20 research outputs found
Kuusamon rautatiehanke Suomen itsenäistymisestä talvisotaan
Tiivistelmä. Pro gradu -tutkielmani käsittelee Kuusamon rautatiehanketta Suomen itsenäistymisen ja talvisodan välisellä ajanjaksolla. Kyseessä on edelleen enemmän tai vähemmän vireillä oleva toteutumaton hanke rautatien puuttuessa kyseiseltä paikkakunnalta. Raideliikenteen merkityksen ollessa tänä päivänä huomionarvoinen muun muassa ilmastokysymyksen vuoksi, tarkastelee tutkielmani raideliikenteen historiaa ja aikaa, jolloin rautatieverkon rakentaminen oli vielä vilkasta. Tutkimusajanjaksolla tehtiin myös lopulliset, vielä tänä päivänä voimassa olevat ratkaisut nykyisen Koillismaan rautatiekysymyksessä.
Tutkielmani kannalta keskeisin tutkimuskirjallisuus koostuu Valtionrautateiden historiateoksista, Kuusamon historiaa käsittelevistä paikallishistorioista ja -tutkimuksista sekä muun muassa teollisuuteen, talouteen, infrastruktuuriin sekä maanpuolustukseen liittyvästä tutkimuskirjallisuudesta. Lähdeaineistoni koostuu seuraavista: Pohjois-Suomessa ilmestyneet sanomalehdet, valtiopäivien keskustelupöytäkirjat sekä asiakirjat, Kuusamon kunnanvaltuuston pöytäkirjat sekä rautatiehankkeessa mukana olleiden toimijoiden ja viranomaisten tekemät rautatiekirjat ja muut aineistot. Tutkimusotteeni on historiallis-kvalitatiivinen. Tutkimus etenee pääosin kronologisesti prosessin eli rautatiehankkeen etenemisen mukaan huomioiden lähdekriittiset peruskysymykset.
Suomen itsenäistyessä maan rautatiepolitiikka ja myös Kuusamon rautatiehanke muuttuivat maan sisäiseksi kysymykseksi ja kehyksiksi muodostuivat talouselämä, maanpuolustus ja valtakunnan yhdistäminen. Ratapolitiikkaa ohjasivat eduskunnassa kuitenkin pitkälti paikallisintressit kansanedustajien pyrkiessä saamaan ratoja omille seuduilleen. Näitä paikallisintressejä pyrittiin kitkemään pois laatimalla useampivuotisia rautatierakennuslakeja asiantuntijoiden johdolla. Rautateiden rakentaminen oli myös aluepolitiikkaa, jossa syrjäseutuja pyrittiin kytkemään tiiviimmin valtakunnan yhteyteen asutustoiminnan ohella ja toisaalta pääsemään runsaiden luonnonresurssien, etenkin metsävarojen yhteyteen valtioperiferiassa, johon Kuusamo ja muu Pohjois-Suomi laskettiin. Maa- ja metsätalousvaltaisessa Suomessa luonnonresurssit olivat merkittävässä roolissa ulkomaankaupan kannalta.
