521 research outputs found

    Palmer-Chalker correlations in the XY pyrochlore antiferromagnet Er2Sn2O7

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    \ersn\, is considered, together with \erti, as a realization of the XY antiferromagnet on the pyrochlore lattice. We present magnetization measurements confirming that \ersn\, does not order down to 100 mK but exhibits a freezing below 200 mK. Our neutron scattering experiments evidence the strong XY character of the \er moment and point out the existence of short range correlations in which the magnetic moments are in peculiar configurations, the Palmer-Chalker states, predicted theoretically for an XY pyrochlore antiferromagnet with dipolar interactions. Our estimation of the \ersn\, parameters confirm the role of the latter interactions on top of relatively weak and isotropic exchange couplings

    International trade in services and inequalities: Empirical evaluation and role of tourism services

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    This study investigates the impact of the international openness in tourism services trade on wage inequality between highly skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled workers in the tourism industry. The sample covers 10 developed countries and expands over 15 years. A cointegrated panel data model and an error correction model were used to distinguish between the short- and long-run effects. The results are compared to those of openness of business services and manufactured goods. The findings point out that tourism increases wage inequality at the expense of the least skilled workers in the long run and the short run

    Une nouvelle concurrence aérienne internationale en Polynésie Française : et aprÚs ?

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    Spin dynamics in the ordered spin ice Tb2_2Sn2_2O7_7

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    Geometrical frustration is a central challenge in contemporary condensed matter physics, a crucible favourable to the emergence of novel physics. The pyrochlore magnets, with rare earth magnetic moments localized at the vertices of corner-sharing tetrahedra, play a prominent role in this field, with a rich variety of exotic ground states ranging from the "spin ices" \hoti\ and \dyti\ to the "spin liquid" and "ordered spin ice" ground states in \tbti\ and \tbsn. Inelastic neutron scattering provides valuable information for understanding the nature of these ground states, shedding light on the crystal electric field (CEF) level scheme and on the interactions between magnetic moments. We have performed such measurements with unprecedented neutron flux and energy resolution, in the "ordered spin ice" \tbsn. We argue that a new interaction, which involves the spin lattice coupling through a low temperature distortion of the trigonal crystal field, is necessary to account for the data

    Displacement damage effects due to neutron and proton irradiations on CMOS image sensors manufactured in deep submicron technology

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    Displacement damage effects due to proton and neutron irradiations of CMOS image sensors dedicated to imaging are presented through the analysis of the dark current behavior in pixel arrays and isolated photodiodes. The mean dark current increase and the dark current nonuniformity are investigated. Dark current histogram observations are compared to damage energy distributions based on GEANT 4 calculations. We also discuss, through annealing analysis, which defects could be responsible for the dark current in CMOS image sensors

    Similarities Between Proton and Neutron Induced Dark Current Distribution in CMOS Image Sensors

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    Several CMOS image sensors were exposed to neutron or proton beams (displacement damage dose range from 4 TeV/g to 1825 TeV/g) and their radiation-induced dark current distributions are compared. It appears that for a given displacement damage dose, the hot pixel tail distributions are very similar, if normalized properly. This behavior is observed on all the tested CIS designs (4 designs, 2 technologies) and all the tested particles (protons from 50 MeV to 500 MeV and neutrons from 14 MeV to 22 MeV). Thanks to this result, all the dark current distribution presented in this paper can be fitted by a simple model with a unique set of two factors (not varying from one experimental condition to another). The proposed normalization method of the dark current histogram can be used to compare any dark current distribution to the distributions observed in this work. This paper suggests that this model could be applied to other devices and/or irradiation conditions

    Influence of displacement damage dose on dark current distributions of irradiated CMOS image sensors

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    Dark current increase distributions due to displacement damages are modeled using displacement damage dose concept. Several CMOS image sensors have been exposed to neutrons or protons and we have characterized their degradation in terms of dark current increase. We have been able to extract a set of two factors from the experimental dark current increase distributions. These factors are used to predict and build dark current increase distribution and leads to a better understanding of displacement damage effects on CMOS image sensors
