6 research outputs found

    Management of female handball players' activity applying interactive technologies

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    The efficiency of developed methods for the control of female handball players' readiness to competitive activity was determined. The opportunities of team management regarding the specification of playing role, the formation of the starting line of players and the replacement according to game priorities in attack or defense were considered. The availability of the adequate zone of handball players' mobilizing readiness that allows to have a significant influence on individual effectiveness in the conditions of optimal management and to increase the quality of team game was determined

    Вплив психофізичного стану гандболісток різної кваліфікації на їх підготовленість

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    Studied features a selection of handball players of various skill levels through interdependence parameters psychophysical condition. The study involved 243 handball players of various skill levels. Conducted anthropometric measurements, physical fitness testing, to determine the state of psycho-physiological functions, the calculation of the success of competitive activities. Found that for every subsequent stage of preparing young handball players are selected with certain anthropometric parameters. The selection of qualified athletes indicate a significant advantage of psychophysiological indicators. At the middle level of general physical preparedness depending on the length and circumference of the lower limbs in the making of sportsmanship. Middle and high dependence on the success of competitive activity indicators of spatial perception, logical and spatial thinking is installed in a group of skilled athletes. Identifying additional parameters for the selection of the stages of many years of sports training handball.Изучались особенности отбора гандболисток разной квалификации через взаимозависимость параметров психофизического состояния. В исследованиях принимали участие 243 гандболистки разной квалификации. Проводились антропометрические измерения, тестирование физической подготовленности, определение состояния психофизиологических функций, расчет успешности соревновательной деятельности. Выяснено, что на каждый последующий этап подготовки юные гандболистки отбираются с определенными антропометрических параметрами. Отбор же квалифицированных спортсменок указывает на существенное преимущество психофизиологических показателей. Установлена средняя степень зависимости общей физической подготовленности от длины и окружности нижних конечностей в период становления спортивного мастерства. Средняя и высокая степень зависимости успешности соревновательной деятельности от показателей восприятия пространства, логического и пространственного мышления установлена в группе квалифицированных спортсменов. Обозначены дополнительные параметры для отбора на этапах многолетней спортивной подготовки гандболисток.Вивчалися особливості відбору гандболісток різної кваліфікації через взаємозалежність параметрів психофізичного стану. У дослідженнях приймали участь 243 гандболістки різної кваліфікації. Проводилися антропометричні вимірювання, тестування фізичної підготовленості, визначення стану психофізіологічних функцій, розрахунок успішності змагальної діяльності. З’ясовано, що на кожний наступний етап підготовки юні гандболістки відбираються з певними антропометричних параметрами. Відбір же кваліфікованих спортсменок вказує на істотну перевагу психофізіологічних показників. Встановлена середня ступінь залежності загальної фізичної підготовленості від довжини і обхвату нижніх кінцівок у період становлення спортивної майстерності. Середня і висока ступінь залежності успішності змагальної діяльності від показників сприйняття простору, логічного і просторового мислення встановлена в групі кваліфікованих спортсменів. Позначені додаткові параметри для відбору на етапах багаторічної спортивної підготовки гандболісток

    Properties of playing and tactical thinking of female handball players with different qualification

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    Basic properties of varieties of tactical thought of handballers are considered. The level of their display is shown for the sportswomen of different qualification. 78 sportswomen took part in research. For determination of parameters of tactical and playing thought the method of «Balltest» is utillized in an attack and defence. Priority of exactness and speed of thought is set depending on the level of sporting trade of handballers. Different influence of speed of thought is well-proven on the rightness of decision of playing situations of different orientation in the handballers of mass digits and high level of display of the indicated properties of thought for the sportswomen of high qualification. It is discovered that a level of display of basic properties of tactical thought is in defence substantially below of other varieties of thought. It is marked that with the increase of trade of players there were possibilities to growth of quantitative and speed parameters of tactical thought

    Properties of playing and tactical thinking of female handball players with different qualification

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    Basic properties of varieties of tactical thought of handballers are considered. The level of their display is shown for the sportswomen of different qualification. 78 sportswomen took part in research. For determination of parameters of tactical and playing thought the method of «Balltest» is utillized in an attack and defence. Priority of exactness and speed of thought is set depending on the level of sporting trade of handballers. Different influence of speed of thought is well-proven on the rightness of decision of playing situations of different orientation in the handballers of mass digits and high level of display of the indicated properties of thought for the sportswomen of high qualification. It is discovered that a level of display of basic properties of tactical thought is in defence substantially below of other varieties of thought. It is marked that with the increase of trade of players there were possibilities to growth of quantitative and speed parameters of tactical thought

    Effect of psychophysical state on different qualification’s handball players on their preparedness

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    <p>Studied features a selection of handball players of various skill levels through interdependence parameters psychophysical condition. The study involved 243 handball players of various skill levels. Conducted anthropometric measurements, physical fitness testing, to determine the state of psycho-physiological functions, the calculation of the success of competitive activities. Found that for every subsequent stage of preparing young handball players are selected with certain anthropometric parameters. The selection of qualified athletes indicate a significant advantage of psychophysiological indicators. At the middle level of general physical preparedness depending on the length and circumference of the lower limbs in the making of sportsmanship. Middle and high dependence on the success of competitive activity indicators of spatial perception, logical and spatial thinking is installed in a group of skilled athletes. Identifying additional parameters for the selection of the stages of many years of sports training handball.</p

    Properties of playing and tactical thinking of female handball players with different qualification

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    <p>Basic properties of varieties of tactical thought of handballers are considered. The level of their display is shown for the sportswomen of different qualification. 78 sportswomen took part in research. For determination of parameters of tactical and playing thought the method of «Balltest» is utillized in an attack and defence. Priority of exactness and speed of thought is set depending on the level of sporting trade of handballers. Different influence of speed of thought is well-proven on the rightness of decision of playing situations of different orientation in the handballers of mass digits and high level of display of the indicated properties of thought for the sportswomen of high qualification. It is discovered that a level of display of basic properties of tactical thought is in defence substantially below of other varieties of thought. It is marked that with the increase of trade of players there were possibilities to growth of quantitative and speed parameters of tactical thought.</p