35 research outputs found

    Roles of Logistics in Air Transportation

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    Article discusses about the implementation of logistics principles into the airport operations, the activities of air carriers and organization of airport processes. The airport is under review comprehensively, as an integrated logistics system, using elements of partnership collaboration (/Collaborate Decision Making /CDM) which is based on the common sharing of information by various elements of the system

    Plant Simulation as an Instrument of Logistics and Transport of Materials in a Digital Factory

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    The competition of international manufacturing networks creates pressure to increase the efficiency of manufacturing systems. In addition to this, indicative for the present period is the fact that the number of technical components in many products is increasing, and at the same time the requirements are growing for corresponding assembly, transport and logistical processes. These requirements can be administered and recognized in the scope of their complexity only through the use of an array of rapid and efficient methods in the form of a digital factory. This contribution points to the practical application of the Plant Simulation software module from the portfolio of the digital factory of Siemens PLM. This complex instrument with an environment for controlling the life cycle of a product enables repeated utilization of data, supports effective cooperation between individual units, and provides relevant data for each user who needs it, mainly from the viewpoint of strategic decision-making. The simulation of the entire flow of material, including all relevant divisions of manufacturing, storing and transport activities, is considered as the key component of the digital factory in industry and from this day forward is the most often used

    The Use of CAX Systems as a Tool for Modeling Construction Element in the Aviation Industry

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    The article deals with the adjustment of the wing selected part of the plane Viper SD-4 from slovak producer with using environment of software Siemens NX9. The adjustment is carried out after consultation with the test pilots of this plane and tries to take into account the observations made during the test flights. The first part of the article is focused on the current construction of the wings and its parts. The second part describes how digitalize the real wing by using reverse engineering. The last section describes adjustment of the design and its 3D model in a virtual environment. The model is created in the environment Modeling and Aero Sheet Metal in software Siemens NX. When modelling was also used part of the drawing documentation from the manufacturer. This article deals with the wing treatment on the theoretical base

    Flight Planning with Respect to Meteorological Conditions

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    The paper “Flight planning with respect to meteorological conditions” describes how flight planning in commercial air transport depends on meteorological conditions. In first part, the article describes satellite products for meteorological analyses such as IR technologies. In next parts authors are talking about thunderstorm, icing and volcanic ash detection methods in atmosphere. In the last part of the paper are shown some modern diagnostic system for identifying dangerous meteorological phenomena and their potential for flight panning

    Construction and Safety Aspects of Glass Used in Aviation Transport

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    Glass is an essential component of several sectors which significantly form our present-day economy. These include machining, the chemical industry, the electrotechnology industry, construction, the automobile industry, the aviation industry and many others. The aim of this article is to provide some detail about and explain the technology used for manufacturing glass which is subsequently used in the automobile and aviation industries and the specific adaptations which help to improve its characteristics. A general trend is increasing the share of final products having high added value, which is done by finishing glass with special processes of surface modifications, mechanical treatment and thermodynamic processes with targeted special traits, including a wide scale of functional coatings

    Posouzení nákupní atmosféry NIKE a ADIDAS

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    Práca posudzuje nákupnú atmosféru v dvoch maloobchodných jednotkách spoločností Nike a Adidas. Celá práca je rozdelená do troch kapitol. Prvá kapitola najskôr vymedzuje nákupnú atmosféru všeobecne a postupne približuje, čo všetko sa podieľa na jej tvorbe. Úlohou druhej kapitoly je predstavenie spoločností Nike a Adidas. Tretia a zároveň posledná kapitola hodnotí nákupnú atmosféru, a to najprv pomocou terénneho výskumu, a následne podľa marketingového prieskumu. Nasleduje výsledné porovnanie oboch jednotiek. Posledným bodom je zhodnotenie výsledkov a prezentácia návrhov na zlepšenie.Práce posuzuje nákupní atmosféru ve dvou maloobchodních jednotkách společností Nike a Adidas. Celá práce je rozdělená do třech kapitol. První kapitola vymezuje nákupní atmosféru obecně a postupně přibližuje, co všechno se podílí na její tvorbě. Úlohou druhé kapitoly je představení společností Nike a Adidas. Třetí a zároveň poslední kapitola hodnotí nákupní atmosféru, a to nejdříve pomocí terénniho výzkumu, a následně podle marketingového průzkumu. Následuje výsledné porovnaní obou jednotek. Posledním bodem je zhodnocení výsledků a prezentace návrhů na zlepšení.This thesis is about evaluating shopping atmosphere in two retail units Nike and Adidas. Thesis is divided to three chapters. First chapter is dedicated to definition of shopping atmosphere and it also characterizes criterions which make this atmosphere. Second chapter describes companies Nike and Adidas. Third chapter analyses atmosphere in these retail stores using two research methods. Last point is about analysing results. There are also some proposals how to improve negative points

    Evaluating of shopping atmosphere in NIKE and ADIDAS

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    This thesis is about evaluating shopping atmosphere in two retail units Nike and Adidas. Thesis is divided to three chapters. First chapter is dedicated to definition of shopping atmosphere and it also characterizes criterions which make this atmosphere. Second chapter describes companies Nike and Adidas. Third chapter analyses atmosphere in these retail stores using two research methods. Last point is about analysing results. There are also some proposals how to improve negative points

    Aviation Applications for User Segment

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    The article describes aviation applications for user segment, their accuracy and certification of aviation GNSS. Paper describes classes of aviation augmentation systems like SBAS ABAS, GBAS and GRAS. Next part describes benefits to users for precision approach or oceanic flights and modernization of GNSS and next gen ATC management systems

    Psychological Readiness of Air Traffic Controllers for their Job

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    This article highlights the importance of examining human factors in aviation, especially in air traffic control. It analyzes the factors affecting performance of air traffic controllers (ATC) and increase or decrease of security. The aim is to eliminate the risk factors affecting air traffic controllers in the working and the training phase