35 research outputs found

    IFNL3 polymorphisms and HCV infection in patients with beta thalassemia

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    Background and relationale for the study. Genome-wide association studies have identified host genetic variation to be critical for spontaneous clearance and treatment response in patients infected with hepatitis C virus. Recently, the role of the IFNL3 polymorphisms in influencing the spontaneous clearance of HCV, the response to interferon and the progression of liver fibrosis, was also demonstrated in patients with thalassemia major infected by genotype 1b. In the present study we retrospectively analyzed 368 anti-HCV positive patients with beta-thalassemia at two Italian major centers in Cagliari and Torino. Results. C/C variant of polymorphism rs12979860 was related to response to interferon treatment and, above all, to spontaneous clearance of the virus. However, the positive predictive power was stronger for viral persistence than spontaneous clearance and in such respect the TT allele was more predictive than CC. The methylation associated polymorphism rs4803221 had independent effects with respect to rs12979860 and the haplotype tagged by SNP rs12979860 and rs4803221 significantly could improve the viral clearance prediction in infected patients. Neither necroinflammation or bilirubin values in the chronic phase of the hepatitis C were related to IFNL3 polymorphisms. No relation among IFNL3 polymorphisms and fibrosis stage directly shown by the liver biopsy was found. Conclusions. Also in thalassemia the SNPs on chromosome 19q13 closely associates with spontaneous and treatment-induced HCV clearance. The viral clearance prediction is significantly improved by the haplotype tagged by SNP rs12979860 and rs4803221. Neither necroinflammation, bilirubin values or fibrosis stage seem to be related to IFNL3 polymorphisms

    Delta-Globin Gene Expression Is Enhanced in vivo by Interferon Type I

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    Beta hemoglobinopathies are widely spread monogenic lethal diseases. Delta-globin gene activation has been proposed as a possible approach for curing these pathologies. The therapeutic potential of delta-globin, the non-alpha component of Hemoglobin A2 (α2Ύ2; HbA2), has been demonstrated in a mouse model of beta thalassemia, while its anti-sickling effect, comparable to that of gamma globin, was established some time ago. Here we show that the delta-globin mRNA level is considerably increased in a Deoxyribonuclease II-alpha knockout mouse model in which type 1 interferon (interferon beta, IFNb) is activated. IFNb activation in the fetal liver improves the delta-globin mRNA level, while the beta-globin mRNA level is significantly reduced. In addition, we show that HbA2 is significantly increased in patients with multiple sclerosis under type 1 interferon treatment. Our results represent a proof of principle that delta-globin expression can be enhanced through the use of molecules. This observation is potentially interesting in view of a pharmacological approach able to increase the HbA2 level

    Use of Imaging Spectroscopy for Mapping and Quantifying the Weathering Degree of Tropical Soils in Central Brazil

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    The purpose of this study was to test the feasibility of applying AVIRIS sensor (Airborne Visible/InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer) for mapping and quantifying mineralogical components of three Brazilian soils, a reddish Oxisol in São João D'Aliança area (SJA) and a dark reddish brown Oxisol and Ultisol in Niquelùndia (NIQ) counties, Goiås State. The study applied the spectral index RCGb [kaolinite/(kaolinite + gibbsite) ratio] and was based on spectral absorption features of these two minerals.The RCGb index was developed for the evaluation of weathering degrees of various Brazilian soils and was validated by the analysis of soil samples spectra imaged by AVIRIS and checked against laboratory mineralogical quantification (TGA:Thermal Gravimetric Analysis). Results showed to be possible mapping and quantifying the weathering degree of the studied soils and that the two selected areas presented different weathering degrees of their soils even for a same soil type

    A Biochip reader for qualitative and quantitative analysis of images, in particular for the analysis of single or multiple Biochips

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    A biochip reader for qualitative and quantitative analysis of images, in particular for the analysis of single or multiple biochips with different colorimetric signals for different targets of biological interest such as drugs or nucleic acids, fat acids and proteins from viruses, prokaryotes and eukaryotes organisms, obtained from human, animal, vegetal or environmental biological samples. Said biochip reader comprises: - an optical head 18, able to moving itself in one direction Y, comprising: - at least one visible light source 20 or 21 - at least two CCD sensors 16 and 17, attached each other; each CCD comprising a reflective lens set 24 and a focalising lens 25; - control means, able to control said optical head 18 and its one-dimensional motion. Being each CCDs attached each other, then each half, or portion of, image has an identical position or angle error of the other half, or portion of, image, so as the joining process becomes immediat

    New Morphometric Data of Lunar Sinuous Rilles

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    On the surface of the Moon a large number of linear features are recognizable. Long and narrow depressions are defined as lunar rilles. Their morphology has different characteristics, related to their origin. Among these, the sinuous rilles represent lineaments considered remnants of shallow lava channels. In this article, a quadrant of the Moon has been analyzed to recognize and map this type of morphology. An accurate morphometric analysis has been accomplished, using the lunar reconnaissance orbiter camera which has a resolution of 100 m/pixel, and the digital elevation model from lunar orbiter laser altimeter with a resolution of 6 m/pixel. A total of 51 sinuous rilles have been recognized in the study area, 18 of which are new, improving a previous catalogue. The resulting quantitative and qualitative measurements were analyze and compared each other' to identify potential morphological trends. Different relationships between morphological parameters have been proposed, and the results enhance the importance of substrate composition in the evolution of these features, emerged mainly from the variations in width and depth values. The linear relationship between these two parameters is consistent with the idea that erosion efficiency acts proportionally in both vertical and horizontal directions. Partial filling phenomena by subsequent lava flows probably occurred in some sinuous rilles located in maria. The hypothesis of a constructive genesis requires further investigation to identify the levees created by sinuous rilles' formation process