Tutkielmani osoittaa teollisuuden ja valtakunnallisen kehityksen vahvan roolin ratakysymysten ohjaajana, toisin kuin varsinkin paikallishistorialliset teokset, jotka ovat keskittyneet paikallisten toimijoiden välisiin ristiriitoihin koskien Kuusamon radan suuntakysymystä. 1920-luvulla sahatavara eli vahvaa nousukautta, mikä suosi ratojen rakentamista rannikolla sijaitseville sahalaitoksille ja satamiin. Suhdanneherkkä sahateollisuus ajautui 1920- ja 1930-luvun taitteen laman myötä vaikeuksiin, kun taas korkeampiasteinen maan sisäosissa sijainnut puunjalostusteollisuus pystyi nostamaan tuotantoaan. Ratapolitiikkaa punnittiin myös suhteessa kasvaneeseen maantieliikenteeseen ja edelleen käytössä olleisiin ja hinnoiltaan edullisiin uittoihin. Näin ollen suhdannevaihtelut ja liikenteen kokonaiskehitys joko edistivät tai heikensivät paikallisten rata-aktiivien vaatimuksia ja niiden perusteluja
MTDATA and the prediction of phase equilibria in oxide systems : 30 years of industrial collaboration
This paper gives an introduction to MTDATA, Phase Equilibrium Software from the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), and describes the latest advances in the development of a comprehensive database of thermodynamic parameters to underpin calculations of phase equilibria in large oxide, sulfide, and fluoride systems of industrial interest. The database, MTOX, has been developed over a period of thirty years based upon modeling work at NPL and funded by industrial partners in a project co-ordinated by Mineral Industry Research Organisation. Applications drawn from the fields of modern copper scrap smelting, high-temperature behavior of basic oxygen steelmaking slags, flash smelting of nickel, electric furnace smelting of ilmenite, and production of pure TiO2via a low-temperature molten salt route are discussed along with calculations to assess the impact of impurities on the uncertainty of fixed points used to realize the SI unit of temperature, the kelvin
MTDATA and the Prediction of Phase Equilibria in Oxide Systems: 30 Years of Industrial Collaboration
The use of calcined paper mill sludge as a chemical precipitant in the simultaneous removal of ammonium and phosphate:paper mill waste recycling and reuse
The European Union’s (EU) circular economy strategy aims to increase recycling and re-use of products and waste materials. According to strategy, the use of industry waste material and side flows should be more effective. In this research, a chemical precipitation method to simultaneously remove phosphate and nitrogen using calcined paper mill sludge was tested. Paper mill sludge is a waste material formed in the paper-making process. It mainly contains calcium carbonate and cellulose fibers. Objective of this research was to test whether the industrial waste could be used as low cost precipitation chemical for ammonium and phosphate removal from wastewaters or the precipitate could be suitable for fertilizer use. The study results indicated that calcined paper mill sludge removed as much ammonium nitrogen and phosphate as commercial CaO. Furthermore, the results showed that calcined paper mill sludge removed efficiently phosphate from the liquid phase of anaerobic digestate, which leads to formation of hydroxyapatite, Ca₅(PO₄)₃(OH). In this study we have shown, that calcined paper mill sludge can be used to manufacture recycled, slow-release fertilizers. Other possible mechanisms for the removal of phosphate and ammonium were also considered
The Use of Ca- and Mg-rich fly ash as a chemical precipitant in the simultaneous removal of nitrogen and phosphorus:recycling and reuse
The European Union’s circular economy strategy aims to increase the recycling and re-use of products and waste materials. According to the strategy, the use of industry waste material should be more effective. A chemical precipitation method to simultaneously remove phosphorus and nitrogen from synthetic (NH4)2HPO4 solution and the liquid phase of anaerobic digestate using fly ash as a precipitant was tested. Fly ash is a waste material formed in the power plant process. It mainly contains calcium oxide (CaO) and magnesium oxide (MgO). Saturated precipitant solution was prepared from fly ash, which was added in small proportions to (NH4)2HPO4 solution during the experiment. Fly ash’s effectiveness as a precipitant was compared with that of commercial CaO and MgO salts, and it can be observed that fly ash removed as much ammonium and phosphate as commercial salts. Fly ash sufficiently removed ammonium nitrogen and phosphate from the liquid phase of anaerobic digestate, which led to the formation of ammonium magnesium hydrogen phosphate hydrate, struvite (NH4MgPO4·6H2O), and calcium hydroxide phosphate, monetite, CaPO3(OH). In this study, we have shown for the first time that fly ash can be used to manufacture recycled, slow-release fertilizers from anaerobic digestate
Ten-year resistance training background modulates somatosensory P3 cognitive brain resonse in older men : a magnetoencephalograpy study
