueled in lunar orbit by an OTV. Both vehicles use liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen as propellants. The lunar vehicles are intended to be operated either as automated cargo vehicles or for transport of personnel. The payload capacity ranges from 6,000 kilograms for a round-trip mission with a crew, to 25,000 kilograms for a one-way cargo delivery mission. The techniques used in developing the conceptual design will be discussed as will other transportation options, which were considered in system selection

    A Facility for Testing High-Power Electric Propulsion Systems in Space: A Design Study

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    This paper will describe the results of the preliminary phase of a NASA design study for a facility to test high-power electric propulsion systems in space. The results of this design study are intended to provide a firm foundation for a subsequent detailed design and development activities leading to the deployment of a valuable space facility supporting the new vision of space exploration. The objectives for human and robotic exploration of space can be accomplished affordably, safely and effectively with high-power electric propulsion systems. But, as thruster power levels rise to the hundreds of kilowatts and up to megawatts, their testing will pose stringent and expensive demands on existing Earth-based vacuum facilities. These considerations and the access to near-Earth space provided by the International Space Station (ISS) have led to a renewed interest in space testing. The ISS could provide an excellent platform for a space-based test facility with the continuous vacuum conditions of the natural space environment and no chamber walls to modify the open boundary conditions of the propulsion system exhaust. The platform would be designed to accommodate the side-by-side testing of multiple types of electric thrusters currently under development and thus provide a strong basis for comparing their relative performance. The utility of testing on the station is further enhanced by the human presence, enabling close interaction with and modification of the test hardware in a true laboratory environment. These conditions facilitate rapid development and flight certification at potentially lower cost than with conventional Earth-bound facilities. As an added benefit, the propulsive effect of these tests could provide some drag compensation for the station, reducing the re-boost cost for the orbital facility. While it is expected that the ISS will not be capable of generating continuous levels of high power, the utilization of state-of-the-art energy storage media would be sufficient to achieve very high power levels over intervals short enough to be feasible and long enough to provide ample demonstration of steady-state operation. This paper will outline the results of the preliminary phase of the design study with emphasis on the requirements that will dictate the system design

    Space Station trash removal system

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    A trash removal system for space stations is described. The system is comprised of a disposable trash bag member and an attached, compacted large, lightweight inflatable balloon element. When the trash bag member is filled, the astronaut places the bag member into space through an airlock. Once in the vacuum of space, the balloon element inflates. Due to the large cross-sectional area of the balloon element relative to its mass, the combined balloon element and the trash bag member are slowed by atmospheric drag to a much greater extent than the Space Station's. The balloon element and bag member lose altitude and re-enter the atmosphere, and the elements and contents are destroyed by aerodynamic heating. The novelty of this system is in the unique method of using the vacuum of space and aerodynamic heating to dispose of waste material with a minimum of increase in orbital debris

    A Plasma Rocket Demonstration on the International Space Station

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    The Advanced Space Propulsion Laboratory at the NASA Johnson Space Center has been engaged in the development of a magneto-plasma rocket for several years. This type of rocket could be used in the future to propel interplanetary spacecraft. One feature of this concept is the ability to vary its specific impulse so that it can be operated in a mode that maximizes propellant efficiency or a mode that maximizes thrust. For this reason the system is called the Variable Specific Impulse Magneto-plasma Rocket or VASIMR. This ability to vary specific impulse and thrust will allow for optimum low thrust interplanetary trajectories and results in shorter trip times than is possible with fixed specific impulse systems while preserving adequate payload margins. In the development of the VASIMR technology, a series of ground-based experiments and space demonstrations are envisioned. A ground-based experiment of a low-power VASIMR prototype rocket is currently underway at the Advanced Space Propulsion Laboratory. The next step is a proposal to build and fly a 25-kilowatt VASIMR rocket as an external payload on the International Space Station. This experiment will provide an opportunity to demonstrate the performance of the rocket in space and measure the induced environment. The experiment will also utilize the space station for its intended purpose as a laboratory with vacuum conditions that cannot be matched by any laboratory on Earth. The VASIMR experiment will also blaze the trail for the wider application of advanced electric propulsion on the space station. An electric propulsion system like VASIMR, if provided with sufficient electrical power, could provide continuous drag force compensation for the space station. Drag compensation would eliminate the need for reboosting the station, an operation that will consume about 60 metric tons of propellant in a ten-year period. In contrast, an electric propulsion system would require very little propellant. In fact, a system like VASIMR can use waste hydrogen from the station's life support system as its propellant. This waste hydrogen is otherwise dumped overboard. Continuous drag compensation would also improve the microgravity conditions on the station. So electric propulsion can reduce propellant delivery requirements and thereby increase available payload capacity and at the same time improve the conditions for scientific research

    Interview with Terry Eagleton

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