The brain electrophysiological component P3, associated with good cognitive abilities, deteriorates during healthy aging. Both cognitive functions and P3 component amplitude respond positively to exercise, but the effects of resistance training on P3 are much less studied. Short-term resistance training interventions in older adults indicate modulation towards larger P3 amplitude, but this association has not been studied with a longitudinal study design. We investigated magnetoencephalographically recorded P3 (P3m) in a unique study design of nine aged men (mean age 77.7 y) with quasi-supervised resistance training background over a 10-year period and eight controls of similar age (mean age 77.5 y) with no training background. We elicited P3m utilizing lower limb electrical stimulation, as the resistance training program was mostly directed to lower limbs. Somatosensory oddball paradigm was performed with the right foot's fourth toe as standard (90%) and hallux as deviant (10%). Participants were asked to respond to deviants with a button press using their left index finger. Topographic maps showed bilateral temporoparietal activation for P3m in both groups. No amplitude differences were found in active P3m regions between groups. However, the groups differed in hemispheric activity of P3m. The exercise group showed stronger activation in the right frontotemporal and parietal sensor-groups compared to the left sensor-groups, and the control group showed stronger activation in right frontotemporal sensor-group compared to left. The control group showed shorter P3m latency in the right temporal sensor-group than the exercise group, but the latencies in other sensor-groups were similar. In aging, the brain utilizes compensatory areas to perform cognitive tasks. Our results suggest modulation in topographic distribution of P3m activity in aging men with long-term resistance training background compared to their controls. This might arise from a difference in age-related compensatory mechanisms in P3m generation.peerReviewe
The use of industrial waste materials for the simultaneous removal of ammonium nitrogen and phosphate from the anaerobic digestion reject water
The European Union’s circular economy strategy aims to increase the recycling and re-use of products and waste materials. According to the strategy, the use of industry waste materials and side flows is required to be more effective. In this research, a chemical precipitation method to simultaneously remove ammonium and phosphate from the reject water of anaerobic digestion plant using calcined paper mill sludge and fly ash as a precipitant, was tested. Paper mill sludge is a waste material formed in the paper-making process, and fly ash is another waste material formed in the power plant. Objective of this research was to test whether these industrial waste streams could be used as low cost precipitation chemicals for ammonium and phosphate removal from wastewaters and whether the precipitate could be suitable for fertilizer use. Results indicated that calcined paper mill sludge had high removal efficiency for both ammonium (97%) and phosphate (73%). Fly ash also had good removal efficiency for both ammonium nitrogen (74%) and phosphate (59%) at 20 ± 2 °C. The precipitates contained high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphate and could be used as a recycled fertilizer. Other possible mechanisms for the removal of phosphate and ammonium were considered
Use of calcined dolomite as chemical precipitant in the simultaneous removal of ammonium and phosphate from synthetic wastewater and from agricultural sludge
Phosphorus as phosphate and nitrogen as ammonium or nitrate are the main nutrients in wastewaters and agricultural sludges. They runoff easily to waterways and cause eutrophication in water bodies. However, ammonium and phosphate could be precipitated simultaneously and used as recycled nutrients. In this research, dolomite calcined at 650 °C, 750 °C, or 950 °C and commercial MgO were used as precipitants in simultaneous phosphate and ammonium removal from synthetic (NH₄)₂HPO₄ solution and agricultural sludge. Calcination at 750 °C was the preferred option as dolomite was decomposed to MgO and CaCO₃ for optimal struvite precipitation. Molar ratios of 1.1–1.6:1–2:2 (Mg:P:N) were employed in the experiments. Very robust ammonium removal was obtained with MgO (57%), dolomite 650 °C and dolomite 750 °C (75%). MgO removed almost all phosphate, while dolomite 650 °C removed 65%, and dolomite 750 °C removed 60% (70% from agricultural sludge). Some part of the phosphate was adsorbed, most likely by CaCO₃, during dolomite precipitation. Struvite was the only identified reaction product in all samples after 24 h of precipitation. Calcined dolomite had great potential in ammonium and phosphate precipitation from both synthetic waters and agricultural sludges and the precipitates could be used as recycled fertilizers